Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Cailin's Dance Recital

Another year of dance for this girl!
 Getting her 4th year trophy!
 Getting ready for recital rehearsal.
 That same freakishly chilly day.
She did so well in her rehearsal and recital!

Sheriff's Open House

I took Link to the Sheriff's Open House after our 5K. His preschool meets up there every year. It was still so chilly! I like watching the police dog demonstrations.
 Link likes going in and out of all the vehicles.
 They were demonstrating jaws of life and cutting the roof off a car.

Lincoln got bored before the roof part, though.

Talking with a scuba diver

He worked up the nerve to pet the doggie.
It was exhausting.
Really exhausting.

Maple Grove 5K

After the hot Chocolate race, we dediced to run the Maple Grove 5K, rather than the half marathon. It has been a while since we did a 5K. Blurry, through a ziplock baggie picture! It was suddenly chilly again that morning, in the 30s! Ridiculous for mid May, and I had to pull our my under armor warm running pants again. It may have worked for our good, though as we did well!
 I won't tell you how many 10 year olds zipped past us though.
It was nice to be done and home by 9:30 am! Maybe we should do more 5Ks

Sam's Orchestra Concert

Sam's Spring Orchestra concert!
 They were joined in their last song by a local high school orchestra.

Cailn's 9th Birthday!

Cailin choose the Olive Garden for her Birthday dinner.
 She is such a girly girl. She had this dress all layed out and ready to wear on her Birthday.
 Such a sweetie--on her short Birthday list, she included a family picture in a cute frame!
 Her main wish (and has been for a while) was "dangly earrings" I've been reluctant, but got her some small hoops with dangling jewels.

Lincoln again with his drawing wrapped in paper.

So cute.

She didn't want any sort of theme for her cake, just a recipe for strawberries and cream cake she found. It was delish!