Thursday, May 26, 2011

Runs Like a Deere...

Twenty-four hours after receiving his awesome new bike, Luke (the luckiest 2 year old on the planet) and I heard the doorbell ring and opened the door to this:

A total surprise from Grammy and PopPop. 
His very own John Deere!!!

Our next door neighbor and best buddy Reid has one of these (which is now on its very last, wheels), so Luke knew exactly what it was and COULD NOT wait for me to get it out of the box.

Even without a seat or steering wheel and wrapped in plastic, this little Deere really made his eyes light up.

He couldn't get the plastic off fast enough.

It was really stuck on there. Look at that face. 

 He tried so hard to put the steering wheel on himself.

 He called it the "driver'.
"Put the driver on, Mommy!"
All the parts laid out. It has a moveable bucket that goes on the front and a trailer that attaches to the back. Grammy said she ordered the one with the highest weight allowance. Wonder why?

 He was so impatient that he got in trouble and was sent to time out. While he was there, I got the seat attached, and then decided to give up. There was NO WAY he was going to stay off the tractor to let me attach the bucket and trailer.
Out of time out and on top of the world!

He even insisted on eating his post-nap snack on his tractor a few hours later!

Thank you so much, Grammy and PopPop, for the most amazing present that Luke will probably ever receive. He could not be more thrilled with it!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

A Sweet New Ride.

Remember how I mentioned that we purposely didn't buy Luke much for his birthday? Well this is one reason for that. Just before his big day, this arrived in the mail.

Don't you just love seeing that little smirk on your doorstep? Luke does. He now thinks every package that comes to the house is a present for him.

Luke thinks he's a pro at opening packages. In fact, before I moved the contents of the knife drawer (with a child-proof lock on it) to a high cabinet, he once took the liberty of grabbing the biggest knife in the drawer and hacking away at a brown box much like this one.

You may have noticed his stylish look....That day he had seen a pair of Elmo undies in his drawer. They were part of a big box of hand-me-downs that we got from my generous friend Kelly. He is still far from ready for potty training, but that morning he INSISTED on wearing them where he could see them. I had actually forgotten about them until I started taking pictures.

I was expecting this package. It was part of his birthday gift from Flipper and Pops. Luke, of course, knew nothing about it. He was soooo excited when he saw what was inside the box.

Since he couldn't quite get the big bike box out of the brown box, he just started taking out all the stuffing.

For some reason he decided to make the long strips of stuffing into a lovely boa for Mommy. He just walked right over and put them around my neck.

Then it was time to take out all the parts and start putting the pieces together. Luke was a bit surprised to see that the contents of the box looked nothing like the picture on the front.

We unwrapped all the pieces and laid them out on the floor. I opened the instruction manual and, reading to Luke, I said, "Ok. We are going to need a screwdriver, a wrench, and a hammer. Unfortunately Luke knows exactly what those things are, and he confidently grabbed Daddy's hammer out of his tool bucket and immediately proceeded to hammer the floor in front of him, yelling, "HAMMER!!!"

After a blood-curdling shriek from me, he looked up at me like, "What the heck? You said 'hammer'?!" The damage was already done, and I now have two big dents in the middle of the floor that taunt me every time I sweep, as I always think they are stuck-on food. It drives me nuts.

Having had the hammer snatched out of his hands, he moved on to the wrench. Here he is saying, "WENCHHHH!!!!"

Thanks to Bob the Builder, Handy Manny, and Daddy, Luke knows precisely how to work a screwdriver. He just isn't aware of the need for screws.

Can you see the effort on his face? He was SERIOUS about getting this bike up and running.

Before I could even snap a picture of the finished product, he was off and, riding.

Checking out his new wheels.

He refused to take his eyes off his new ride and wouldn't look up at me to take his picture. You can see how pleased he was with his new bike, though.

Finally, he looked at me.
All business. And total Bubba.

It seemed as though Elmo was tickled with Luke's new bike too.

Ready to take a few laps around the 'hood and strut his stuff for all the ladies.

Thanks so much, Flipper and Pops. Luke loves his new bike!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

The Party.

We had a little party for Luke at our house on Saturday. After last year's birthday party was relocated to the garage due to inclement weather, I wasn't going to risk it this year. I kept the party small and simple, so that we could be inside. We just invited a few friends for lunch and birthday cookies.

 Balloons were my only decor. So easy!

 The Mellentine boys came and made up 4/5 of the guests.

 Luke's best buddy Anthony. I love him.

 Just a little mowing to get the party started.

Jake and Luke ate almost all of those chips. All before lunch.

 Sweet birthday punkin.

 Praying before lunch.

 Digging in.

 Mohawked Marcus was pleased.

Then it was time for dessert...birthday cookies -- chocolate chip, of course-- with chocolate ice cream. Luke's two latest passions. Unfortunately, the birthday candle and birthday singing were a little overwhelming.

 Someone got a little scared.

 The same thing happened last year...
(that's Marcus coming to the rescue)

 With some reassurance, though, he returned to the fire...

 ...and even gave it a good effort.

 Thank goodness for a little help from your friends.


 He was pleased as punch.

 Anthony seemed to like it too.

Lastly, it was time for presents. Cooper's present was first up.

 Luke was actually really into opening the gifts this go round. 

 Cooper was sooo excited to give Luke his present -- Mr. Potato Head!

The Mellentine boys gave the Stinker a fun turtle activity thing that he thought was way cool.

And we actually got a family picture! 

It was a fun little party, and we are so grateful that Luke's friends could celebrate with us. 
Thanks, friends!