July happened. I'm still not quite sure where it went, but I know we had fun. We've been taking full advantage of the outdoor pool at our gym, and at Peyton's cousins' house. Well, that is of course when we've had the sunshine for it. Peyton went to 2 weeks of summer camp; one for gymnastics and one for her preschool. Here's our July recap, in photos.
Love good girlfriends
We went to the golf course with grandma and grandpa. Peyton was happy to ride in the cart with them to "look for baby deer". Piper called the deer we saw "dogs".
Grandma and Grandpa hosted their annual cousins' campout for all the kids 4 and over. Peyton had THE BEST time. They slept under the stars and had their own olympics and went geocaching and ate all sorts of good stuff. Peyton came home and was like, "we had s'mores for dinner and Swedish pancakes and s'mores for breakfast and hot chocolate!"
Piper loves Tinky. Her first word besides "mama" and "dada" was "duh" (dog).
Our stake had a Pioneer Day party. Peyton was excited to ride in the hand cart.
I recently started running (boo) and adopted Tink as my running buddy. On our first run, I was practically dragging her, and she kept wanting to lay down and rest.
Piper went through a phase where she constantly sucked her top lip in. It was SO cute.
Peyton got a tattoo from Princess Jasmine
Peyton got herself ready one day with every piece of non-dress-up jewelry she has, plus a sparkly belt and my shoes.
Piper's second tooth came in! Now she has super uneven bottom teeth. I love them.
She looks just like me when I was younger.
Thank goodness for baby food pouches! I can just open them while I'm driving and hand them back to her. She does make a little bit of a mess though. You can tell this was a particularly cranky car ride because it was a 3-pouch day.
She's got some curls!
Tinky makes me laugh. She leads a pretty posh life.
I babysat my niece and nephew one day and all the kids took a bath. Too cute!