
Hannah's Room

Slowly but surely I am transforming Hannah's room into a "big girl" room. I put up this tree in her room tonight and got some other things hung. A few more touches and it will be complete. I will take more pictures when it is all done. Then I will be on to the baby room.


Hannah's Silly Faces

Had to post these pictures of Hannah being silly. She is getting to be such a crazy girl.

I can not believe I am already to 21 weeks. It seems like the weeks are just getting by me. This is my last week at Bethany...in the office. I am resigning as pregnancy counselor and will only be working with the adoptive couples. This will give me a schedule where I can be at home and rarely need to be in the office. I will miss my birthmoms. They are so amazing and make such courageous decisions, even when it is to parent. I am so glad that God has allowed me to do this work and hopefully I will get to do it again.


It's A.....

We had our 20 week sonogram yesterday and found out that we are having a girl. Hannah has been saying for quite some time that she was having a baby sister so I guess she was right. Chris was able to be at the appointment via Skype so that was fun. The doctor's office was very nice to help get the computer set up and placed where Chris could see the screen. I thought we had to have cake to celebrate.

So this is the view coming in my driveway this morning. We woke up to about 2" of snow and I heard we got around 3. It is all melted now and hopefully that was the last snow of the season. Maybe??

And this was Hannah on Sunday. Gram gave her this dress for Christmas. She is getting so big it just breaks my heart. She is talking up a storm and very aware of what is going on around her. She is missing her daddy like crazy so we are glad to only have a little over 2 months to go.