Monday, February 11, 2013

Just Some Lincoln Videos

Here's a random assortment of videos of Lincoln being cute from the past couple months.

Here he is doing one of his favorite things. Turning music on from his Scout and dancing in circles until he's too dizzy to get up after falling.
Here he is showing off his vast knowledge of the human body.
Here he is cracking himself up with the noise of one hand squishing mac & cheese!
After that video, he kept wanting to watch it. He loves watching video of himself! The next day or so, I was about to take this video of him being silly on a chair, but when he saw my phone and heard the camera beep, he immediately wanted to "a-see?!" "a-bebe?!" Hehehe. He sometimes has the cutest little French accent!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Sports Jersey Day

 Sports Jersey Day at school! Even Lincoln joined in, though not happily.


 After these pictures, Cailin said, "Now--individual ones!" Hehehe, she was the only one willing to take more pictures, though.
We had to tear the house apart that morning looking for her Twins jersey. It's been a couple years since we got it (the boys got their jerseys they were wearing at the same time) and was put away with clothes too small for her! She's growing so fast.

January Part 2

And here's the rest of the random pictures from January. It's been so freezing here. I hate January and February so much and this January has really dragged on forever! So glad it's finally over. Now to get through February. We've had many days of severe wind chill warnings (like 25-35 degrees BELOW zero!) One day we were treated with the most beautiful snowflakes, though! I was at the bus stop waiting for Cailin, trying not to die of hypothermia, when I noticed them falling on my sleeve:
 Here's a pile of them on the deck.
This is a close-up cropped version: So cute!
 You know it's cold out when you wake up to find ice on the inside of your windows!
Ben had to go through the 5th grade maturation program recently, and he was so funny about it. He and his friends were all just dreading it so bad and trying to find ways around it. Ben was hoping to somehow fall sick those days, but his friend had another plan!
 Hahaha. Ben said he actually tried it, too. Of course it didn't fool the teacher at all. Luckily, they all survived another year. Here's Lincoln with one of his favorite foods! It's a cutie orange, but he calls most round fruits balls, which can be confusing.
 Always being pestered!
 Lincoln one Sunday. We were laughing (in a loving way of course) about his hair that I had combed. Hehehe.
 We've left him in the Nursery at church by himself for the past two Sundays now! I can't say that he's taking it well, though. That first time, he cried almost the whole time, I think. We stayed in the hall for most of the first half, peeping in every now and then, and he was just standing in a corner crying, swatting the hands of anyone who tried to offer crackers, toys, or a hug. So heartbreaking. Jason said when he went to get him he wasn't crying, but as soon as he saw Jason he just broke down in sobs again! This week, Jason brought him in and set him on a little rocking horse and left. We think he was crying for a little while at least. Hopefully he gets used to it soon! 

I woke up on the morning of Martin Luther King, Jr Day to find this slipped under our door! Sam really gets into holidays!

 One morning I left Lincoln downstairs while I ran up to get some socks. I heard some crys/whimpers, and came down to find this:
 It was so hilarious, I had to grab my phone to take a picture before rescuing him! We recently brought Sam's old little ride-on firetruck up from the basement, and even though Link has learned to scoot himself around on it, Cailin loves to run around pushing him!
 Lincoln has become pretty obsessed with vacuums. Cailin had this out one day cleaning up a mess, and he had to have it. He vacuumed for about 20 minutes straight, until our ears just could not take the noise any longer!
 I had to find our old toy one and all it's parts and with a little tape and new batteries, it works great! Here's the kids having one of their sit-up contests:
And Sam stopping to throw a fit because he was goofing off and lost count of his sit-ups.
One day Lincoln somehow overcame the child lock and got the goldfish box out. I let him have some of his hard-earned spoils for a while, then suggested it was naptime.
He slowly got up, picked up the box, and started for the stairs. With this face!

 Silly boy. Here's a couple pictures Lincoln took in church while playing with my phone.

 He's gotten good at it, he knows how to slide right to unlock the screen and how to slide up to open the camera! He sees himself on the screen and yells, "baby!"
 We haven't gotten too much snow this year, just freezing, freezing cold. Cailin is so excited to get out and play anytime there's a fresh inch or two though!


 Our poor snowman the next day! It looks like he's barfing!

 Game night--playing Guesstures.

January Part 1

Here's the first half of January's random pictures. I love this hat, but getting a good picture with Link wearing it wasn't so successful. I'll have to remember to try again another time. Plus, you can see our horribly messy mudroom closet spilling out all over the place.
 Cailin one Sunday morning. She looks so old-timey!
 Lincoln has been wanting to do more and more things like everyone else, such as real cups! He's not very good at it, but as you can see, he's very proud of himself!

 The scene in Lincoln's crib one morning: Poor Teddy!
 Lincoln is learning way too much about how to work ipods and iphones.

 One day I noticed this goldfish wedged in between the wall and the doorway!
 Right at toddler level.

Crazy Hair Day

The kids had crazy hair ay at school a couple weeks ago:

Not sure why crazy hair makes them stick out their tongues!

Pinewood Derby!

I've been working a lot on our blog books from the past few years, so the blog has been neglected for a while! The good news is that I've finally finished one and I'm almost done with another, and won't have to worry about the next one until June. Here's Ben's last Pinewood Derby from January. Of course, we waited until last minute to put the car together. Ben chose a design online and it was pretty skinny, so Jason had to add a lot of weight to it. Then he added more wood back to it to cover some of the weights, and then added a cockpit and a fin to make it look not quite so weird. It was an interesting design. It looked like a space shuttle in the end. For some reason I can't find closeups of the finished car, so I may take some and add them here later. Jason got some Dremmels for our Anniversary which helped in the process!
 Our ward does the Pinewood Derby with another Pack, which makes for quite a crowd, a lot of chaos, and a Derby that lasts hours and hours and hours! They had sent out an email with time estimations for the different groups, which said Webelos would be around 12:15. We weren't in a big hurry to get there  in the morning since the past two years we've had a pretty unpleasant wait for Ben's races. We got there around 11:30, thinking we still had plenty of time. Well, Ben's car had already raced two heats and was just about to go again! Ooops!

We watched his last to heats, took a couple pictures, and had nothing else to do but leave! His car didn't do all that well this year. I think it came in second twice and fourth twice.
Ben was a little disappointed that we missed his first races, but he got over it quickly and perked up even more when we said we'd stop at Culvers for lunch on our way home.
 Last car for Ben! Next year it'll be Sam's turn!