Monday, November 8, 2010

Happy Halloween

So, I'm finding that Halloween is becoming a grander and grander holiday...
My kids choose their costumes before school even starts,
and the count-down begins.
Spencer was dying to wear his costume to school, and I eventually just let him
wear it around the house and even to the babysitters one day.

We kicked off our Halloween celebrations by going with Grandma and Caroline and Co.
to the Witch Festival at Gardner Village.
It was fun. The kids loved looking at all the different witches.
I wished we would have had more time, and gone on a less crazy day, but it was fun still.

It's kind of crazy getting this many little kids to sit still long enough for a photo op.
Here are a few attempts.
Grandma paid for the kids to go on the Pony Rides...
This little guy just had to watch from the side-lines.

Then came the Halloween Parades.
Spencer cracked us up.
He'd been dying to wear his costume to school, and this is
what his face looked like during the parade.

Cute Spider-Girl

Hannah Montana
(She's been wanting to be this for 2 years now).

And then came the parties...
Dance Parties
School Parties
Neighborhood and Ward Parties
Party at our house

Miss Emmy going into her dance party
(Best shot I could get)

And a Trunk-or-Treat for Emmy's Pre-school

And Pumpkin Carving
(Owen was asleep)

And the BIG DAY.

This was the one shot I got before the torrential downpour!
Our Ward Trunk or Treat got rained out big time, and
most of our friends ended up at our house.
I made homemade donuts and chili.
Yummy and fun day!

Monday, November 1, 2010

A Photo Essay of Sorts

So I know we've been MIA recently.
Life just gets kinda crazy around here.
I love every minute.
Here are a few shots I found on my phone.
It captures a few images from the past month or so.

I can't get enough of this cute kiddo. He is so funny.

The other day, I took Spence with me white I was getting a crown.
He had my phone. I found the funniest images on it. Here are two of them.

Emmy's painted face at the Fall Festival.

This kid falls asleep in the oddest places. He got in trouble. We sent him to time out.
Then he got really quiet. We went looking for him.
This is where we found him.

Impromptu trip to Park City.
Kate's alligator won a prize at the Fall Festival.

This amazing sister of mine had a birthday.

And so did this old fart. :)


Such a cute picture!

These two went on a daddy date. They ate jello and had fun!

Such a squeezy cute boy. Oh I love him!

Isn't this chair hilarious? I saw it at Sam's and thought it was so funny.
Camille looked so small in it.

No this is not a ghost!
It's Spence.
He has a plastic bag through each arm and on his back.
It's his parachute he said.
He was jumping from the couch to the bean bag with it on.
So funny!