Thursday, November 20, 2008

Updates and promised pictures!

Well, here they are, the long-awaited Halloween pictures and a few from Anne and Brandon's Wedding...

All the kiddos ready to go trick-or treating

My cute little Loo Hoo bunny!

The Pirate Princess, Elizabeth

Red Power Ranger
Daphne... from Scooby Doo

Spencer's cool pumpkin... yeah, Spence found the girls make-up kit and put some on.

Kate and her pumpkin

Spence can't get enough of Emmy. This is what I find in her crib after I put her down for a nap. He crawls right in and wakes her up to play.

Spencer loves being with all the boy cousins.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Updates... and ANNIE BANNANIE spotlight

Halloween was... well very exhausting as usual. It does seem to get crazier and crazier every year, and what's up with the college kids trick-or-treating (pathetic... just go buy your own dang candy!) I'll post pictures as soon as I get around to down-loading. The kids wore their costumes out with all the parties and things we did for Halloween. We're all candied out, and I think I finally have a kid who WILL eat all the candy... yep, Spencer boy. I keep finding wrappers and partially eaten candy all over the place. The girls don't really care too much for their Halloween candy so in the past either Cameron has eaten it or we've eventually thrown it away, but I'm gonna have to keep an eye on this kiddo...

In other business, my spotlight of the day is my sister Anne. She just had a birthday AND is getting hitched this week, so it is the perfect time to recognize all the great things I love about my little, taller sister who I spent almost all of my childhood days with. Though we didn't always get along as kids (probably because we were forced to be together ALL OF THE TIME and we had to share EVERYTHING and I had to wear pink so Anne could wear blue, and because I always had to quit doing things because Anne had a short attention span...)we were always good friends and have grown even closer through the years. I'm so excited to watch Anne jump into this new chapter in her life. Anne is the coolest! Brandon, you're one lucky dude! Be good to her or you'll have lots of little nieces and nephews after you!

My Annie top ten:
10) I love that Anne lives in the clouds... she doesn't always have the best grasp on reality, but her world is a much better place to be anyway, I'm glad I got to tag along.

9) I love that Anne didn't care what was expected of us LeBras kids, and did what she wanted to do (like ride horses, and take art classes instead of icky science classes like I did just because Ang and Mike did, and I hated them (not Ang and Mike the science classes...glad I got that off my chest).

8) I love that when we were little everyone thought we were twins, so we came up with the features that distinguished us from one another... Anne's freckles and curly hair, my ears pierced and pudgy nose.

7) I love that Anne has enough imagination to spread around.

6) I love that Anne loves the make and eat great food and that she is always willing to share it.

5) I love that Anne loves my kids almost as much as they love her. Cheers of "Annie, Annie" echo through the house whenever Annie walks through the doors.

4) I love that Anne turns into "Tour Guide Anne" at least a few times a year.

3) I love that Anne can quote all the classic LeBras movies.

2) I love that Anne gets along with my husband almost better than I do.

1) I love that Anne will always be my sister, but now she gets to be a wife and someday a mother... I'm so excited! Brandon, you've got your hands full, she's a hard one to keep up with. :)