

Hannah arrived Sep 28 at 9:23 pm. She is 6lbs 4oz and is 19 inches long. Hannah also is crowned with bright red hair. Mom and baby both did splendid and mom is recovering well.

Still Waiting

Nothing developed yesterday. My contractions settled down by the afternoon so I cooked dinner and invited friends over. What else is there to do? Guess we will see how things go today. We will continue to keep you posted.



Well I woke up this morning with contractions. We had an appointment with our doctor and he sent us to the hospital. They are out of rooms so we have been sent home to wait it out for the afternoon. So far they are about 5 or so minutes apart but are not very painful. We will keep everyone posted. Maybe Hannah wants to come today.


Ranch Rodeo

My friend sent me these pictures from this past weekend. We went out to a Ranch Rodeo to see a couple of our friends participate in some of the events. The guys are checking out the action. Maybe they are considering getting a team together. :) The girls just visited but we did watch our friends when it was their turn.

38 Weeks
Well, we went to the doctor yesterday and he has scheduled us for an induction on October 2nd, unless I go into labor before then. We are very ready for Hannah to be here so this may be a long week. Chris is off work so we are trying to get everything finished for her arrival.



People have talked about the "nesting stage" and I didn't think I was going to go through that until this week. Being at home has really made me want to get everything ready and finished in case Hannah gets here early. Between resting, I have washed the newborn clothes and all the blankets and burp cloths. Yesterday I put the base and car seat in the car and then that afternoon got bottles and pacifiers ready and in the cabinet.

We received our swing/infant seat/toddler rocker from our good friend, Mrs. Melinda. The swing I picked out converts to an infant seat and then later to a toddler rocker. The infant seat just lifts off the swing base and you can move it around where ever you need it to be. I am hoping that Hannah will like it.

Infant Seat

Toddler Rocker
Today we went to see Dr. Kroeger for a follow-up after our time in Labor and Delivery Tuesday. My blood pressures were all good and my lab work came back with no signs of problems. I will go back and have another sonogram on Monday and back to see Dr. Kroeger. Looks like we are going to get really chummy with these doctors here at the end!!


Last Shower

My friends gave me a great shower last night. It was a lot of fun and Hannah is just about set with all she needs. I think we just have a few odds and ends to get before she arrives.
Today we went to see Dr. Mayberry for another sonogram. He estimates Hannah to weigh 6lbs 6ozs and 18-19 inches long. He thought that her lungs and heart all looked really good.
My blood pressure did crazy things when we went over to see Dr. Kroeger so that won us a free ticket to Labor and Delivery for observation. I had perfect blood pressures there so they sent me home on moderate bed rest. I will go back to the doctor on Friday. We will keep you posted. Miss Hannah may make an early appearance.


Hospital Shower

My wonderful co-workers gave me a really nice shower and going away party on Wednesday. Chris and I got a lot of cute outfits for Hannah (and Chris was worried that she would have nothing to wear). We also got many necessity items--washcloths, hooded towels, toys. etc.
I have spent most of the weekend trying to get the newborn clothes washed and put away. Two friends came over Saturday night and helped me get organized so I am feeling a little more ready.
We go to the doctor on Tuesday and hopefully he can give us some insight on when Hannah will make her grand arrival.


First Baby Shower

My friend Hartley, along with the help of Sarah and Amanda, gave me a great baby shower this weekend. We had lots of fun and I got some great stuff for Hannah.

Hartley thought it would be fun for the girls to put pillows under their shirt so I would feel more comfortable. :) They looked really good!
Thanks girls for lots of fun!!


Toy Box

Chris finished Hannah's toy box today. I think it looks really good. All we have left to do in her room is hang things on the wall. This week we have our first birthing class and I have my first shower on Saturday. Lots to look forward to.