Friday, October 29, 2010

The Most Fun Rides EVER!

Kevin LOVED  taking Matilda and Oswald for rides all around the neighborhood, just like this with the kids in the backpack and Kevin on the Go-Ped. Unfortunately, rides came to a screeching halt when a "concerned citizen" made a call to the Cops!

The ONLY One We Like!

While we lived with Kevin's parents, Kevin's Mom made a wonderful dinner every night. Matilda and Oswald weren't quit as appreciative as they probably should have been citing the fact that they would NEVER eat what she made! Except for Spaghetti Night!! That night plates would get licked clean!

Oswald's 1st Birthday!!

Wow!! Oswald is 1!!
That one snuck right up on us! His whole 1st year was a blur for me, horrible, I know!
We usually do Birthdays low key, but hey, we were surrounded by family for once! So we had a Big Sha-Bang! We invited Deric & Melissa and their family and Renee & Vince and their family and of course, we couldn't forget Grandma and Grandpa Wattles (it was at their house so of course they were invited!)

We made a lunch party out of it and I served up some Carne Asada.

I also, made Oswald's Birthday cake and decorated it with candy; that went over really well.

 Oswald went straight for the suckers!

 One for each hand!
 The helpers...

 Then "Oswald" opened his gifts

 This one was from Mommy and Daddy

Elmo was from Grandma & Grandpa Wattles plus a gift card to Toys 'R' Us, Renee's family also got Oswald a gift card to  Toys 'R' Us.

 Deric's family got Oswald this crazy toy that is still a favorite. On Oswald's Birthday he didn't get much chance to play with it, all of his older cousins were "trying it out" 

Grandma and Grandpa Fullmer's gift came a little later. Oswald got lots of clothes and some toys.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Just for Church

We like to save the "fancy" pacifier for only "nice" occasions, so this little ditty keeps everyone at church entertained when the talks get boring!

All Ready to Go!

When we were living at Kevin's parent's place, Matilda was always all ready to go! She would throw on Grandma's shoes, Grandpa's back pillow (her "purse") (we even found Kevin's "missing" driver's license in there once!), a teddy bear (her "baby") and a lanyard (her "necklace") (not pictured here). And then she was ready to go "bye-bye" or just out to the driveway!

She also would throw on Mommy's shoes every once in a mix it up!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Like Mother, Like Daughter

Ok, so there are a few things that I have weaknesses for....Pulparindo spoons and Munchos! Kevin always attributed these "nasty" cravings to being raised on a Ranch surrounded by all things Mexican. Well, I just have to tell you that Matilda I'm pretty sure has NEVER been on a Ranch and she LOVES them too! I think it's just a matter of good taste!


Dexter's 7th Birthday!!

Seems nobody forgot Dex's Birthday this year, which meant the world to Kevin and I.

Kevin's brother, Michael and, his wife, Amy were in Utah at the time and put up some things from the Wattles.

My sister Laura went up and put up some things from the Fullmers.
Including "Happy Birthday" messages from the family. 

 Kristin Milius and her kids also went and brought some toys and balloons some to put there and some to send on up to him:)

 These were some that Laura brought, Kristin got there around the same time as her and said a huge gust of wind came and pulled these right out of the ground where Laura had stuck them, and this is what she said..."I like to think Dexter wanted those cool balloons with him!" (That's what I'd like to think too)

We also did some celebrating at Kevin's parent's house, Kevin and I always do a little something for Dexter's Birthday each year, but this was the first time it wasn't just an intimate little thing with just the two of us. It was wonderful all of Kevin's family that was in town came over and we sang "Happy Birthday" and ate Mud Pie.

Grandma and Grandpa Fullmer sent this gift, it was enjoyed by all...

 Especially Oswald...

 And Matilda!

 Kevin and I are so grateful to all of our friends and family who made Dexter's Birthday such a sweet and memorable experience for us.

Memorial Day

For Memorial Day this year we were invited over to Kevin's brother Deric's place for a BBQ. It was so much fun! While we were there, our niece, Kaitlin took a few pictures of our kids just for fun.
The pictures are AMAZING!!

 Here's a shot of the photographer...yep she's only 13!! (and beautiful)

 Can you guess who Matilda is in this one?!...
....Daphne from Scooby Doo (compliments of Olivia)

On Memorial Day, my sister Laura went up to the Salt Lake Cemetery and put some flowers up for our "little man" Thank You for remembering him:)

Monday, June 14, 2010

Blazers vs.Suns - Quarter Finals

For Ashley's Birthday (she's a Sun's fan) her Dad (Kevin's brother) gave her courtside tickets for her and her husband...and as a bonus surprise (to us and her) he also got us (Kevin and I) 2nd row seats just to the right of the hoop!!! ( I actually think we may have had the better seats!)

Here is a shot of our seats just before the game (Ashley was checking out our view and talking to her Dad.

Here are Kevin and Brad checking out the courtside seats before the game.

Here was my view of the game.

And here was Kevin's (he has always had a moderate case of "jungle fever") so you can see that this seat would have it's "distracting" qualities! (right-hand corner)
Even with the excitment of the huddle Ashley couldn't help but notice Kevin's swooning eyes!
So in an effort to "save" our marriage she offered up her seat and came to sit by me!

So this is where Kevin ended up for the 4th quarter!