Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Crazy pills

Michael was heading out the door to pick up a prescription and Rylie asked where he was going and he said "I'm going to get my crazy pills!" And she responded with "What about mom, she needs crazy pills too." I laughed and said "You think I need crazy pills? You think I'm crazy?" and she nodded. I then said "Mom is pregnant, she can act how ever she wants and it's okay!" Rylie just laughed. Thanks a lot child of mine.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

fall off the bone fat

Today I made beef spare ribs in the crock pot that we were so excited about. I cooked them all day and they smelled awesome. When it came to eat, I was so hungry. We sat down and I looked at the ribs and they looked kinda funny, I tried to cut them and they were 100% fat. There was seriously no meat on them. I couldn't even cut into them because the fat was so intense. And so I cried. I was so tired today, I didn't sleep very good last night and I was SOOOO hungry and now dinner was ruined. I blame being pregnant, but I seriously cried. I was very upset. And very tired. And very hungry. So I made popcorn instead.


From The Taos

We had such a great Christmas! My family was able to come up here this year and it was awesome. It started out with Christmas Eve dinner at my grandmas and then we all opened our pajamas.
From The Taos

The boys all got Super Hero shirts and the girls got some cute pink and blue penguin pjs.

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The best part about this pic isn't the rediculous pose we are doing, but the amazing garment exposure by my sister. Sweet.

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Davis's favorite thing of the day was the bubble wrap he found. Not the 101 new toys he just got. :)

From The Taos

My sister Jamie got a sweet Edward doll. She was so excited!

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Michael got me a back massager, so that he wouldn't have to do it anymore I'm sure. It's amazing! I totally love it, and so do the kids. We finished up the present opening with crepes and then we all went to go see Sherlock Holmes. And ended the day eating at the ONLY restaraunt open on Christmas day, Tepanyaki.

From The Taos

We also took the kids bowling for the first time and they totally loved it. They were so excited to be allowed to throw big balls and knock things over with them! It was a great Holiday, and I'm so grateful my family was here to share it with.

The Polar Express

From The Taos

The whole fam went on the Heber Valley Polar Express this year. We prepared weeks in advance by reading the book every night and watching the movie so the kids would know what was going on. For them it was pure magic. They truly believed they were on a magic train and we were going to the real North Pole. They loved the whole thing. It started off with some hot chocolate and cookies, then they read the book to everyone, then we sang lots of Christmas songs and by then we were at the North Pole. Santa came on the train and gave each child a bell and asked them what they wanted for Christmas. It was so cute to watch their little faces as Santa came on the train. Priceless. So the kids loved the whole thing. In my opinion, it was a little long and they could have made it so much cuter by singing some songs from the movie, but since the kids loved it so much it made it all worth it. My brother dropped my camera on the ice right before we got on the train and broke it so luckily my mom had her camera.

From The Taos

From The Taos

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Pop Pop sure looks excited!
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From The Taos

Reading the Polar Express with Grandma and Pop Pop

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Rylie's face in this pictures tells the story. She looks so amazed to see Santa. I love this picture

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Baby Boutique

From The Taos

We had tons of fun at the little baby boutique at my house yesterday. There was so much stuff! It was a little over whelming. There were about 15 totes full of flower bows, headbands, beanies, leggings, you name it. So here are some of the cute things I got. Rylie is convinced she can share all of these with baby girl, she is trying so hard to fit into the tlittle hats!
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From The Taos

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Christmas Sunday

From The Taos

Rylie has been so excited to wear her new Christmas dress. And any time we do her hair in fancy curls she is totally convinced she is a princess. These pictures were taken with lots of bribing...they did not want to smile
From The Taos

From The Taos

Friday, December 18, 2009

friends with babies....

Attention all friends with babies that live here....I have a lady who has closed down her baby boutique coming to my house with ALL of her left over baby stuff to sell for SUPER cheap. She is dropping it all off and leaving it here all day so you can come look and see what you want. Its she's bringing it all over this Tuesday. She has flower bows, beanies, crocheted headbands, little boy church ties, baby leg warmers and tons more stuff. So I was just putting the word out for my friends who want a smokin deal on some cute stuff. I don't make any money off of it or anything, it's just for fun.

Stolen identity

I thought it was a little strange the other day when I recieved two boxes in the mail that had some random vitamins in them that I did not order. When I told Michael about them he called the number on the box and told them we did not order these. They said they had my debit card number and that I had ordered them on line. Really? I don't think so! So we canceled the account and told them not to charge us. Then last night I was going over my online bank statement and found a strange charge for $69.95 on my account. It didn't have any information as to what the charge was for, so today I called the bank and asked if they had any more information on what it was. He said there was a phone I called the phone number and the lady who answered so SUPER shady. I kept asking her what it was that they sold and why I had a charge on my account from them and she would not answer me. She eventually told me that they were a dating site and that someone signed up for this dating site using my debit card. Really? I don't think so! So I told her in my mean mommy voice that I need that money refunded to me now and all she gave me was an e-mail address that I could request a refund from. So lame. By now I have realised that someone has my credit card information and is using it to charge some really weird stuff. So I called the bank and got the process going to solve identity theft. They are assigning me an investigator to find out who it is and they asked me if I wanted to prosecute who ever it was that stole my identity and I said YES. So hopefully they find this person. I feel so violated and unsafe! Someone stole money right out of my checking account and they have my address! My card has been canceled and all accounts have been frozen. Ya, that's convenient for me! I'm just wondering who charges stupid stuff like that? If I had someones debit card number I would go and finish all my Christmas shopping! :) I don't know why they chose such stupid things to buy with it. So it's sad that there are people out there who really do this. I'm grateful that my entire account isn't drained. But when we find who this is, they are totally going to jail.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

clean bill of health

I had a cardiologist appointment today and it was all good news. He said my heart is strong and he didn't find anything in any of my tests that was to alarming. He showed me the read out of my heart monitor and it was so interesting. He showed me what it looked like when my heart did a flutter and its crazy. He said I had a triple arrhythmia at one point and he showed me that, it was so cool. The line on the paper when all over the place and then straight for a while and then picked back up again. He said if would have had more than one of those it would be cause for alarm but since there was only one it makes it okay somehow??? I don't know. But he said my heart is fine for labor and I don't need any medication. GOOD NEWS!!! I'm very relieved. So all the flip flopping my heart is doing is somehow normal and okay. And my low blood pressure is just low, but not to low. Today it was 90 over 60.....that's pretty low. But they don't get alarmed until it gets to 80 over 60. So I feel like I'm right on the border of alarm, but not quite there yet so they say everything is okay. I have an OB appointment tomorrow and I am going to raise some heck about getting a better decongestant. I am so tired of not being able to breath. Anyway, I'm healthy as horse and that good enough for me!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Ward Christmas Party

From The Taos

I am now on the activities committee in my ward and so I helped plan our ward Christmas party. The lights were really low so it was hard to get a good picture, but the theme was winter wonderland and there were blue twinkle lights all over the room, it looked really cool. It was a fun night, except for twice the amount of people showed up as we were expecting so there wasn't enough tables or food, but other than that it was fun!
From The Taos

Rylie loved Santa! She was so excited to tell him what she wanted. It was really magical for her to see him and sit with him. You can tell her face in the next picture how mesmerised she was.
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And Davis spent the evening filling and refilling his cup with blue punch
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My good friends Kristen and Corinn
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Rylie wasn't to excited to perform with the primary, and she didn't get a jingle bell like the rest of the kids so she cried through the whole performance.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Ready to Rumble

I always try and get video of the baby going crazy and every time I break out the camera I feel like they know it and they stop moving. Every time. But I was able to get some good moves here. She doesn't just kick, she full on flips around and dances. She is constantly moving like this. My belly looks like an ocean of waves sometimes. It's so crazy to watch them move. Especially on the bare belly, when they get close to delivery I can see elbows and knees flying everywhere. Now you see why I'm glad she's clear of my ribs for now!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

little white shoes

From The Taos

Are these precious or what? I found them on Ebay. I am the high bidder right now and I'm confident I will win. My mom is making a blessing dress for baby girl and these shoes will be perfect. I'm so excited!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Sweet advice

Lately Davis has been waking up crying in the morning saying he's having bas he really is or he is just saying that because that's what Rylie says, is no matter. I was changing his morning diaper this morning ans he was still pretty upset about his "bad dream" and Rylie came in the room and said "What's the matter buddy? Did you have a bad dream? Well, you know what have to do when you have a bad dream? You just say a little prayer and ask Jesus to take away your bad dreams. You just say 'Jesus, please help me to not have bad dreams.' and he will take them away! That's what I do and it works every time!!" It was so sweet to hear her advice. We tell Rylie to say prayers when she's scared at night and so she felt very proud to be able to offer her words of wisdom to her scared little brother.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

6 months

From The Taos

I do feel kinda silly for posting pics of just myself... but I figured I should document what my belly looked like a few times. At 6 months I am feeling pretty good. Well, maybe I'm just having a good day and so I think I'm feeling good. Tomorrow could be be a whole nother story! I feel like I'm in a good place though, I'm not sick anymore, and the baby isn't quite big enough to kick my ribs yet.....which I am dreading more than anything. My poor ribs take quite a beating! And she isn't big enough to be giving me constant heart burn yet. I feel her move all day and all night long, which kind of worries me, she is an active little one! Which again makes me grateful she is clear of my ribs for now. My pelvis has its good days and bad days. It depends on how much I am on my feet. If I am standing for to long I literally cannot walk. But I am grateful that it doesn't hurt all the time, yet. I am happy with my weight gain so far, I won't reveal how much I have gained but I am happy with it. I am still waiting to get the results from my heart monitor and find out what the plan of action is. I have an apt next week with the cardiologist. I am sleeping okay for now, thanks to the sleeping pills I have to take, which are absolute heaven! I'm not proud that I have to take sleeping aids, but if I don't take them I literally will not sleep, and I have to sleep to be able to function with my other two kids. So I take them, and they make me happy. So I feel relatively good for now. And I am grateful for everyday that I feel this way because I know it doesn't last!

Sunday, November 29, 2009


Davis loves to make different faces for the different moods he has. We play this game all the time. So I wanted to take pictures of some of the faces he makes. (I noticed how unclean his nose was after I took the pics. Oh well)

This one is his sleepy face... or as he calls it, his "good night time eyes"
From The Taos

This one is his sweet boy face...
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This one is his surprised face...
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This one is his happy face...
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This one is his shy face...
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This one is suppose to be his sad face but he doesn't know how to intentionally stick his bottom lip out so instead he sticks his tongue out
From The Taos

Friday, November 27, 2009

Why do people do this???

From The Taos

I don't know why I thought going shopping on black Friday would be any sort of a good idea. I have never gone before...for good reason. We planned in going to the Super Target in Orem so we had to be there by like 4:30 am. So we get there and the line is already wrapped around the outer parking lot...we're talking hundreds and hundreds of people. They must have gotten there at like 2 in the morning. If anyone reading this was one of those people in the front of that line, I think you are absolutely insane. So we wait for the doors to open and go straight to the toys. I have never in my life seen madness like this. People were literally jammed packed together so we couldn't even move. People were fighting over toys and yelling... I couldn't wipe the look of amusement mixed with irritation off my face. People were eyeing our carts and seeing what we had, several people asked us where we got stuff and if we were keeping it so they could have it. It was insane. Like a scene from a movie. So it took about an hour for us to even be able to move around. We had to ditch our carts because it was to hard to maneuver them around. I was really confused because I felt like there weren't even any spectacular sales. Things were on sale, but nothing really to impressive. I didn't get it. And the things I really wanted, were not on sale. So I was kinda disappointed. I didn't sleep AT ALL the night before, between having to get up to pee several times and then having to get up at 4 to go, I was pretty tired. So once we felt like we got some good things we got in line. Ohhhhh the line. It was clear to the back of the store and wrapped around the building. Every single line was this long. So it took us literally an hour and a half to get through the line. We finally finished everything around 9:30 and headed home. We brought everything back to my house and sorted through it. There were 3 of us together and we spent collectively over $1000. I'm included in 1/10th of that total. :) My friends went a little crazy. And our total savings was over $500. The things you see in the above picture is what we got. And that is not including a few bikes, a luggage set, and some scooters they got. So we (they) scored. I just got the rest of the toys I wanted for the kids and the Glee soundtrack for me. :) (I absolutely love it!!!) So that was my nightmare, I mean morning. I don't know if I'll ever do this again. It was definitely an experience. Some people love this kind of stuff.....I would rather just buy it all online.

Thanksgiving Day

Here are some pics of our Thanksgiving. It was an exhausting day, but we had fun with our friends.

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Our spread of snacks
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Kids table
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Eric and Corinn
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We made gingerbread houses with the kids to try and keep them entertained. It was a big mess!
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Corinn was really good at the Wii fit
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