Friday, August 24, 2018

First Home football game

Go Tigers!
 Winnifred, 20 months
 Tristan, junior
 Melina, sophomore
Ciomara, 8th grade

Thursday, August 23, 2018

back to school/First Day AUG 23, 2018

 Nigel, 1st Mrs. Gunzenhauser
 Laurel, 2nd Mrs. Kooiker
 Delaney, 4th Mr. Jergens
 new art teacher, all of the kids, even the high school kids will have her. she will know our family well
 Asher 6th, Mrs. Weaks
Gideon preK, Mrs. Cronbaugh

 Tristan, 16
 Melina, 15
 Ciomara, 13
 Asher, 11
 Delaney, 9
 Laurel, 7
 Nigel, 6
 Gideon, 4
When we got home from dropping everyone off, I asked Winnie what she wanted to do? She said JUMP! She spent a good 20 minutes tiring herself out jumping without sibs pushing her over! She loved it and slept well too!

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Iowa State Fair

On Wednesday August 15, we went to the Sate Fair. We rode a few rides (so expensive!!!!) and saw Herky. We bought a game table and a new sleep number bed. And we watched Mara perform for Share the Fun. She played beautifully!

On Sunday, August 19, I took Mel, Khaelia, Tristan and Winnie back to the fair. Sunday is the only day for the dog show and having won county three years in a row, Mel wanted to show this year. Unfortunately, we had a bad experience and she doesn't want to come back. Tristan also did extemporaneous speaking that day and he did really good, but he also didn't really like the judge and felt like he doesn't want to do it again. We ate some good food and they rode a few rides so it was all fun in the end. 

Friday, August 17, 2018

Laney's Ukulele

When we took Grandma Angie to the airport, we spent the afternoon at the Thrap and Caelyn had a brand new ukulele. Well, because her BFF has one, Laney had to have one too. I said only if she paid for it! So she already had some money saved and then did some chores before school started so she could buy one. We went to West Music and got a well made one with a book, and case for $100. She is so excited!

Tristan football season 2018

 Tristan is number 7

Asher 11 year old scout campout

Asher and one of his good friends from school, Sam, went camping with their scout troop last weekend. They had a blast and Josh did too even though he didn't sleep well. They made food over the fire and went on a five mile hike and were lucky enough to not have rain!

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Middle and Little Kids with Grandma

While Mom, Dad and the big kids enjoyed Europe, Grandma Angie stayed home with the littles and Khaelia, who moved in to help. Bless her heart, almost three weeks of 6+ kids is a long time when you are close to 70! Mommy had a few organized camps so Grandma didn't have to spend the whole time entertaining them and just two days after we left, Schools delivered and installed our trampoline, so the kids had plenty of distractions!
 Grandma loves to take pictures of the baby. Who doesn't she is darn adorable!

 They made and ate treats! This is marshmallow fluff, a staple at my house growing up. Dip a cookie in it, dip a graham cracker, heck if you are like Winnie just dip your hand!
 They went to the park and played outside at our house on the rocking horse, slides , tree house and trampoline

 Delaney loves to play games and Grandma loves dominoes.
 They visited McDonalds about a half dozen times and enjoyed loads of ice cream on hot summer days!

 I signed them up for theatre camp through the Old Creamery Playhouse. Asher, Delany and Laurel went every day for a week and loved it!

Grandma and her babies for the week: Left to right, Laurel, Gideon, Asher, Laney, Winnie of Grandma's lap and Nigel trying to hide.