Thursday, August 20, 2009

Family Pictures

We had family pictures done a few weeks ago with the West side. Here are a few cute shots.


Zack started going to a Kindermusik class a few weeks ago. This picture is after his first class. That day we sang and danced and talked about birds. We made a little bird picture and for some reason I started calling it an owl. I hung "owla" on the garage door and Zack talks about "owla" all day long! We also got a fun little snack. It was a birds nest made out of chinese noodles with peanut butter and butterscotch on them with skittles in the middle. Way cute idea!

A boys best friend

Last week my parents went out of town and didn't want to take princess Bernie with them so she came to sleep over with us. Zack and Bernie are the best of friends. Bernie is so patient with her and will let him climb all over her, pull the tags on her collar and even poke her eyes out. I guess she figures the fact that Zack feeds her his food and she can always get a good lick of his face is a good trade.

Look how sweet these two are looking out the window

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

A special announcement

At Zack's 9 month dr appointment he wasn't crawling yet. His doctor and I both agreed that he would probably just skip crawling and go to walking.


He started crawling at 11 months. This week he will be 15 months and still not walking. I've been complaining about it for months. The kid is just too big for me to be carrying him around everywhere! And YES, I know my life will be more complicated with a walking toddler!

The other day our friends were joking with us that he really does walk, just not when we are looking.

So Saturday night our friends were babysitting for us and "claim" that Zack started walking back and forth between the furniture. YEAH RIGHT! He wont do it for us..... Today my Dad and my sister were watching him and claimed that he was doing the same thing. That's what I "hear" I thought..... But now I have proof!

Zack is FINALLY beginning to walk willingly!

HOORAY! Can you tell im excited?