Thursday, July 31, 2014

Chicago Day 2 Part 3

After a lunch pit stop at the hotel, we got to walking! We walked a mile along the Magnificent Mile to Millenium Park. There we saw "the bean" (actually called cloudgate)! The kids loved it!
The bottom of the bean!

Then we walked through the park more to find the other popular installation--the Crown Fountain.
We took off our shoes and played a bit. Very refreshing! Those faces change every so often and they blink, smile, and occasionally spit water much to the delight of every kid there!

We walked a few more blocks to get to the Buckingham Fountain. Sam was really having a rough time (re: giving us a rough time) walking and walking. He had already been complaining halfway through the zoo!


We decided we'd better start walking back towards the hotel and thought of maybe swinging bt Navy Pier. We walked along the lake trail.

We walked and walked and walked! We came upon the place we could get to Navy Pier, and it was a stairway! We had the stroller so we turned inland to see if we could get there another way. The kids were pretty tired by the time we got back to the city streets, so we decided to find Portillo's and get some Chicago hot dogs for dinner instead.

Luckily, the kids perked right back up with some nourishment.

Lincoln entertaining us with funny faces.

Then we had another trek to the hotel for some much needed rest!

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Chicago Day 2 Part 2

After the John Hancock building, we went to the Lincoln Park Zoo.
Finally got Lincoln into the stroller, where he even took a little nap!

Chicago Day 2 Part 1

We got up on our first Chicago morning and the kids were astonished all over again with our 9th level view! They really really loved being in a big city!
Our hotel was in a great spot--right by Lake Michigan downtown, on the Magnificent Mile--an upscale shopping district.
We had breakfast at the hotel. The kids are always soooo excited to eat at hotels! Lincoln especially loved that they had chocolate muffins and would ask for a "black cupcake" every morning. We then headed south a block to the John Hancock building.
It didn't open till 9, so we had about a 30 minute wait. We walked all around the block and just took in the city sights.

The outside of the Jonh Hancock building.
Finally we could go in and go up to the 94th floor observatory.

That beach in the lower right was just across from our hotel.
Lincoln wasn't happy to be wrangled up for a picture!

So weird that this is a lake!

Then we were on to the next thing!