
Not good at this blogging bit. The 4 pictures are at 10 weeks and the picture that actually looks like a baby was taken at 14 weeks. Sorry if anyone was confused.

10 weeks

Chris would like for me to add our 10 week sonogram pictures to the site so you can see how much bigger Baby Wink has gotten in only 4 weeks. The pictures above were taken at 14 weeks. And just so you know, when I told Chris that it might be a boy he showed great excitement. He better show as much excitement if it is a girl!!!

Okay, It appears that we are very stinky at this blogging bit. I am going to try to learn how to do it so that I can keep everyone updated on our life.
I am 15 1/2 weeks pregnant and am finally feeling like I am a normal person. I think that I am over the 1st Trimester sickness. Thank Goodness. Chris was really wondering if I was ever going to get off the couch.
My next doctor's appointment is May 8. We are hoping to find out shortly after that if we are having a boy or girl. I had a sonogram done at the hospital a couple of weeks ago and the ladies there think they saw "boy parts". We will see if they are right.