Sunday, February 27, 2011

Johns Birthday??

 Yes, it's a question. my brother-in-law Johns birthday is on the 29th, that doesn't really exist so it's sorta his birthday, sorta not. Anyway, if you know my family you know that we are incapeable of taking normal attractive pictures when we're together so this is what we get.

UVU indoor 5k

 These girls are so fun! we did a 5k at UVU this weekend in preps for our half marathon, well, I guess not all these girls are doing the marathon but some are and this was a fun training stepping stone. My time was 27 something. Afterwards, we all went to Kneaders, to refule the calories we lost of course, and got some french toast. So yummy! Unfortunately I was getting sick that morning and didn't know it yet and I ran pretty hard so my body didn't like that, I'm feeling pretty crappy. But it was so fun and so worth it! I'm up to my 7 mile long runs in my training and it's getting hard, but I'm loving how it makes me feel, aside from this weekend. :) Lets do another race ladies!!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Mini Makeover

 I decided to do a little mini makeover to my house. I wanted things to be more light and fresh and colorful and happy! So I changed the colors and bought a new area rug, and painted some old picture frames and WA-LA! They are panoramic pictures so they don't line up perfectly, but you get the idea! Above is the before picture and below is the after..........

Here is the new rug...

One of my favorite finds from Rod Works....

And I wanted to show case my new plates, they are to cute to just sit in my cupbords!

Painted and distressed frames, super easy

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Caaaalifornia Love

 Here we are on the plane, the kids were entertained most of the time by the tvs un the backs of the chairs. Me on the other hand, I got to hold a cranky baby for 2 hours....

We stopped at Michael's house on the way to my parents to meet our new nephew, Josh. He's a cutie!

 Us, Michael's sisers Jenny and Katie and Katies daughter Elizabeth

At the aquarium at Sterns Warf
 A day at the beach! The kids played Pirates with Micheal and dug for treasure

We made a little side trip to San Diego to see my brother Scott and his new baby and to go to the zoo. Liv stayed back with my mom. Here is the new little guy James, or Jimmer. We also played K'nect but sadly didn't get any pictures of that.

For those of you who havn't been to the San Deigo zoo, you must go. It is epic. It takes litteraly all day to see the whole thing. The kids loved it

 On our drive home it was raining and there was this huge rainbow, the picture does not do it justice, it was the brightest rainbow I have ever seen
 And the kids paaaased out. Rock on.

Every time we go down we make a special trip to see Michael's grandparents, Bachan and Geechan, which is Japanese for, you guessed it, grandma and grandpa. There is a tradition that Bachan puts make up on the little girls, Rylie looks forward to it every time. They don't speak much english but they love our kids, they are named after them so I'm sure they scored some points with that. :)

Another day at the beach! We built the unltimate sand castle...

and the funnest part is distroying it!

 My sister Jamie and I hit up the Justin Bieber movie. It was aaaaawsome. I highly recommend it. Bieber4life!!

Aaaaaaand then there was the flight home.....I'll let the picture speak for itself....
We had such a fun time visiting with family, playing at the beach, eating amazing food, shopping with my mom, and just getting some time with each other to relax and get a break. I miss it already!

(And below is another picture from the zoo that I could not for the life of me figure out how to put it in the right spot with this new picture uploading nonsence! I hate it!!)

Valentines day

 This Valentines day was so fun for me because I had been planning a suprise vacation for our family and was telling Mike all about it. The fun  part was that we were leaving the next day and he had no clue! He got me roses and this SUUUUPER cute dish set that I've had my eye on. I am in love with it.
 This is Mike reading the poem I wrote him telling him about the trip....
 This is what it said-
Happy Valentines day sweet husband of mine
I'm happy this year you are my Valentine
I love you so much and wanted to get you something crazy fun,
So I thought, What about a week in the glorious sun?
I called your work and everythings all set
Tomorrow morning we are getting on a jet
We're going on a much needed vacation
to see our families and get some much needed relaxation!
So pack your bags and lets get ready to go
And get far far away from this awful yucky snow!
I'm not joking, this is really all planned out to the T
I know you're shocked I hid this from you actually!
So lets get ready I need to pack too,
This is just how much I really love you!

And off we went! Next come all the California pics!!!