Friday, October 31, 2008

Last the best of all the gang... Camille.

Camille kept asking me when it was her turn to be the spotlight... Camille is growing up so fast, and we enjoy having her around (except when she is whining :) ). She is our sensitive one, who likes to be close to mommy. Camille is quite an exceptional dancer, and has class three days a week for 2-3 hours each time. She will be a party girl and a bon bon for the Nutcracker this year, and is excited that Katelyn will get to do it with her this year. She is a bid bad third grader, and just got her first locker (which she is thrilled about). Here is my Camilly top ten:
10) I love to watch Camille, she is so graceful.

9) I love that she still has to come in to hug me before she goes to bed.

8) I love that she is in a better mood by the time we get to school (definitely not a morning girl, this one).

7) I love that she likes to eat healthy snacks and food all the time.

6) I love that she sings full blast when I am in the car with her... can't say her siblings feel the same way.
5) I love that Camille is so sensitive, that if I threaten to leave one of my other kids somewhere because they aren't listening, she is the one who cries.

4) I love that people say that Camille looks like me (only I don't have a six-pack).

3) I love that Camille has notes to herself and lists of things to do and journal entries in every spare notebook and piece of paper around the house.

2) I love that Camille likes to clean (a little obsessively at times).
1) I love that I am close to Camille.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Katie Kate Kignugen

The other day, Katelyn came up to me and said, "Mom, could you please call me Katie Kate Kignugen?" I asked her why, she told me that she thought that that rhymed better with Emmy Loo Hoo than Katie Bug. Go figure? My Kate is the funniest kid... she should be on that show kids say the darndest things. I always have to be careful what I say in front of this kid. She remembers everything, and is really quite bright. She is loving every minute of Kindergarten, and insists that Camille makes her late everyday (thank you! finally someone else feels my pain!) This kid is not only beautiful, with her huge brown eyes, she is fiesty and full of it! My Katelyn top ten...
10) I love Katelyn's attitude (most of the time)... especially when she says, "Helloooo mom, I already told you that."

9) I love listening to Katelyn's stories, sometimes they go on and on and on and on (just ask anyone who has had the pleasure of hearing them).

8) I love that Katelyn teaches herself things if she really wants to do them (like riding a bike and swimming).
7) I love that Kate lets me dress her in whatever I want... finally (Camillle still doesn't).

6) I love that Kate loves to snuggle and take care of babies... we sometimes call her the baby whisperer.

5) I love that Kate offers to give me her money so we can be rich.

4) I love that Kate is a little mischevious, just like her aunt Anne.

3) I love that Kate says so many funny things that when it is night-time, Cameron always asks me for the latest Katie-ism. We really need a book of her sayings. We often quote her.

2) I love that Katie sneeks into my bed at night and sleeps with her eyes open (since she was a baby- kind of creepy sometimes).

1) I love that we have Katie to enjoy everyday!

Monday, October 20, 2008


So I decided to spotlight the person who gives me the least amount of grief :). This little Loo Hoo girl is the nicest, smiliest, easy baby ever. She only cries when she is hungry or really tired. Other than that, all it takes is looking and her and smiling to get her to do the same back to you. She has a little tooth (which she tends to bite with) but I still love nursing her so I can talk to her and watch the animation in her eyes. It's always amazing that after getting a new addition to the family you wonder how you ever felt complete without them. She is definitely an important part of our family, and has helped me to feel the peace and love of our Heavenly Father during my moments with her. This is my top ten for Emilie (aka Emmy Loo Hoo or the Loo Loo Girl).
10) I am fascinated with her blue eyes (yep.. they are still blue, crazy!)

9) I love her smell (even when she is stinky). I can still smell her on me after I feed her at lunch, and it makes me want to get back home faster.

8) I love that all my other kids can't get enough of her, and even better, she doesn't mind getting slobbered on by the other kids.

7) I love that she puts herself to sleep (even if that means sucking on her thumb a little).

6) I love that when she sees me, she starts to kick and smile like I'm the best thing she's ever seen.
5) I love that I feel the spirit so strongly when I am with her.

4) I love that she loves to take showers.
3) I love that she is a chunky girl (really, I love those chubby thighs).

2) I love that she snuggles up to me in the morning when I nurse her in my bed before I go to work.
1) I love that she is here safe and sound with us.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Spotlight--Spencer Boy

This kid has been such a joy! He wakes up happy, and spends the whole day running around and playing and laughing and hugging and talking and... He is truly an example of someone who has a pure love of life and those around him. We found out yesterday that he will need surgery on his "little ear." We have been so frustrated trying to figure out how to help him with his ears and speech and all and have been to so many people. An ENT finally realized yesterday that he is missing a bone in his ear that is causing him to have a 40% hearing loss in that ear. Spencer will go in once a year until he is old enough for the surgery (probably when he is 5 or 6). Ironically enough, Cameron had the same surgery when he was a little guy. Way to go Cameron, it's all your fault! Anyway, I love my boy! He is so much fun. Here's my top ten for Spencer:
10) I love that Spence always wants to hug baby Emilie!

9) I love that when Spence smiles, his eyes disappear and his teeth all show.

8) I love that when Cameron puts him to bed at night, he crawls out of bed and says he wants mommy to come hug him, and if I put him to bed, he does the same thing but asks for daddy. He is our little night wanderer. We find him in some interesting places in the morning, but whenever he gets tired enough, he puts himself to sleep with Mr. Elephant.

7) I love that Spencer loves to go to work with Cameron, but not as much as Cameron does. When Spencer sees Cameron during the day, he grabs his legs and insists on going to work with Cameron. Cameron often times gives in and next thing I know, Spencer is driving a back-hoe with is dad.

6) I love that Spencer is such a great eater, this kid will literally eat just about anything... except, funny enough, he's not really into icecream (I know, weird for a kid).

5) I love that Spencer repeats after whoever is saying the prayer.

4) I love that Spencer can entertain himself for hours.

3) I love that Spencer's hair sticks up all the time no matter what long or short hair.

2) I love that Spence always say, "What dis mommy?"

1) I love that Spencer is mine!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Spotlight-- Cameron

So, I decided that I am going to spotlight people in my life who are special to me... starting with my cute, nice, sexy, hard-working and sometimes funny husband, Cameron. Who wouldn't love this guy? Not only does he adore my kids, he is the only person who tells me I'm sexy on a daily basis (probably a good thing, eh?) I do remember the first time I saw Cameron... he was the employee of the month at the Orem Fitness Center , where we both worked, and his picture was posted. He worked days and I worked nights, so I had never met him. In his picture, he only had one tooth (later he told me the story about how he lost that front tooth for a week). I thought he was an interesting character... then, a co-worker friend Julia picked me up one day to go get a bite to eat, she said we needed to go to McDonalds, because there was this cute guy who worked with us working there and that she was going to marry him... so we ordered our food, and she demanded that her food be prepared by Cameron. So that's how I met him. He came around from the back in his sexy McDonalds uniforms smiling with a missing front tooth. How's that for hot? I informed my friend very frankly that he wasn't so cute. Sorry Cam, but I don't think anyone can be cute in a McDonalds uniform... It wasn't until Christmas break of our freshman years that we finally worked the same shift. We ended up talking through the whole 4 hr. shift. (Yes, we watched the pool too!) We became instant friends. We spent the next two years taking turns liking each other. We both finally decided to like each other at the same time and I guess the rest is history.
These are the top ten things I love about Cameron:
10) He will always go get me whatever I am craving even if it is ridiculous and even if it is at a weird time of day.
9) He does the dishes... yep! Pretty much everyday, I love that! He folds laundry with me too, and I can assign him a room to clean and it eventually gets done :), and he takes care of the dog (and poop) and the yard.
8) He always cooks Saturday and Sunday morning breakfast!
7) He loves to hear funny stories about the kids, even if it is in the middle of the day. He especially loves the Katie-isms.
6) He is the hardest worker I know. I love that about country boys! He has strong arms. I love watching him work. He shoulders are pure muscle and sexy I might add.
5) I love that if I scoot close to him at night while we are watching the news, he will start scratching my back. I LOVE getting my back scratched.
4) I love finding him reading his scriptures early in the morning with the light from the hallway.
3) I love feeling safe because he is home with us.
2) I love that he wants to be with me all the time and that we talk into the wee hours of the night and that he has to call me at least 4-5 times a day just to see what is going on, and if I'm ever upset at anyone, he asks if I want him to go yell at them.
1) I love that he plays with my kids and would literally die for any of us.

Man, who could resist this?