Thursday, October 31, 2019

Laurel is 9!!! Happy Birthday!!!

 Laurel celebrated with a two hour school delay due to snow on her birthday!

 So, we made due and opened presents after breakfast
 from Grandpa Vincent
 from Grandpa and Grandma Nadeau
 From Grandma Angie
 from siblings (new boots)
 from Mom and Dad!

 she asked for an ice cream cake. I ordered from Coldstone since we don't have a Baskin Robbins here ;o(

Wearing a new outfit from Grandma Angie, boots and doll


 We carved pumpkins Monday night for FHE. This is Delaney's and Laurel's pumpkin

 Daddy helped Winnie put the "Mr. Potatoe Head" pieces in her pumpkin, everyone else paired up and carved.

 Winnie's Minnie Mouse and Gideon's Ninja
 Asher and Nigel

 Wednesday night the High School had trick or treating, it was fabulous! Mara's hall was harry Potter and Mara was Dumbledore
 One part was decorated like Disney movies and Nigel stuck his head in the Little Mermaid display
 Asher went as a Gorilla last minute and Winnie hated it. She laughed when she figured out it was Asher, but she still wanted him fat away ;o)
 Halloween night: it snowed, Mom and Dad took kids on golf cart, Mel passed out candy at home. The girls came home after an hour, but Daddy stayed out with little boys for another hour.
the candy hall (minus all the snack type food we already put in our snack cabinet)

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Branch Trunk or Treat

Small turnout this year, but we still had a good time. The older kids were on a date at the Haunted House, Mara and Asher were with the Thrap for Carter's birthday and Dad was working so it was joust the 5 littles and me. The kids loved the cupcake walk, decorating cookies and of course trunk or treating....This year I let the kids pick whatever they wanted from our costume box, simply because I am tired. ;o) 2019 has been a long year and expensive year ;o) The kids were super happy to pick their own costumes.

Friday, October 25, 2019


 We came off a rough game against New London. Many of our players were injured, or got injured in this game. The boys came out strong with a touchdown and then faded. Tristan had a great game blocking, but many of the others players just struggled to show up. Season is over. Tristan cried, but he should be proud of where he came in 5 years: not ever playing, being benched, breaking his leg and then starting and being a crucial member of the team. I know I am proud of how hard he worked!