I really need to post Cailin's dance recital, but still haven't downloaded and edited the video yet. So, here's some pictures from last weekend! We went back to the zoo. The kids "swimming" in front of the dolphin.

There's a new penguin exhibit, which was soooo crowded we didn't get any pictures of them (we were laughing that penguins would be such an oddity in Minnesota of all places!). I did, however get this picture of Sam laying eggs with them, hehehe!

And here he is sitting on a big turtle egg.

The cougar.

And bears.

We didn't make it to the farm area last time. They really enjoyed feeding the goats.

This big white one was kind of a jerk, though, he was the pushy one getting all the food pellets!

It was sooo cute, this bigger goat was teaching this little goat head-butting.

Sam the farmer.

The pig had piglets about a week earlier! So cute.

Aaaaand, the boys re-enacting piggie feeding time with the pig statue outside.

The next evening Jason took the kids to another Twins game. Me & Link stayed home again, because I can just imagine him being fussy the whole time, wanting to nurse, and me having to stand up with him in the crowded, steep stadium! Maybe next year he'll be easier to take.