
Last Day in Abilene

We were able to spend our last day in Abilene on the lake. Wes and Holly graciously took us out to Lake Cisco for a last run. Here are some pics from our day.

Allison skiing

Chris doing his tricks on the wake board

Chris was able to get Davis to let go of the ladder on the boat and swim out a little--a big day for Davis! We were all proud.

Holly and me looking our finest!

My favorite 4 year old. I can not say how much I am going to miss this guy!

Later that night we had our going away party. Thank you so much Holly and Jessica. We had a great time even though I spent most of the night in tears. We are really going to miss all of our Abilene friends. You are all wonderful!

We went to Abuelo's for our "last meal"...had to get in the Mexican. London was getting some last minute "alli time". Isn't she so cute?



So, the house is packed, the boxes are headed to South Dakota and we are living on base in the TLF---Temporary Lodging Facility. We hope to close on our house Friday, it was scheduled for Monday and we hope to drive out of Abilene on Sunday. It will be an incredibly sad day for me but we are looking forward to new beginnings in Rapid City. Here are some pictures I took of Hannah on moving day.

She loved the ramp. I think we had to move her out of the mover's way several times!


We had a great time in Vegas. We saw 2 shows: Cirque de Soleil's "O" and Terry Fator, the vantriliquist who won America's Got Talent. O was INCREDIBLE. I am so glad that we were able to go. We had great seats and it was a really good time. Terry Fator was hysterical.

Graduation was Saturday night. Chris got the Top Grad award and the Flight Award. We are all very proud! Here are some pictures from graduation. I did not do a good job of having the camera with me at any other time.

Sunday, Chris and I hung out at some of the malls off the stip and then went to Emeril's Delmonico. It was awesome! Chris always gets to go to the fancy places when he is out of town so this was a great treat for me!

The WUG spouses...we survived!

I did not get a picture of him looking forward.

The trophies....had to be mailed home.


This is my cousin's daughter, Rissie. Her dad has bright red hair like Hannah!

Sitting on the porch...my favorite picture

This is as close to the water that Hannah would go.

Chillin' with Gram

Driving the boat with Aunt "CC"


Our Crazy Life

No, We have not dropped off the face of the earth. Our lives have been CRAZY the past 2 weeks and is only going to get more so. I left for Mississippi Memorial Day Weekend. Hannah and I made the 12 hour drive all in one day. We were both a little loopy by Jackson but we made the last 2 1/2 hours and were so glad to see Gram and Granddaddy.
On Memorial Day I took Hannah to visit Chris' grandmother Lucile. Hannah was so cute saying, "Hi Cile" and giving her kisses. This must have been all Lucile needed. She gave up her long fight with COPD and passed away on Wednesday. Chris was in the Abilene airport getting ready to head to Vegas when I called him. He was able to talk to his commander and come home for the weekend.
Chris left on Sunday to head to Vegas and I left with my mom, sister and Hannah to go to our lake house in Alabama. It was such a wonderful week!! Pictures will come soon.
I am now writing this from Vegas. I got into Abilene this past Sunday. I have been working on getting the house ready for the movers. They will be on our doorstep one week from today.
I got into Vegas last night. Chris is graduating from Weapon's School and I am so proud of him. He has survived a very intense past 6 months. We are staying at The Flamingo and graduation will be Saturday night. It is going to be a lot of fun.
We will be back to Abilene Monday night. Tuesday, we will drive to Shreveport and meet my mom to pick up Hannah. Back to Abilene that night, movers Thursday and Friday and we close on our house on the 22nd!!! AAUUGGHH!
We have not set a date to depart from Abilene but it will most likely be sometime close to July 1st. Chris needs to be in Rapid City, SD on July 6th.
So, this is our crazy life.