Sunday, March 28, 2010

More stitches

I tried for the close-up but he kept moving......

Somehow, in my entire childhood, I only remember going to the ER once-- and that was because I shoved my sis off our playground equipment and she hit her upper chest on the wood enclosure pretty hard. (Ok, I am sorry :o) But having 2 girls, and only 2 girls, I think my parents escaped the tortured Urgent Care/Emergency room, 4 hour plus visits.....besides I can remember Colin shooting his eye out with the rubber band gun (or was that me that did that? :o) and Kyle busting his head open....and while I might have been the perpetrator of the damage I never received any...oh wait, I just remembered when an entire bleacher full of people fell on me in high school and cracked my rib cage...ok that's another story....point is, we hardly ever visited the ER. I have been there, oh, a half dozen times in the last few years or so: Laney's broken leg, Asher stitches on his eye, Tristan concussion, Melina needed a puncture wound glued together, Tristan had stitches in the eye, Mara broken leg (2x) I care to remember more? Oh, I might as well throw in my gall-bladder attack which really turned out to be colitis and in the end was really a 10 week pregnancy that everyone missed (Mara). So, how many more times will I visit in the next 20 years...I care not to even start counting. I just pray nothing is ever too serious.

So, Josh held his boy scout first aide training at our house yesterday and Mara and Asher took it as the perfect opportunity to wrestle and thus split Asher's lip wide open for all to see a true wound. Josh joked about stitching it up for the boys, but I demonstrated applying pressure and then promptly headed to the ER with the babies in tow so that we could at least get Ashie some pain relief. He was a champ. Didn't cry once after the initial fall; everyone was sure impressed. That and they spoiled the kids with new books and crackers and juice and entertainment. Broadlawns is just too good to us. Everyone had to stop in and see the Doc's kids and comment on how angelic Asher was (??????). Spitz sewed him up after I applied the lidocaine gel and all was well in 2 hours instead of 4. It pays to know your ER staff :o) He's back to himself and other than a fat lip, no worse for the wear! (Oh and I think there are 5 stitches. Three in the lip and one above and one below to hold the wound closed).

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Spring Break

Yes, you read that right, this week we had spring break, even though spring didn't start until...yesterday. So what do you do on a non-spring spring break?
1. sleep. yep, I have been too tired to do anything. I am sick, sick, sick. Cola and a Unisom for me, and if I don't get those two things, it is pukey-pukey all day. Umm, why do I torture myself?
2. eat. yep. I am ravenous. Doesn't help with the weight gain. All I want is meat....yum: bacon, eggs, hamburger, brisket, corned beef!
3. pick up loads of dog poo that was once under 6 feet of snow! (You can bet I puked this day!)
4. shed our layers for 2 afternoons of sunny bliss. We road our bikes until our bums were sore. Ok, the kids did, I am too clumsy right now...
5. woke up to 3-5 inches of more snow, pretended like it didn't exist, refused to shovel and instead hunkered down and watched movies! Princess and the Frog, New Moon, Couples Retreat......sick, cold and tired Mamas love movies.
6. cheered on BYU and UNI and cried when BYU lost last night. I am done with "March Madness, " Josh will carry on....
7. read
8. Dr's appointments. I had a huge mole removed from my back with 2 large stitches to replace it. Puking and itching do not go well together...
9. plan our trip to Utah in the summer for the Stubblefield Family Reunion
10. dream......ok, pregnancy dreams are the best (well except last night when the house was on fire....) I was Bella...enough said. I am still on team Jacob but Edward is pretty darn hot!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Delaney Faye 15 months

everyone notices her "blue-blue" eyes right away
She wasn't feeling 100% today, but I had the appt and I had already dragged everyone with me for it. Turns out later she had a bit of a fever and diarrhea, but she was actually pretty good, as good as 15 months can be, for her time in front of the camera!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Josh's new U/S machine

Josh received his new Ultrasound along with a brand new table and has it all set-up and ready to go now that he completed his training in Florida last Month. Saturday we thought it might be fun to check out my recent "tummy pain" and to our joy this is what he discovered! Wow he has some good "skills" :o)
So, lest you think we are crazy, now you know we are! EDD Oct 27, 2010. We were gonna keep it a secret but Mara spilled the beans at church Sunday, so we figured you all should know too. Besides, I already look like I am about 4 months! geesh!

Sunday, March 7, 2010


Inside bedroom, closet on left, door out to the right
Bathroom. We had to create this funny half-wall for reason to due with plumbing and size of shower, but we will make it work with cabinets above
left is under-stair storage (has to be finished by Iowa law), middle is stair going up, right is entrance to bedroom, far right will be cabinets/shelves for storage
Looking down to window side of basement which will house a craft area/mini-kitchenette
Looking from craft area to living room. Will be playroom/media center (box is for tv), door is entrance to exercise room/safe room (totally enclosed no windows, underground)/storage. It is wired for tv and sound and exercise equipment... Walled off area on far left is storage area plus water heater, furnace, electrical box...unfinished.

So, we have finished:
1. waterproof/frame
2. electrical
3. hvac/vacuum/plumbing (we have a whole-house vacuum, so we included it downstairs too)
4. insulation ( we even insulated the ceiling to muffle sound...ahhhhh, I will be able to send kids downstairs and "almost" not hear them....
5. DRYWALL! (with tape and texture)
It actually looks like a house now and we can begin to see what it will look like when all finished. Many thanks to my parents who put up with jack-hammering for plumbing while we were on the cruise. I could hardly stand all the noise and dust from the drywall this past week. So, we are incredibly dusty around here but almost finished! A couple of things we have learned: 1. things never go as planned, 2. you have to be willing to make some changes to accommodate all the parts of construction (ie. bathroom wall), 3. wish we had more money to make it super-fancy but alas we are making it livable and functional for our growing family, 4. basement finishing is expensive!
Next step: cabinetry, molding and doors. Then all the plumbing fixtures and finally finish work: ie. everything else (outlet plugs, paint, carpet........) We are planning on looking at cabinets soon, but probably won't go ahead with this step until may/juneish....and hoping to be all done before Christmas. Tell us what you think!