
Day at the Zoo

We spent yesterday afternoon at the Zoo while our Open House was going on. Here are some fun pictures of Chris and Hannah:

Freedom from the stroller:

Looking at the giraffes:

The Bear:

Looking at the Bear, When we left she waved and said "bye bear!":
We spent Saturday afternoon planting flowers. It has only taken us 4 years and a For Sale sign to get motivated:

I was proud of my arrangement that I threw together in 10 minutes:


Abilene Mayor's Round-up 5K

Today I ran a 5K with some of my squadron girls. I also got to run with my favorite twins...Brayden and Sydney. We had a lot of fun. I finished right under 27 minutes with Kerry. I am thinking about running the March of Dimes 5K next weekend. I think I am addicted.
Just for anyone else addicted...runningskirts.com has a half-off sale on Fridays and since their skirts are $48 I liked the half off!

At the start:

Catching up with Sydney and Brayden:

Coming through the finish line:

Anna, Sara, me, Amanda, Kerry and Brandi:

Sydney and Brayden...aren't they cute and great runners!


Happy Easter

Here are a few pictures from our Easter morning. Our church celebrates Easter at the Civic Center so we took Hannah to a new spot for nursery. She seemed to enjoy the new faces and they told us that she ate goldfish the whole time. Not surprising.
We enjoyed our last Easter service with Pioneer Drive. I even snuck into one last performance of our Easter Pageant on Thursday night. They do 5 performances over 2 weekends. It was a lot of fun and I will miss it next year.
We hope everyone had a great Easter!