Monday, December 12, 2011

We are alive and well!

We are alive!
Life seems to get crazier and crazier.

We have been having lots of fun with all our activities, but I am definitely exhausted most days. My kids keep me so busy with all the things they are involved in. My kids are soooo looking forward to Christmas this year which is fun to watch. We also have a few birthdays coming up at our house that have kept kids excited. We celebrated Spencer and Owen's birthdays with the families yesterday. Our "little" family get-togethers are quite the ordeals these days with around 42 people. I love that all my siblings live close by, and that I have a personal relationship with all of them. My kids LOVE cousin time, and we are so grateful for families.

I can't believe Owen is turning 2.
We are officially moving into a new phase of our life.
It's so crazy to think that there will not be any more babies, and that our oldest will be in Jr. High next year.
So crazy!
We are definitely feeling old these days.