Thursday, September 6, 2012

Trip to see A^

The boys in the 'Boys Room'
Mads enjoying Baby Addie
Girls...minus Amy
All the kids playing...can't imagine having 4!
Mark misses this age...Stella's a little unsure of Baby Addie
Just a quick overview of our NY trip so far...thanks A^ for opening up your house to our family
And thanks Amy for making me update the I need to catch up on the last 8 months:-)

Sunday, January 22, 2012

11 Months Old

Crawls upstairs (thanks to my parents)
Sleeps 6 hours straight...most times
8 teeth
says 'night night dada'
eats more Mac N Cheese than her sister
full head of hair
jumps up and down in her crib

Thursday, December 22, 2011

10 Months

10 months old!

6.5 teeth
eats kitty food
still not sleeping through the night
pulls herself up to standing
holds her own bottle (FINALLY, but only when laying down)
love playing with Madeleine
says dadadada
eats anything...currently loves black beans and egg whites...not together though

Out of Mads' Mouth

In reference to her bum...
'I have to buy a new bum because this bum is cracked.'

'Eggs make my bum stink.'

I told Madeleine that Santa was bringing Grandma and Grandpa out here to visit, after they arrived, she went outside and sat on the porch. When I asked her what she was doing, she said 'Waiting for Santa to come.'

As a revisit to my bathroom post, Madeleine has washed her hands in the toilet...great.

Monday, December 5, 2011


Friday, December 2, 2011

Are they sisters?

Both at 5 a bit (or a lot) bigger than the other!



Thursday, December 1, 2011

il gabinetto

Madeleine refused to go potty one night before bed, so, when she finally decided to do so, it was in the trash. Of course we put her in the corner, but ohh, it was so hard not to laugh! At least she'll be prepared when we're stuck in the woods without the proper facilities.

When we're out she looks for the 'dress' so she knows which door to use; I find this happens quite often when she's Target, the restaurants, church, etc...

Now when I have to use the bathroom I refer to it as the 'potty'. Thanks Mads!

Sorry about the potty post.