Wednesday, January 30, 2013

More Nigel pictures, 6 months

Seriously, could this baby be any more gorgeous?!

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Nigel Stew

Josh loves to take pictures of our babies in a pot. He even gave Nigel a spoon to stir himself. He is just a few days shy of 6 months....

Ciomara 2nd grade concert

Mara's 2nd grade had their music concert on Thursday night. Starting in 2nd grade they have all the classes sing together at the High School auditorium. Mara was so excited to share the music with us. We had excellent seats right up front thanks to our friends the Thraps. They arrived early because Charly had a solo. She did fabulous! Whenever I am teetering on the idea of homeschooling, I attend events like this and I am so grateful for wonderful teachers and programs like these that enhance my child's learning experience! Mrs. Senne, our music teacher, is EXCELLENT!

Nigel 6 months

Nigel is 6 months old! he loves to feed himself and say DA-DA! He is finally trying to sit! He can SCREAM and SQUEAL! He loves his brothers and sisters. This is just a sample of the pictures I had taken on Wednesday. As soon as I have the others, I will post them.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Still not sleeping....

We are still not sleeping. I think I pretty much function in a daze. Nothing super-exciting this week. I did finally make it to Costco, the first time in 5 weeks! We had several days of beautiful weather and I actually made it to the Y to work out. I went to lunch with some ladies from our stake and I have lost 6 pounds on WW! Otherwise:
Tristan- diving two times a week. He played in his last basketball game before March madness. Turns out being out for 6 weeks with a broken arm does not help your teammates see you in a positive light. We were disappointed in the way the coach and players "yelled" at Tristan the last 3 games he played and said some pretty mean and hurtful things. Yes, Tristan was out of practice in a sense, but calling him stupid did not boost his confidence. He is a great player did very well for his winning team last year. Josh called the coach out on it during halftime and we saw a whole new Tristan second quarter; he actually made several baskets for his team. We have requested a new team for March Madness, a team that doesn't know about the arm.
Melina- forgetting a lot of stuff lately: hat,gloves, coat, money, shoes, books....we have only found about half. She finished he therapy and is doing well in school, now if we could only get her to care more!
Mara- doing advanced reading and math. Loves school and is sometimes bored, but finds good things to occupy her time. She has been crying a lot lately about helping around the house (taking cues from an older sister), but she really is a good helper, especially with the baby.
Asher- ohh Asher. In trouble in school again for being rude to the teacher! (He got a swift kick to the butt!) I also had to speak to another Mom about Asher calling her son "bad" when really what I said to Asher was that he and this child make "bad" choices when they are together so I don't want them playing together....GEESH! Sometimes, I must admit I am a coward when parents come at me angry. But, I said my peace and I think we are well....He is reading many words and doing well academically.
Delaney- cute as a button, talks my ear off constantly. She went to Emma's birthday this week and hasn't stopped talking about it. She is a social butterfly and loves to talk to friends, but play by herself. She especially loves puzzles and princess on the I-Pad lately.
Laurel- NOT POTTY-training. Way too much poo, gooey poo for me right now. She talks up a storm, sings, "We are young!" and can pray all by herself. Such an amazing child!
Nigel- I love this baby dearly even though he doesn't sleep. He adores his father. What can I say!?

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Little Man's first foods

I have 7 kids, S-E-V-E-N. I thought* I had pretty much figured out the baby thing, but Heavenly Father had different plans. Little man has been quite the challenge. I have nursed all my babes, and they have all weaned themselves: Tristan- 10 months, Mel- somewhere between 4 and 6 mo, Mara- 1 year, Asher- 9 months (he bit me little bugger, only one I purposely stopped with), Delaney- 10 mo, Laurel 1 year.....little man, well, much like Mel he wants to "do it myself! In an effort to get more sleep, I started giving him a cereal bottle before bed at 4 months. I up-ed it to two a day at 5 months plus a tad bit of juice to get the bowels flowing...but now, during the day we wants a bottle, at night he wants to snuggle and nurse...ALL.NIGHT.LONG. At least I don't have to wear nursing garments/bra all day :o)
I was going to wait until he was 6 months to start some veggies, but this little man is HUNGRY. I gave him some sweet potatoes on Wednesday and he was so excited he snorted! Then he grabbed the spoon and did it himself! I have to keep his hands occupied while he eats or he just grabs the spoon and makes a giant mess! Good thing he is ADORABLE! Oh and that same night he FINALLY rolled back to front and started making raspberries! He cracks himself up when he makes noises with his mouth!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Who do they look like?

Missing pictures

For some reason blogger is making me load them though HTML. If you know why they won't upload via "Compose" please let me know. Anyway. Picture 1: I have had many a snowmen in the yard over the break. These three: Mom, child and baby..oh and dog down to the far right, close to ground, are courtesy of Mara and Laney who enjoy making snowmen a lot!
Laurel and I worked on potty-training. Again, Mara is a huge help as she will take Laurel to the potty, help her, and clean her up. Mel will NOT do this. Laurie stays dry but has the occasional poopy mess. Hoping for a couple days in a row of using the potty so we can havea potty party! She did earn her dolly, though, because she pooped on her own in the potty.
Tristan had his first game back, post-cast on Saturday. He was really really hesitant and ran with his arm bent and really struggled to make himself use it. His arm is fine, but he is fearful. He didn't play like himself at all. Oh well...hopefully next week will be better.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Confessions of a Tired Mommy

I confess, today I cried. I cried a lot. I actually went to my room, shut the door and had a good cry. If you would have come to my house at about 10amish, you would have discovered me bleary-eyed, red-faced, and still sobbing.
You see Josh bought himself a really nice golf-style shirt with his work logo embroidered on it. I washed it today, for like the 4th time. But, today, it came out of the wash with multiple holes in it. I checked and rechecked the machine and the other laundry. Only the shirt had holes. Why?! Why not the blanket that could be easily patched or my jeans for goodness sake! why Josh's shirt. I called him, bawling and saying I was sorry over and over. Thankfully he is very forgiving. Super-forgiving. I am not that forgiving. If it were me, I would be sooooo mad! I am terrible like that. But he was like , "oh ok." I told him to buy another one. He told me they were too expensive. UGH! Stab to the heart! "Really, its ok, " he comforted me. I truly don't deserve him. But this dang shirt, it was the straw the broke "my" back!
I swear (don't come around when I am upset because I have truly been known to use a word or two) that we have been sick for going on 8 weeks. I have not slept in 6 months+. My baby is an absolute doll and a HORRIBLE sleeper. Not sleeping is pure torture! I feel like I cannot organize my thoughts, I cannot complete projects, heck I cannot even focus on a book or even a tv show for long. I have done this baby thing 6 other times. But Nigel is different. He wakes up every hour or so. He wants to eat constantly. Josh said to feed him, so we started cereal at 4 change. Josh said to let him cry for a bit. I did...he cried for a LONG time and never gave up. I really think he likes to sleep, but he can't. We just keep passing around coughs, runny noses and the WORST stomach bug EVER. Horrible tummy pains, diarrhea and sometimes throwing up. Almost everyone has had it. I had it for like 4 weeks and now its back. I haven't been anywhere is almost a month save the store and Church with well-ones. I truly think Nigel keeps getting it. I have gripe water, probiotics, sensitive formula...and he does well for 2 nights and then we go back to barfing and screaming and farting and pooping.
I had plans today. I planned to go to the post office, the gym and the bank. I want to lose 50 pounds this year. Haven't seen the gym in 6 weeks. I don't know what to do. Josh said I should try his diet, but that just made me more frustrated. Seriously, I need it to be realistic. I cook and clean for 7 little people. I need my eating and exercising to fit with their schedules! (I think I will try Weight Watchers again).
Laney cried and cried when I told her we couldn't go anywhere today. First, I didn't sleep last night (between baby and pager...why do people always get sick at night? ;o) Laurel pooed all over, literally. I cleaned that up and then turned to cleanup baby barf. 10 am, shirt ruined, covered in bodily fluids, still in pajamas.....I prayed. I poured my heart out to my Heavenly Father. Please help me endure!
Thankfully I was inspired...send that shirt to the most amazing seamstress ever and she can fix it!(Grandma Faye). So, now that is on my list for tomorrow. Then a phone call from one of the bestest friends ever. "Hey Court, do you need a birthday snack for Mel tomorrow? (1/2 bday). I am headed to Costco to pick up Brenna's and I will grab one for Mel too." Oh my gosh Rachel, you are wonderful. I am so blessed to call you my friend (She didn't even know we were not leaving the house today and I was contemplating how to get Mel a snack). She was inspired.
I am dressed now. I am still tired. I am still covered in spit up and junk. But, I have calmed down. I am enduring.
Life with kids is hard. Life with 7 is harder. I love my children and wouldn't trade my life ever, but I have to tell you that it is pretty lonely sometimes. You see hardly anyone has 7 except my mega blogger friends and Esther and Teresa...To go anywhere takes time. Nobody invites us to things because we bring a crew. I don't get invited to girl's nights or movies with friends, lunch etc, because once again, I have a lot of baggage :o) And frankly sometimes I think, would I go even if I were invited? And, oft times to the answer is no. Seriously, I am up all night with a babe, why would I purposely see a midnight premier just to come home and still be awake and not get to sleep in? But, it would be nice to be invited. I am busy. We have schedules, but I like to be home too. That means we don't see other people a whole lot. To top it off, its winter, so going out is a hassle and hibernating (esp. when ill) is easier. I often am frustrated with myself for not trying harder or being more active with my kids. But, then I remember that we are not like a lot of the families that we know. We are bigger and bigger is different. Different is good. I just have to be ok with being a loner. And you know the craziest thing!? None of this discourages me from saying, "I feel blessed, I would totally keeping doing this!" Maybe I need to find some other loners to come hang out with me?!
Well, what to do when you are stuck at home:
(ok, now blogger won't let me upload, but when it does, you will see snowmen, Laurel using the potty, and some images from Tristan's first BB game)

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Grandpa Hawley's Funeral

Josh's Grandpa passed away Christmas Day. Now before you think, "oh that's terrible," consider he was 92, had lived a full life, and was in pain and had several strokes over the past year or so. In a wonderful way,it was a sweet release. He had the precious opportunity to meet our Savior on none other that Christmas Day! Although we are sad to see him leave this life, we know Families are Eternal and the life does not end at death, but instead begins a beautiful new chapter. We know he has been reunited with loved ones: his parents and grandparents, in-laws, daughter, son, great-granddaughter and is at peace. Until we meet again, Grandpa.
(this picture is the last time we saw him, July 2011)
Gilbert PIERCE Hawley
8 Sep 1920- 25 Dec 2012

Josh was blessed to be able to fly out on Sunday morning and return Tuesday. We would have all loved to have been there, but cost and time/weather-wise, it was not feasible. We had planned a trip to Minnesota for Josh's cousin's daughter's wedding reception, an overnight water-park stay, and some fun at the Mall of America, so Josh already had the time off. We didn't do any of that because we wanted Josh to be there for his Grandma Hawley and his Mom.
My parents and Grandparents Price were also able to attend, so I was represented in a way.
Josh's cousin Amy's Husband, Aaron Asay, played the bagpipes. Josh said it was beautiful Evidently my Grandma Doreen just cried and cried because it reminded her of her father, who was a Scotsman from Montrose. (Grandma Isabelle Hawley is also from Scotland. Doreen was born in 1926 in Sunderland, Durham, England and Isabelle, 1919, just a short distance (6 hoursish) away in Inverollochy, Scotland).
Again, the service was nice. All of Josh's siblings came up and Josh and some time to spend with his family. We are very aware that this marks the beginning of losing our grandparents. They are all getting into their 90s and before this, we had only lost Grandma Jean Stubblefield, 6 weeks after Tristan was born. Josh and I and are children are extremely fortunate to have know our grandparents, great-grandparents for so long. They provide much love, support and intersting histories. Again, how greateful we are for eternal families and our Heavenly Father's wonderful Plan which allows us all to be together forever. 

 the Stubblefield boys and the Pelton boys were the Pall bearers

 Grandma Isabelle Ritchie Hawley with Josh's Mom, Laurel onher right and Marylee to her left

Josh's sibs: Emily, Micah, Jared, Josh, Megan and Andrea
(photos courtesy of Caemlyn Tripp who did a fabulous job!)

Christmas Day 2012

Christmas day has a variety of given traditions as well. First and foremost, everyone sleeps upstairs, the gate goes up, and NO ONE can go down until everyone is awake. This year that was close to 830! I know, insane...because the little girls were sickly and sleeping! After we are awake, we line up on the stairs (plus this is a no dress-no make the bed kind of day, the kids LOVE it!).
 After this picture we let them loose. Oh my gosh, the screams were so funny! Mara was super happy to see her giant bear. Tristan and Asher loved their LEGOS, Mel couldn't believe she actually got a horse! (an American Girl Doll one of course), and Delaney was thrilled with her princess castle. Little Laurie was still trying to figure out what was going on! I did not get to see their faces though, because I was busy changing a diaper :o)
want: LEGOS Ninjago
need: Church suit
wear: camping backpack
read: 100 most dangerous things
want: horse
need: brain teasers games (these are really good for dyslexics as they challenge the brain. she loves them)
wear: a pair of UGGS! (don't worry Santa got a really really really great deal)
read: the novel BRAVE
want: a giant teddy bear
need: a lap desk
wear: riding gear
read: How to Dork Your Diary
want: LEGOS
need: a stereo with CD player for his book on tapes from the library
wear: Hulk dress-up
read: Book of Mormon felt storybook

want: princess castle
need: Minnie Mouse pop-on dress up (we are pretty liberal in this category with the littles)
wear: a new dress
read: castle felt storybook

want: foam blocks (she saw them at Costco months ago and asked for them!)
need: Minnie Mouse to match Laney
wear: matching dress to Laney's
read: felt dress-up bear book

want: tummy time exerciser
need: a jumperoo
wear: a baby Gap outfit
read: a peek-a-boo book
want: a suture kit
need: a charging station for his gadgets
wear: new shoes and waders for fly fishing
read: new JK Rowling book

want: a new stroller
need: benches
wear: some new long sleeve shirts
read: of course a novel by Nicholas Sparks
 Our new books
 Laurie reading to Nigel as he hangs out in our new stroller
 Super cute (and scary) Asher
 ready for Scouts
 Grandma Faye made the 4 youngest Raggedy Ann and Andy dolls. The oldest got theirs many Christmases ago. Laney said it was "creepy" ;o) Melina and Mara got doll clothes for their American Girls (you should have heard the screaming!) and Tristan got some lounge pants...his favorite thing
 The last gift was cause for much anticipation and excitement. Grandpa and Grandma Stubblefield had us in the family rotation this year. The coordinated with us to get the kids Harry Potter robes and wands. Mom and Dad also got surprised with our own hats and wands too! Anyway, after opening and getting dressed, we announced to the kids that we are taking them to Harry Potter World in October! (ok, I know it is 10 months away, but it gives us time to save as a family, time for Nigel to grow up a bit and hopefully sleep better, and it just so happens to coincide with Josh's medical seminar in Florida in October).
 We hung up our robes and wands just outside our mudroom.
This is our save/earn chart for the trip. One sticker a week for each kid who behaves. 75% earned and they get to go, 100% earned and they get a bonus trip! (think boat..Disney...Florida....they don't know this so don't tell them....) We know it is not realistic for them to be good every week, so we will have extra jobs and chores they can do to earn back stickers, or extra stickers.  Each sticker is worth $5.00 so the kids have the potential to earn $200 a piece to spend on souvenirs or excursions on the trip. I think Josh and I are most excited, especially about the bonus trip! Crossing our fingers our kids will behave ;o)