It reminds me to cherish every joy I am blessed with. Not to take anything for granted. It makes me hold Rudy that much tighter when he comes to give me hugs. It reminds me how important family and friends are.
I'm grateful this year for life. For good weather that lets me get out to the park and run around like a wild woman. For an almost two year old who comes along with me so I don't feel so out of place on the playground. :) For that sweet sinking feeling I get right before I fall asleep. For the warmth of a kind hug. For library books to feed my constant thirst for knowledge. For literacy. For health. For a purring cat who knows that tears are his cue to hop up on my lap and stay there till the sadness abates. For a sister who finds time in the middle of her own paper writing crisis to come do my dishes for me. For a husband who is brave enough to get up and go to work and school even when his heart aches, and who is also brave enough to share his aching heart with me. For snuggles that let me know we're in this together. For prayer. For revelation. For peace. I'm grateful for freshly organized bookshelves, for a sparkling kitchen floor (even if it only sparkles for a few minutes), for hot showers, for our washing machine and dryer.
I hope this time next year I'll be feeling more constant happiness, but this year has been a beautiful reminder to me to cherish the happy moments, to notice them, and to nurture them.