Sunday, November 29, 2020

Christmas Pictures

This is pretty much how it went down. First we argued about which wall to use, then we couldn't figure out the self-taking feature (in our defense its been 2 years since we used it), and finally the bitter cold wind picked up.....

And......we picked this one:


Tristan Missionary weeks 16/17/18


These last few weeks have been busy with Facebook finding, and service. The Coronovirus rules changed again and they can no longer go in members homes and with the weather changing they will have to do more Zoom meetings. Tristan has transfers coming this week and was excited to find out he will be training and staying in the same area. He seems to take everything in stride and his anxiety has seemed to calm now that he feels more comfortable with everything. He really loves Colorado and all the people he is meeting. he especially loves filing and writing scripts so the changes to missionary work have definitely been a blessing to him. He also celebrated his birthday in November and got spoiled by family and by members.  

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Josh's Stubblefield grandparents (James and Jean)

 Josh's dad posted these pictures this week to express gratitude for his parents. I only knew Grandma Jean for a few years, but enjoyed Grandpa for many more and would go to Omaha to collect him for meals and outings until it became too much for him. When I saw this picture of them young, I was taken  back by how much Delaney looks like Grandma Jean!


Homeschool is going well, we took a little break for part of the week and only did math and language to stay caught up with lessons in those subjects. Laurel is learning to identify birds in Science and saw this cardinal outside. I told her it was good luck and means a loved one is watching out for you. 

So sad this year. Buffet was closed due to COVID and movies are limited, so we decided to go to Wisconsin Dells and have a catered meal. Well, the Governor put more suggested restrictions on travel, which affects Josh in the ED, soooo...I cooked. 

I made strawberry salad, green bean casserole, sweet potato casserole, deviled eggs, mashed potatoes, gravy and turkey (which Josh brined)

For dessert I bought cupcakes and cheesecake from local gals who have home bakeries and they were delicious! Melina's friend brought over Pecan Pie too. (Oh and Mel worked her CNA job on Thanksgiving for the extra pay). 
Everyone crashed afterwards. It was a good and relaxing day.

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Sunday, November 15, 2020

COVID you suck!

Asher made some sort of Twinkie creation to share with the missionaries
Tristan has been struggling to send updates. He says he is busy every day even p-days. He and his companion are not seeing eye to eye and that has made Tristan anxious. He doesn't't like it when people don't like him and it seems to make his tics worse. I wish so much that he could go to Guatemala but I also know the Lord has him in mind and he will learn and grow from this experience.
Tristan and this Elder get along really well. 
Grandma Doreen (94) fell at home and broke her hip! Because of COVID no one could be with her. It sucks. I spent the better part of Thursday trying to make sure she was pokiest and someone could go visit her and get flowers to her. She ended up with surgery and she is doing ok but cannot go home for a few weeks while she recovers. Stacie, Nick's sister, was able to finally visit her because she works at the hospital and that helped calm Grandma down. 

Asher's play, Hurricane Smith, FINALLY happened. It was supposed to happen last Spring when we got shut down. This Fall they decided to invite some high schoolers and try to get it finished. Schools around us are closing up but we are holding on and the kids were able to do the play this weekend, despite having a few kids on quarantine. 

I know it seems trite to say I am tried of COVID or done with the closings and regulations, but seriously, I am struggling, big time. I never realized how much of a people person I am (seriously I have 9 kids, but I do crave quiet). I just need to see and interact with people even if they are not my best friends. I am really struggling. All Josh does is work. I school the kids and chase them and entertain them and feed them and we cannot have date nights, and I'm not sleeping through the night, and I haven't seen my family in a while.....I just feel sad. I feel angry. I feel lonely. I am working hard to check in on others and make sure all the needs are met for my family, but I am lost somewhere in there. I need a vacation. The wether has turned colder and I feel the anxiety creeping in. Usually that subsides when Josh and I take a quick trip to a warm climate and reconnect and recharge. BUT, that will not happen in the foreseeable future. I feel stuck and frustrated and ugh, I don't even have words for how I feel. I am tired of school and church being different. I like home church and shortened meetings, but I miss the dialogue and camaraderie, and I want to have a decent adult conversation again. I know people have way worse things happening in their lives....

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Primary Program 2020

 So, Mom wrote and directed the Primary Program which currently is just our kids.... Delaney helped with singing and Mara played the piano since I needed help in those areas. It went surprisingly well. 

Melina Senior Photos

 she had tases done in July, but you know...COVID...its made everything slow and difficult and behind. But, we finally have her Senior Photos and they are gorgeous, thanks to Abbu at Your Memories Photography in Belle Plaine, Iowa.