Today, Jason turned 27! He took the day off from work, and we spent a lovely, lazy day together. Rudy woke Jason up by bringing him the birthday card he and I made yesterday for him, and wishing Jason a "Happy Birsde!" It was soo cute. We started reading Dr. Seuss's Happy Birthday to You book in bed, but Rudy got hungry, so we took a break for breakfast. Rudy helped Jason choose his birthday breakfast- waffles AND cereal. Rudy really thought that was something special-to get to have BOTH. After Rudy's morning nap, we all went to Fat Cat's to bowl. That was really fun. It's one of those dates that Jason always suggests, and I always shoot down 'cause it's kinda expensive. But today was his day of all days, so off to bowling we went. It was Rudy's first time, and he seemed to really like it. (What little boy wouldn't love rolling big, heavy balls into pins that crash when you hit them?) After bowling, Jason and Rudy raced each other in Rudy's first ever arcade game experience. Jason beat Rudy, but maybe that's just 'cause Rudy wanted to let him win on his birthday. :) Or maybe it had to do with Rudy running into just about every obstacle on the screen. maybe. Anyway, he had a blast driving, and Jason seemed to be basking in the beauty of introducing his son to the arcade. :)After a quick nap for Rudy, we dropped him off to play at Amy's house (one of his good friends who happens to be the daughter of our good friends)and off we went to stuff ourselves full of scrumptious foods at Taconos. Sigh. It was delicious, even more so because we got to eat 2 for one with a birthday coupon we received from them. So eating at a restaurant that would normally be way out of our price range turned out to cost us just a little more than 2 value meals at BK. We do love a good deal.
Finally, to end his day of all days with a bang, Jason has headed of for a brand new adventure. The stake out. That's right. He's that guy sitting in front of the Sandy Best Buy right now, waiting for the store to open at 10 am tomorrow. (It's 10 pm right now.) He's hoping, after a 12 hour wait, to successfully purchase one of the three HP laptops that came in on their shipment about 30 minutes ago. Best Buy is having this great sale on a really cool lap top and they've sold out online and in stores nation wide. The computer we have right now shuts itself down or totally freezes several times in an hour. And it's constantly kicking us off the Internet. We've been pining for a lap top for months and months. Maybe even years. Now, with the chance to get a stellar computer for under $400, we're hoping maybe all our pining will be soothed. Since he's there solo for now, Jason will be first in line, so I really can't imagine that we wouldn't get it. Hopefully it's worth the wait. (We're saving maybe $250 on the normal purchase price.) I think the staking out thing is more for the experience than anything else, though. Getting a lap top at a good price will be a happy side note. I think Jason just wants to see what it's like, being that guy we've all wondered about. And what better day for a brand new experience than your birthday?