Funny, we've known for weeks, but it's finally feeling real, after we got to hear 'her' heart beat on Monday, and see 'her' little body growing, safely, soundly, normally. Whew.
Of course, we're not out of the woods yet, but it's nice to know we're off to a good start.
The ultrasound on Monday was a 7 week ultrasound, a perk for participants of the EAGeR study. I've really enjoyed being part of the study so far. It's nice to have medical personnel around that are sensitive to my previous loss and how it could be affecting my feelings about this new little Peanut growing in me. And it's nice to know that I can turn my miscarriage into an opportunity to maybe help other women avoid such a heartbreak in their lives, or at least reduce the risk.
In under two weeks, we'll get to see Peanut again, this time with my regular doctor. How nice to get to monitor my little one so closely for the first few weeks of her development. It's really helped me to re-establish my trust in my body to see it performing as it should.
Sorry to all you friends and family we've left hanging since my The Space Between post. And to all of you we've semi-lied, semi-evaded the truth to as we've been talking about life. Sigh. You do what you gotta do, right? And for us, that meant holding on to the news until we really firmly believed in it ourselves. I hope you'll all forgive us. ;)
Oh-We're calling her 'her' because Jason thinks she's a girl, and because we went with 'he' for Rudy, so I guess it's an equal opportunity thing. For the record, I'm thinking this kiddo's a boy, but we'll see soon enough.