Saturday, March 29, 2008


I fully warned everyone that I was not so great at keeping up on these kinds of things... so it comes as no surprise that my new posts are only like every two weeks or so. Things around here are crazy as usual. The kids are doing great! Katelyn is officially registered for kindergarten at my school for next year, and she is excited to come with Camille and I in the mornings. Spencer is just busting at the seams to get in there and play soccer with the girls who started Spring soccer recently. Katelyn got to have Cameron coach her team in the fall, so he is doing Camille's team this spring. After the first day, she told me that this wasn't the team she signed up for, she was supposed to be on daddy's team. It was really cute. She is doing okay though with her other coach, and daddy does help coach once a week. Spencer is getting harder and harder to keep off the fields during the games, but he has so much fun coming that he has not been banned yet. Camille had her first dance competition of the year yesterday up in Bountiful. The girls in her company did great, and they had fun. She really enjoys dancing and getting all dressed up in her costumes. Today was officially the first great weather Saturday we have had this Spring. Cameron literally made the kids stay outside and play all day. Needless to say, they were all beat by the end of the day. Spencer actually came and laid on my feet (while I was sitting) and fell asleep. It was pretty funny. We hope for many more days like that to come. Cameron is busy trying to get jobs done and I am doing many things... such as: showing homes to clients, choosing things for the parade home, trying to finish my National Board, getting CW Construction taxes and book-keeping done, writing an executive summary for our condo project, and chasing around my kids. So, that explains why not much gets done on the blog.

These pictures are from out annual Easter trek down to Kanosh... Enjoy!

Cameron's family has been going out to the Sand Dunes every Easter weekend for as long as anyone can remember. The kids all get covered in sand. They did holes and get buried, jump off the top, and eventually get really tired. By the time we get them home, they have sand coming out of everything!!! It is a fun tradition.

Spencer was ready to fall asleep right in the sand!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

California, Here We Come!!!

The girls and I are excited to make the treck out to California this weekend for Kennan's baptism. Camille has been so lucky to have a cousin the same age. In fact, all my kids have been lucky, because someone always pulls through for us and produces a cousin near the same age and genders as mine... and with Mike and Romina having a girl, someone has pulled through for me once again. Spencer is going to be sad with all the girls gone, but I'm sure he and his daddy will find lots of fun things to do without us. Katelyn told Cameron that he could do any boy things he wanted with Spencer this weekend, but to make sure he fed Spencer, and didn't lose him.

On another note... the Parade of Homes house is coming along. Here are some of the latest pictures of the outside.