
I'm going to be an AUNT!

I am so excited! My sister has finally announced to the public that she and Hal are having a baby! I have known for over a month and have been waiting for her to announce to everyone else that she is expecting. She is due in October and Hannah can not wait to meet her first cousin!
We have been quite crazy around here. Our house in on the market and I feel like I am cleaning and straightening every spare minute. It does make me sad to see the "For Sale" sign in our yard. I think it makes our moving more of a reality.
Hannah goes for her 18 month check-up tomorrow so I will try to take some pictures and get her statistics. The big question...Will she be 20 pounds?


Easter Egg Hunt

Our Sunday School class had an Easter Egg Hunt today for the kids. Hannah got lots of candy and one sweet family was nice enough to share a prize with Hannah since they got two. We had a great time.


Trip to the Wallace Farm

Since Weapons School started the wives have been getting together for dinner once a week. Tonight we went to Amber's farm. As you can see she has a horse, llama, dogs, and cats. All were a big hit with Hannah and Ashlyn. We had such a good time and it was a gorgeous evening to be outside. It has been really nice to be able to have the support of the other spouses whose husbands are also in Weapons School. The guys are putting in an incredible amount of hours at work and we rarely see them at home. Chris says the half-way mark is next week and since this week has been really tough with 3 night flights, we are really ready for the end to be in sight.

Hannah and Ashlyn looking at the dogs. Hannah liked to stick her fingers through the fence so they could lick her.

Amber and Ashlyn feeding the horse treats.

The horse is getting the treat out of my hand and it felt really funny, hence my face.

Kerry and Ashlyn with the animals

Ashlyn was such a big girl riding the horse.

Nike Trainer

I can't seem to get this Nike Widget to work but it is suppose to counting down the days to the 1/2 Marathon in Rapid City. I am going to run the Crazy Horse 1/2 on October 4. I met with Dr. Shannon Cooke, who is awesome, on Tuesday. He found that there was fluid on my knee and with a Medrol pack and some stretching I will be back to running long distances soon. I had my first visit with PT today and she told me I had really tight hamstrings. I knew this already but she showed me some great stretches that will hopefully loosen everything up. I should only have to do a couple of weeks of therapy and then can be on my own to do lots of stretching.
I am so glad that my knee is easily repaired and I will come away with knowledge of how to protect it from any further injuries. Now I just have to convince Chris to run with me in October.


A Girl Needs a Tractor

Chris and I were buying dog food for Maggie at Tractor Supply yesterday and ran across this pink tractor on clearance. We could not pass it up. She really likes it even though she can't touch the pedals yet. She has learned how to climb on and sit in the seat without help so she just sits on it and turns the steering wheel. She will be on the go before we know it.



Thanks to Mrs. Jessica for bringing the slide over to our yard. Hannah is having a blast. What will we do without neighbors who let us borrow so many toys?

Sick Girls

Hannah and I did not have a great weekend. Hannah starting running a temp on Friday and then I got a stomach bug Friday night. Chris was wonderful to take care of us both on his one day off. Although he was petrified that he was going to get sick. We are all feeling better now and looking forward to a busy week.
I go see Dr. Cooke tomorrow. I am anxious for him to tell me if I am going to be able to run again, hopefully without surgery. I will let you all know what he says tomorrow.



Hannah had a great time yesterday sharing her wagon with Davis and London. London is her best friend and she always going around the house saying "londy, londy". It is the cutest thing.


So I put Hannah's hair in ponytails today and she was less than thrilled. I think I must have pulled too hard and so after that she did not want any part in rubber bands in her hair. I thought they looked pretty cute though. We will try again tomorrow or later today if she will let me.


Towel Time

Since we have been home Hannah has not been too keen on taking a bath but the other night she really enjoyed playing with her towel. She kept asking Chris to put it back on her head so she could walk around. It was the cutest thing.

Hannah has also learned how to crawl up on the couch. Here, Chris is helping her but usually she can do it all by herself. I really think she would enjoy gymnastics. I hope we can find her a program in Rapid City this fall.