Monday, September 28, 2009

baby pics

I forgot to post these pictures last week when I went in for my ultra sound. Partly because its sorta hard to make out what your looking at. Lucky for my my doctor likes to do 12 week ultra sounds just for the fun of it. The baby was kicking and punching like crazy! It was so strange to see it moving around so much but I couldn't feel any of it. Not yet anyway. The doctor measured the baby and immediately asked me if I normally have such large babies........I said yes and he said this baby was measuring a week and a half bigger than it should be. Thanks doc!

Friday, September 25, 2009

my haunted house

Like I've mentioned before, I love Halloween. I think everything about it is fun. I get so excited to put up my decorations because it means the beginning of fall! I wanted to put pictures of some of my decorations so I could remember the things I had. My husband only allows me two totes for Halloween stuff so I have to limit the things I buy. As long as I can fit everything into two totes, I'm good. But they're full now so no more I guess.

This is my haunted Halloween tree. Every year I get new scary ornaments to put on it. It so fun to collect them! I really need a scarier tree though, the spray painted Christmas tree just isn't very frightening!

I couldn't get my flash to work in these last two pictures so excuse the bluriness.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The mini van

We got our new car! I'm actually really excited to be an owner of a mini van! Its really cool! Well, maybe cool isn't the right word to describe mini vans but I'm excited about it. We were looking at the Dodge Grand Caravans and really liked them but we were looking on KSL at their cars and found this Hyundai Entourage at a dealership. We are HUGE fans of Hyundais. We own two already and between both our families I believe there are about 8 of them. They have the best warranties you can get and they saved us thousands of dollars when our radiator over heated and it needed to be replaced, the warranty paid for all of it. So we are big believers. So naturally we were pulled toward this car. So today Mike called and said he had to show me something. I went outside and he had the car. He was just test driving it and wanted me to see how I liked it. I fell in love immediately. It had the two bucket seat in the front instead of a bench and the back seats still folded down into the floor. It had everything the Dodge had except for the was 2 grand cheaper! With only 30k miles on it! So we made some magic happen and bought it an hour later. So without disclosing weird financial information, we got a huge nice new car for the same monthly payment as my previous little car. That's magic! I am so excited! I love it.

Todays thoughts

I found out yesterday that my good friend and neighbor Corinn is pregnant too. I'm about two months further along than her, but its still really fun to be prego with a friend. So you can compare your miseries and joys. I have my first real doctors appt tomorrow with Dr. Mcdreamy so I'm excited to get this ball rolling. He will do another ultra sound tomorrow so I'm excited to see the little alien. I'm still not feeling much better. The medicine does take the edge off but I'm not out of the woods yet. Just patiently waiting for the day when I can eat again. I'm still searching for the baby things I need on KSL and various other places to get the best deal. I got my sit and stand stroller and my Rainforrest Jumperoo so I'm steadily on my way. I still need my swing, bunk beds and a new changing table. But we've got plenty of time!!

We started doing joy school with some other moms in my complex, so Rylie is doing preschool on Tuesdays and Thursdays and joy school on Mondays and Wednesdays. It's going pretty good... Except for the weeks when I have to teach. Last week was my week and I was so sick both of the days and could not muster up the strength or the patients for these girls. It did not go well. There were lots of time outs. I tried though, I didn't know how hard it would be to teach 3 girls how to write the letter "D". Apparently its very hard because I'm not confident any of them even know what the letter "D" is after my attempt at teaching.

I love that the weather is starting to change! Yesterday was the first chilly day we've had in a long time and it makes me feel so happy! I love this time of year because it brings up so many happy emotions and memories. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Halloween! It one of my all time favorite holidays. And then good times follow shortly after that with Thanksgiving and Christmas. It's just so happy. I'm excited to put up all the decorations and fun things that the kids love. And Pumpkin Spice candles! Are you kidding! Love it!

Friday, September 18, 2009

What the Mini Van???

I have officially been converted. I have always thought mini vans were lame-o. And who ever was driving them was lame-o..........until I went and looked at them. We have been in the market for a new, bigger car since baby #3 is on the way and we were thinking something more like a smaller SUV. But when you think about it, SUVs are tricky because you have to put the front seats down in order to get access to the back row, if there is a back row, and that is a pain. With the van, you don't' have to do anything. There is so much space in there! The picture above is the Dodge Grand Caravan and that's what we have been looking at. They are truly amazing machines. The seats can even fold down down into the floor to make the whole van flat! Or you can choose to have just the back seat flat if your hauling stuff around. I just love it. I know about all the stigmas.....I know they are for Mormon soccer mom's but you know what? They are so practical! And they get way better gas mileage then those huge SUV's. We haven't bought one yet, but I'm pretty sure we will. So bring jokes and the stickers that say "RULDS2?" And the stickers of the little families on the back window. The people who are making fun of of me will be the people who call me to help them pick up a large piece of furniture or something. I'm confident enough with myself to rock this. ROCK THIS!!

Monday, September 14, 2009


I have this tiny problem. When I'm pregnant, I have hallucinations. Like for real, horror movie hallucinations. When I was pregnany with Rylie I would see scorpions crawling on the wall at night. With Davis it was people in my room. And last night it was spiders. I woke up several times throughout the night and saw spiders crawling on my bed. I was not asleep! I was fully awake and really seeing spiders crawling all over my bed. About the third or fourth time I saw them they were crawling on Mikes arm and I took my sheet and tried to squish them. He woke up and asked what I was doing. I told him that there were two spiders crawling on his arm and I just squished them. I lifted up the sheet and there was no spiders. There never were. He looked at me really strangely and I swore to him I was completely awake. We laughed about it and I didn't see any more for the rest of the night. But I really did see them. I even remember standing up and shaking my blankets off because I kept seeing them there. I have asked a doctor before about them and they have no idea what I'm talking about. No one has ever heard of pregnancy hallucinations. Which makes me kinda worry. I hope I don't see something crawling on my husband and try to stab it or something. That wouldn't work out to well. At the time I am seeing them I would swear on my life that they were there, I'm seeing them, why wouldn't I think they were real? I wonder if it has anything to do with a spike in blood pressure or something like that. I don't know but my brain is freaking out. I feel kinda like a crazy person. It's really like in scary movies when someone see's something and then looks again and it's gone. Very strange.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Beautiful Rylie

I'm a litte bias about how cute my kids are. But they seriously are.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Fabulous Winter finds

I have been having so much fun hunting for winter maternity clothes. I have found some amazing deals!! I just had to share. I'm not not usually one to write about clothes, I love reading other people blogs who write about clothes, but I just don't' know what to say. The boots above are from Target, yes Target. I found these Nine West shoes at TJ Maxx for $25!

These boots are from Old Navy and I just so happen to be shopping on a day that if you used your Old Navy card you got 30% off your entire purchase. So I made a killing there. I love the pink. It was between these and brown ones and I've never owned pink boots before so I thought why not? They're fun.

This is a maternity sweater also from Old Navy

Not a maternity sweater, but very well could be, Old Navy

Old Navy

Old Navy Maternity

My mom bought these next two sweaters for me at Motherhood, they are so stinkin cute!

I had to get some color to add to add to all these dark, plain colors. Scarves found at Old Navy.

And these next jems were found at none other........Ross. I think Ross is so hit or miss and I rarely find cute things there but this particular day they had some way cute stuff. All maternity shirts. All under $8 a piece.

So there you have it. Just some of the many things I (and my mom) have purchased lately that I am proud of. Writing about clothes is kinda fun!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Thanksgiving Point Luau

We went to the Thanksgiving Point Luau this year for Labor day. It was really fun! It was at the Waterfall gardens. They had a whole luau complete with pulled pork and coconut cake. The food was awesome. And then there was a whole show with dancers from all the Polonesian islands. My favorite are the Tahitan hula dancers and the Haka dancers from New Zealand. They are so entertaining! It brought back good memories of my Hawaii trip last year with my mom and sisters. So I totally reccomend this for next year.

The drums were really loud!!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Mia the Mastiff

This is Mia the Mastiff. If you're wondering what kind of dogs Mastiffs are just watch the movie "The Sandlot" Okay, so we didn't have such a great experience with our other dog, who is on his way out of our lives forever. Michael has always wanted one of these dogs, we have even gotten in major arguments over it because we have never been in the position to own such a big dog. I actually really like these dogs, they are beautiful and low energy and really sweet. So about a month ago we were at a pet store and they just so happen to be doing adoptions that day, and I just so happen to be so sick with pregnancy sickness that I didn't want anything to do with the pets or the smells that went along with them at the store, I wanted to get out of there asap. But this dog Mia was there up for adoption and Michael seriously fell in love. He was wrestling around with her and playing on the ground. It was like a scene from a movie, you know, when its all slow motion. Of course I said "Heck no, get me out of here now." But the thought of that dog never left his thoughts. He is a very obsessive person and he brought up that dog every single day. I had very good reasons why we should not get that dog, reasons that make sense to every living human being, such as we do not have a back yard, we are having another baby and we do not have room in our house, which are very good reasons NOT to get this dog. I was so adamant about not getting this dog, and everyone we talked to said it was crazy to get her, which I completely agreed with....100%. But if you know my husband, he did not give up. He would bring the kids over to see her every weekend so they would talk about her, smart guy. And I hated the fact that I was being made the bad guy and I was the ONLY logical thinker in this situation. Not fair. So he left it alone and would bring her up every now and again until finally he asked me seriously what I thought one last time. I said that I would think about it. And I did. Very hard. My husband has really been putting forth a lot of effort lately to make me happy. He has single handedly almost gotten our family completely out of credit card debt and has turned our finacial situation around. He makes sure that I have all the material things that I need, incuding things for the new baby. He's very concerned about my well being, especially lately since I've been so sick. I felt awful denying him the one thing that he wants for himself. It's so much deeper that just the dog, its more about making a sacrifice to make him happy.. It was about trying to put forth an effort to say thank you I guess. So I told him he could get the dog......... UNDER MANY CIRCUMSTANCES which include: He has to keep his hair cut short (haha), he has to make sure the other dog is gone, he has to sell his fish tank, which takes up a big space in our kitchen, he has to give her a bath and brush her teeth every week, he has to be in charge of walking her and taking her potty and he has to vacuum the carpets every day........and here's the real part of the deal........I get to choose what I want in exchange for letting him get the dog, on top of all that other stuff, which means I get to hang this over his head for as long as I want. And I'm going to make it something good. I'm thinking a trip to Hawaii. I don't know, but its going to be big, and he HAS to do it. And he agreed. So that is our deal. I think it actually works in my favor. I totally had the bargaining chip. It was sorta fun.
So let me tell you a little about this dog. She is HUGE. She is SOOOOOO lazy. She doesn't move from the same spot ALL DAY. She just sits and sleeps all day. Mastiffs are notorious for being super lazy. She has really short hair so she doesn't shed. She doesn't bark, we tested it. She is house trained. And she lets the kids climb all over her and she doesn't care. She even let Davis ride on her back. (she's that big) She is a sweetheart. Seriously a very easygoing dog. We put her bed in the corner of the kitchen so she's out of the way. And we got her for free, we saved her from a shleter who was about to put her down because no one wanted her. So we saved her life! Below is a picture so you can see tha perpective of how huge this dog is. Her head is like twice as big as mine.

So that's it, that's why we have this enormous dog in our house. Because I love my husband very much and I want to try and make him as happy as he makes me. So no need to leave any comments about how crazy we are, we are fully aware!! :)

Friday, September 4, 2009


I had finally had it with this sickness. Yesterday I was sick from the second I woke up to the second I went to sleep and I seriously couldn't take it. I was in tears most of the day and couldn't do anything. So I called my nurse this morning BEGGING for some drugs to help me out and she suggested Fennigrin......with is what they gave me along with my epidural when I was in labor with Davis and it drugged me up so bad. There is no way I can take that during the day and function. So then she suggested Zofrann which is a pretty powerful anti nausea medicine. She also had no suggestions for my allergies, which was frustrating. She only suggested Claratin and I'm already taking that and it does nothing. So she called in the Zofrann and I went and picked it up a few hours ago and took one right away and I am feeling so good. I even mopped my floor today!! That's a sign of life. I might even put on some make up and make my husband take me on a date tonight. I hope this continues to work for me. I'll keep taking it and see how I feel. I'm just grateful for some relief.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Gotta have em

I decided to take some pictures of my growing belly. We were messing around and took some silly pictures. I swear I'm only like 11 weeks, I know I look way fatter than 11 weeks. I swear and would put money on the fact that you show sooner with each pregnancy. I even tried to suck it in a little. I'm thinking this baby is a girl only because I am so ridiculously sick just like I was with Rylie and with Davis it was nothing. So if any of those old wives tales are true about being sicker with different sexes then this baby is defiantly a girl. I keep thinking it's going to get better, but I seriously can't even move sometimes. I feel really good in the mornings and and then around lunch I start to feel it, and it just gets worse from there. So I'm not cooking dinners, or doing a whole lot of grocery shopping. But still trying to stay positive! I'm fitting into maternity clothes so I've been having fun buying lots of new stuff. I'm actually excited to be pregnant during the winter because I will get to wear all the cute winter clothes that I didn't get wear with my August babies. So that's a plus! I can't eat chicken. With every pregnancy I can't eat chicken. It's so weird. The thought of chicken or the smell makes me want to jump off a cliff. It doesn't even have to do anything wrong, I just can't eat it. I also have discovered the phenomenon of pregnancy induced allergies. I sneeze all day and have itchy eyes and an itchy throat all the time. And at night i cannot breath out of my nose. I don't get it. I have never had allergies in my life. And my husband is still being a huge help. He went to the grocery store the other day and came back with a whole grocery bag full of medicine for me. Included was a huge bottle of Tums, a huge bottle of Mylanta, a box of Claratin, a box of Unisom, and a box of breath right strips. He is so thoughtful. It had nothing to do with the fact that I kept him up all night the night before sniffing and sneezing and blowing my nose. :) He's just that good. It takes a lot of drugs to make me even somewhat comfortable, and none of that helps with the pregnancy sickness. :)
This is exactly how I feel.

Okay, I can do one smiling picture.