
Hannah Update

I went to see my OB doctor on Tuesday. He measured my belly and it had not grown any since my last appointment. He sent me to see Dr. Mayberry, a Perinatologist, today. Dr. Mayberry says that Hannah weighs approximately 5lbs 3oz. and he did not see any problems with her growth and development. Chris and I were both very relieved and it is always fun to get a sonogram and see her moving around. We even got to see a good shot of her face which looked really cute. :) It appears we are to the countdown. I am looking forward to several showers that are scheduled for the next few weeks. Chris and I also start birthing classes a week from today. I think it is going to be a busy September and Hannah will be here soon.


The Recliner Arrived!

Today our chair for the nursery arrived. We now have all the furniture for the nursery except for the toy box. Chris almost has it done and it looks really good.

Flood 2007

Well we survived the Abilene flood of 2007. Our neighborhood flooded in 2002 so everyone was a little worried that it was going to do it again this weekend. After moving furniture and garbage bagging the legs of tables we waited for word to evacuate. We got a call at 1130 on Saturday night to prepare to leave our home as the creeks were beginning to rise. I was not very happy about leaving so Chris stayed up all night watching the news and internet as the water moved through the town. Thankfully, we did not have any water in our neighborhood but other parts of the city were not as fortunate. Although, not many are complaining as the lakes and creeks are full for the first time in a very long time. There is a lake in Sweetwater that has been dry for over 10 years that is now full.


Thanks Gram and Granddaddy!!

Gram and Granddaddy have gotten Hannah her monitor and high chair seat. We will have to wait awhile before Hannah will be able to use her seat but I think she is going to love it when she can. She will be able to sit at the table with the grown-ups!! The seat is great since it reclines so we can use it from infancy through toddler age.
Thanks very much. We can't wait for Hannah to meet her grandparents!!


32 Weeks

On Tuesday we will be at 32 weeks. It is so hard to believe that I am 8 months pregnant. Fortunately, I feel really good and have been able to keep up with most of my activities. Hannah must be growing and getting bigger because she has decided that it is fun to poke her body parts so they stick out of my stomach. It is quite a sight to watch.
We are continuing to get things ready for Hannah. Today I cleaned out a kitchen cabinet so there would be a place for bottles.
Chris worked on Hannah's toy box. It was made by his grandfather, Lyle, before he was born. Chris painted it a light pink color and we plan to decorate the top with her name or initials. My friend Hartley has agreed to help me with that since I am not very artistic.


Thanks Mimi and Pops!

Today we received our stroller and carrier from Chris' parents. I was able to put it together all by myself--(no tools needed). There was only one mishap where for a few moments I misplaced the tray. Unfortunately I thought that it was left out of the box so I will have to explain to Chicco that I have a prego brain and just had put it on the kitchen table and not on the floor with the other parts. After finding it I was able to finish getting it all together. We have both practiced opening and closing the stroller and placing the carrier in and out. We can't wait to put Hannah in her new ride!



Finally the bedding has arrived. Here are a few pictures. Will continue to update with pictures as more of the nursery gets completed.