Saturday, March 31, 2012

Fourth Grade Recorder Concert

Months of hard work and playing Hot Cross Buns, Ode to Joy, and many other songs on the recorder payed off at Ben's school's fourth grade recorder concert! We got there on time (mostly), but apparently everyone else got there pretty early. The auditorium was packed, every seat taken, and we had to stand in the back. The fourth graders entering (Ben in the red shirt with the stripes across his chest):

Ben was in the front row, but here was our view: It was funny hearing so many recorders all at once. They played a bunch of songs, and I recorded some, but the camera was shaky, it was blurry and you could barely see Ben anyway. Plus, random people who did get seats kept deciding to randomly stand up here and there, too, making it even harder to see anything. Sam wandered up front to sit on the floor with some other kids, I should have given him the camera! Anyway, Ben did well, he had a duet part which he hadn't told us about beforehand, and also a speaking part! Cailin had fun playing around in the back with Owen, a boy from her preschool class.
She was doing a hilarious dance at one point, but by the time I got the camera on, she had mostly stopped and then noticed me watching. Oops.

Link having fun.

St Patricks' Day

The kids woke up on St Patricks Day to find this treat on their nightstands: (pinterest strikes again!) Everyone made sure to dress in green, and Sam and Cailin made sure Link had all green toys in front of him that morning.I painted little shamrocks on Cailin's fingernails.All decked out for preschool!As usual, they all have to have a turn holding Lincoln. Chunky lil' leprechaun!

Sunday, March 25, 2012


So somehow when I came back from California, I brought the warm weather with me! I left the snow (and another half-built igloo) and when I returned, it was all gone (and it's apparently been cold in California!). The past two weeks have been beautiful--60-80 degrees, some days downright hot & humid! The grass is greening up and we had to dig up our shorts and flip flops. The kids have been spending every spare minute outside playing, and Cailin, Lincoln and I have been taking walks down to the park near our house.

Sam catching bugs. He said he was only pretending, but accidentally caught one for real.

The day after we got home from CA, it was my birthday. Me and link were still pretty exhausted with our travels, the time change, and daylight savings hitting a couple hours after getting home!

But he was still so happy and excited to be around the kids and Daddy after a week away!

Such a pleasant change from last year, when there was a little blizzard the evening of my Birthday.

Friday, March 23, 2012


Lincoln and I went to California a couple weeks ago. Jason took the week off to be Mr. Mom to Ben, Sam, and Cailin. We had lots of fun. Lincoln had a rough time with the time/schedule change, many new faces, teething, and his usual grumpiness, but it was worth it. We took lots of walks, did lots of shopping, played games and ate good food.
His all too common mood!

Lincoln loved Grandma's fuzzy Christmas blanket.
and their fuzzy dog!
One evening we took Bart to San Francisco to meet my sister Christy after work for some shopping and dinner.
Sleepy guy on our way home.
We met Grandpa for lunch at In-N-Out where Link had his first french fry.
He wasn't too sure about it.
We also went to the beach one day. I miss our weekly trips to the beach in NJ! Lincoln had his first exposure to sand. It was pretty intriguing.

Not too tasty.

All too soon it was time to go.

We had a nice time and I wish everyone could have come! Gotta get these cousins together sometime!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

February Holidays!

Who knew February was so full of Holidays? Sam really gets into holidays. Any holiday. He was asking a lot about that darn groundhog and really curious how he could predict the weather. Of course, he decided it was complete baloney. Then there was Martin Luther King day. He came home from school talking about Dr King non stop. He could not believe the way things used to be with segregation. He made a book about it.

Then there was Valentine's Day of course. Fun times were had filing out valentines, making valentine boxes, and having class parties. Upon waking and finding the small gift we had given him for Valentine's Day, Sam promptly made this card and put it on our bed. And he left this sign in the hall.Then there was the 100th day of school!Sam filled out a "100" book at school. It said:
I wish I had 100...time machines
I can make
I wouldn't want 100...girlfriends
I can eat 100...pizzas
I could never eat 100...hairs
Having 100...candies...could really be a problem
In 100 years, I hope that I can...get fun
I can lift 100...papers
If I had 100 dollars, I would buy...every toy in the world

Then there was President's Day. Sam is also very patriotic. He got up and rifled through his clothes looking for his fourth of july shirt. He left this display in the hall. (these are pencil holders they got from primary)
Sam was in charge of the treat for family home evening that night, and made flag cookies.
Don't they look so yummy with all that food color ink?! Hehehe. Also on President's Day, Ben was determined to earn another app, so he was trying to find chores to do all day long. I had him do the dishes, and well...he mistook the Dawn for the Cascade. Guess our dishwasher needed a good cleaning. Running a cycle with some olive oil took all the suds away, and it was sparkling clean!

Last of all there was Leap Day! Which was also a snow day! I can't believe they actually cancelled school. Especially after last year's horrible snow-fest, with not a single interruption to the school schedule. It was pretty fun, though. Jason thought he was still going to work. He got up after our early-morning call from the school and took the snowblower on it's maiden voyage at last, then got ready. He pulled the car out into the street, where it got stuck immediately and took around 20 minutes to free, after which he pulled back into the garage and worked from home. The kids and I went out to play. The snow was perfect for building! I still can't believe that I made this snowman (well, the kids helped)! I'm usually pretty bad at it. Later we added a snowbaby. The snow had started out as rain, so all the trees were encased in ice! It was also cool how the trunks were covered with ice, but with running water underneath.

I brought Link out for a few. He did not tolerate it well. He cried until I brought him back inside.We saw out the window during our lunch break some neighbor kids building a cool fort with snow cube maker-thingies. I slowly remembered that I had bought some on clearance at the end of last winter! Yippee! We got right to work as soon as our soaked snowclothes were finished in the dryer. The "igloo" when we were too tired and cold to go on.Jason took this pic from the upstairs window--me taking the above picture!After another round of drying clothes, they were back out for a little more fun before it got dark.