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Monday, December 15, 2008

B-DAY!!!!!!!!! :)

Allright, so today was my birthday, and it was one of the best ive had in a long time. Since dad is gone for our real b-day, we opened presets on Sunday. I got some pimpin clothes from Megan+ Tarl,, clothes from the parentals, and an Ipod!!! Its the new nanos (mine is 16G) and if u dont like the song, you can just shake the Ipod and it will choose a random song! It pretty freaking kule! Its the bast gift ive EVER gotten :). Christmas is coming up YAH!!!

Sunday, November 30, 2008


So, school's out for a week (YES!) and Thanksgiving was on Thursday. It's been great. Megan, Tarl, Kira and Joe came over, so that's ten in total. I gotta tell you there is never a dull moment. On Thanksgiving day Uncle Eric and Aunt Joy came over with Nico, Berkeley and Kristi. After dinner, we busted out the good ol' Rock Band 2. This is the best game ever (Joy and Eric seemed to like it alot.... they played for quite a while...) I am truly thankful for the family that I've been adpoted into. As said earlier, there is never a dull moment. I love this family a whole bunch. Here's the bad news though...school starts tomorrow, I geuss I'll have to survive :(

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Check it!

YES! My own blog....this makes me feel super-nerdy!!! yet it is totally freakin' awsome!!!