Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Dance Recital

Sadly, Cailin's dance class ended a few weeks ago. She had so much fun. The last class was their show for the parents. Here she is showing us some moves before going: Waiting for everyone to get there.Warming up!Here's the dance they did each week to warm up:

And then stretching!:

All ready!

Here's their ballet routine (Beauty and the Beast!):

Yes, that's Lincoln having a spaz-out right as the song begins!
and their other (jazz?) dance routine (Lollypop). I really love this one and how much she gets into it!:

They ended each class with the bumblebee song,

and the goodbye song!

Hehehe, love her trying to figure out a curtsey. Cailin with her teacher after class.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Zoo & Twins

I really need to post Cailin's dance recital, but still haven't downloaded and edited the video yet. So, here's some pictures from last weekend! We went back to the zoo. The kids "swimming" in front of the dolphin.
There's a new penguin exhibit, which was soooo crowded we didn't get any pictures of them (we were laughing that penguins would be such an oddity in Minnesota of all places!). I did, however get this picture of Sam laying eggs with them, hehehe!And here he is sitting on a big turtle egg.The cougar.And bears.We didn't make it to the farm area last time. They really enjoyed feeding the goats.This big white one was kind of a jerk, though, he was the pushy one getting all the food pellets!It was sooo cute, this bigger goat was teaching this little goat head-butting.Sam the farmer.The pig had piglets about a week earlier! So cute.Aaaaand, the boys re-enacting piggie feeding time with the pig statue outside.The next evening Jason took the kids to another Twins game. Me & Link stayed home again, because I can just imagine him being fussy the whole time, wanting to nurse, and me having to stand up with him in the crowded, steep stadium! Maybe next year he'll be easier to take.

Thursday, August 25, 2011


Just some random pictures from recent. The boys have gotten much better at being self-reliant this Summer. It's been good. They've finally started getting their own breakfasts and lunches, and helping Cailin with hers. Could still use some direction with dressing for church, though, hehehe. He has one of those goofy slide whistles in his mouth.Sam has been really into legos this Summer. He builds so many neat things. One day he said he wanted me to build him "a ship on water, with a giant octopus attacking". I kept telling him he could do it, and he did. And wanted a picture for future reference.A while back we found an awesome huge playground nearby. It seriously looks like a place that would charge admission! Sam said that he was "crying tears of joy" over it, hehehe. Even Lincoln smiled about it.
Here's how I found Sam sleeping one night.
One day Sam and Cailin were playing, and they came down like this, saying they were getting married. It was pretty funny.Love Sam's shirtlessness! Then Sam said, "Um, this is pretty embarrassing, but could you take a picture while we pretend to kiss? We're not really going to kiss, just make it look like it." He was pretty emphatic about it being a pretend kiss.These pictures should become pretty valuable once he's a teenager! Now for some cute/funny Lincoln pictures! He's actually starting to tolerate sitting in his little seat for a couple minutes here and there, yay! And, he actually fell asleep in his swing for the first time this week!
I always complain about how he's being sooo cute, but as soon as I click the camera button, he pulls the weirdest faces ever. This is a perfect example! This one really makes me laugh.

Well, speaking of Lincoln, he's up from his nap now, so I guess this is all the randomness I have time for!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Children's Museum

We've been trying to squeeze in a few fun days here and there since the Summer is winding down. Jason hasn't had a chance to take much time off, and with the newborn, we just haven't been out and about much this Summer. Last weekend we went to the Minneapolis Children's Museum. Ended up with a membership. Now we have one there, the zoo, and the aquarium! Right when we got in, they had a face painting station. They got to paint their own faces, so that's why they look weird in all these pictures! Sam was the only one who actually had a theme to his: flames, like were painted on the window.
The "paper factory". After being in there for a minute, Cailin said, "Dis paper factory is getting kinda boringish." Then she ran out. Then she cried when I made her come back in to wait for the boys to finish what they were doing. It'll be a good incentive for her to do well in school: "If you don't, you'll end up working at the paper factory!" They had a pretty neat little town. Sam really gets into this kind of thing, so he was in heaven, running from one thing to the next!Cailin enjoyed grocery shopping.Cailin and Sam were both cooking and serving this other kid's mom at the restaurant.Sam found the fractures right away.Lego Castle Adventure! The giant key made spooky sounds.
The wilderness area.

Fun times!