A question that suddenly occurred to me the other day, just after my last post, was "How long have I been doing this tinned nonsense for?" I couldn't quite believe it when I looked back to my
first ever post and discovered it was dated 22 December 2013. Five years - where has the time gone?!
In one way it was a shame I hadn't realised earlier, and done some kind of 5th birthday special. But when you consider I hadn't written anything for a whole year until the end of 2018, I would have felt a bit of a fraud doing so. To claim I have been blogging for 5 years is a bit like someone lying on their CV to exaggerate their experience, or saying they've been going to the gym for ages, when in fact they've barely used their membership at all since joining. But to say "I started the blog 5 years ago" is at least accurate.

I could perhaps have made myself a tinned birthday cake to commemorate the occasion, such as the ones demonstrated online
here, but you may recall I had a go at
something similar before, many moons ago. A while ago I read about a company called The Food Ministry, who sold a range of 'Cakes in a Can' through Notonthehighstreet.com, but sadly they seem to have either gone out of business or stopped selling them. More recently I discovered a German company called
Feddeck Dauerwaren, who sell various 'Dauerwaren' (non-perishable foodstuffs, for the non-German speakers among you) for camping, trekking, emergencies and general apocalypse preparation. Among the tinned goods are three varieties of
canned cake - chocolate, lemon and walnut - "as from Grandma's coffee table, but baked in a can".