That was Ben's glowing review of the day! A few days ago, we made gingerbread houses. Actually, graham cracker houses. The boys had a lot of fun decorating them. Sam, ever the junk food junkie, was so busy madly unwrapping and chowing down as much candy as he could that he hardly had time for putting any on his house.
The kids were dressed festively for church on Sunday, and I managed to get a few pictures before they got too disheveled:
On Christmas Eve, we made lots of yummy things! Jason made a turkey dinner. In the picture, Sam is just sitting down to the delicious spread, and asking for Teddy Grahams!
We also made fudge, rice puff balls, chocolate covered pretzels, and of course, cookies for Santa.
Cailin took advantage of the chaos in the kitchen to try her hand at feeding herself. Not much made it into her mouth, but she didn't seem to mind!
We had fun decorating the cookies, and even made a gingerbread shaped Uncle Alex and Aunt Christy, who are both on
missions for our church. Ben also wrote a letter for Santa to leave with the cookies.
We read the Christmas story in the Bible, and then let the kids unwrap their Christmas Eve gift: Flannel pj pants, and sock monkeys (which I had finally finished that morning!). They were a big hit. Even after Christmas day, Ben says the sock monkey was his favorite!
The boys had a sleep-over in Sam's room. Before going to sleep, we got these pictures of the kids nestled all snug in their beds, visions of sugarplums dancing in their heads. Notice Sam has taken his pillow case off and is using it as a sleeping bag!

Cailin had a rough night, on the verge of cutting her first tooth, and I was barely back to sleep after crawling back into bed when Sam started crying just before 5 AM! Jason went to see what was the matter, and he had gotten back into bed (They had both started out in sleeping bags on the floor). I guess he was upset that he wasn't in his sleeping bag anymore. By the time Jason could figure that out, Ben was waking up. He told them both to go back to sleep, but it was no use. They played, sang made-up Christmas songs, and giggled for the next hour when Cailin decided to join the party. I was hiding under the blankets as long as I could, but when Cailin got up, we decided we'd better just get up. The kids were thrilled to see their presents, and everything they opened was "just what I always wanted for Christmas!".

Yes, Ben got a package of paper--and before you think we're terrible, it was part of a craft kit we put together and he loved it! He's always swiping paper from the computer printer, so now he's got his own! We had a full day of playing games, building legos, assembling things and eating candy (especially Sam, who was into everything chocolatey he could find!). I realized I'm turning into my mom when I told Sam he was going to go into a coma from eating too much candy! We're looking forward to the rest of this week, which Jason and Ben both have off.