Sunday, November 7, 2010

Oswald Walks!

So, this really needs to be documented! Oswald started walking! Now when exactly it took place...ummm...honestly, I can't quite remember. I know it was either just before his 1st birthday or just after (I would have remembered if it was on his birthday..haha!)  I do remember that it was a Sunday and that he just decided it was time and he never went back to crawling.
Here are some of the 1st pictures I have of him walking.
Who's # 1 ?!....I am!

Boat Rides

 One of the things we truly enjoyed this summer were the boat rides on the river. Matilda still asks "boat?!" and I have to tell her "No, no boat" then she usually says "Pampa" and I say, "Yes, Grandpa has a boat." Then she usually starts fussing and jumping up and down and saying "Pampa, Pampa!" and then I have to say "No, we aren't going to Grandpa's house, he lives too far away." You can see how this is going! Well, anyways, I never did get any pictures of us enjoying the boat, but I found these of Matilda and Kevin after a boat ride.
Wind blown hair



 Last but not least, Kevin sending a "shout out" to my brother Doc who's currently serving a mission in the Philippines.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

32 Baby!!

So, I just need to start off by saying that I had the BOMB Birthday!!
Kevin took me into the city (downtown Portland) for the 1st part of the day. We wanted to have breakfast in the city. While we were scoping out places to eat we came across this little gem.
It had a line wrapped around the block. We figured might as well try it. When we put our name in we had about a 2 hour wait, but we had time and we love walking around the city.  We ended up being very entertained, the PRIDE festival was going on downtown. I have no idea why I don't have a bunch of pictures, I guess it was because I'm renowned for having a staring problem and by time I would realize I should be taking pictures, I would have only gotten the backside of the truly legit trannys. There was one that followed us around for almost 1/2 an hour singing "Next time baby I'll be bullet proof" at the top of his lungs over and over again. Of course Kevin and I thought it was hilarious!!

When we finally got seated we asked the waitress if this was normal or if there was some special reason this place was so packed. She said it was normal I guess the place has been featured on Food Network a bunch and it has been voted Best in the City a time or two.
 I ordered the eggs benedict and Kevin got corn flake crusted french toast. Both were delicious, but mine, hands down was the BEST! The hollandaise sauce was to DIE for!

 Our waitress was nice enough to take our picture.

After that we hung out in the city a little longer then went back to the 'rents and got ready to go out to an early dinner. Kevin's parents took us and Kevin's sister and brother and their spouses out to Manzana. It was really nice, Matilda stayed with her cousins so we were able to enjoy ourselves.
 Me and my HUGE baby in front of Manzana

After that we went back to Kevin's parents for dessert and gifts!
 Matilda really likes helping!

 Kevin's Mom made me the MOST delicious cheesecake with a sour cream topping...Yum!

We had had an early dinner because my mother-in-law was attending a wedding reception that night. My father-in-law decided he didn't want to go and I looked at the invitation and noticed the girl in their ward was marrying a Falk. I knew my good childhood friend, Alecia, was in town for a wedding and I took a chance that it may be the same one.
I finally got to meet her two cute and chunky twins!
Serious, how fun was that surprise?!

To cap off the night me and Kevin walked down to the 7-Eleven after the kids were asleep and got some snacks and a Red Box DVD. The perfect end to a perfect day!