Thursday, October 30, 2008
A New Experience
Breaking in the Sewing Machine
His Dumbo costume head gear didn't fit him well, and he hated wearing it. I'd put it on, and he'd pull it right off. So, I altered it a bit, so it wouldn't be so cumbersome. I'm super pleased with how it turned out, and so is Rudy. He consents to wear it all around the house and neighborhood, showing off his extreme cuteness and holiday spirit. It makes me feel great to be able to whip something up (simple as it may be). Thanks so much for your rockin' gift, Mom!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
An Introduction to Rock Climbing

Bedtime Helmets
Jason and Rudy are goofing around before bedtime. These are Rudy's fancy nighttime cloth diapers. They handle the volume of pee better, plus they're easier to change in my middle of the night haziness. (Someday I won't be nursing in the middle of the night anymore, but today is not that day...maybe soon though. I just have to get fed up enough with it to find trudging through a few sleepless nights more desirable than getting up a couple times a night for 15 minutes and then slipping back into blissful sleep.)
Rudy usually fusses about getting into his jammies for bedtime, so Jason was helping him to see how totally awesome his nighttime gear really is. They went buzzing around the house in their bedtime helmets for a bit before I slapped that diaper where it belonged and got to the soothing story time part of his bedtime routine. Silly boys. :)
Well, I took a test and it turned out negative, plus that very night I developed a fever and threw up. I'd probably just been fighting some bug that had finally gotten the best of me, accounting for my symptoms.
I was actually kind of disappointed, which is surprising to me, because up until now, I've thought I was a million miles away from being ready to be pregnant and go through the whole early infancy insanity again. It's been quite a revealing experience for both of us, I guess. Jason discovered that he is really really, most definitely NOT ready for a second child. I don't blame him--he's the one who's trying to finish school while working full time, being active in his church calling and being the stellar husband and father that he is. I'm just a full time momma, so, the more the merrier, right? (Well, I guess I also work at my church calling and being a stellar wife, but mothering is much more flexible as far as finding time to fit other things in than say, class schedules or work shifts.)
Anyway, post pregnancy test, our splendiferous home is filled with both extreme relief and a growing baby hunger...hopefully the two feelings will settle into some sort of middle ground Jason and I can both be delighted with.
Monday, October 20, 2008
1. If I ever hear a new name, I try it out in my head for one of my future children's names. Even if it's a name like Bobisita or Lazarus and there's no way I'd go through with it. I just try it out. I'm constantly on the look out for children's names. Maybe I'm gonna have sextuplets next or something and I'm unconsciously preparing myself with plenty of name ideas. :)
2. I cart surf and don't try to contain myself. Once in a while, I think, "come on, Maria, you're 27 and a RESPONSIBLE!!!" But then I think to myself, "You're responsible about so many other things, let 'er rip, baby!" And Rudy and I go flying through the parking lot. (I do keep an eye out for traffic, lest anyone feel the need to add my or Rudy's safety to their prayers tonight.)
3. I'm afraid of the dark. Used to be deathly afraid. I'm getting better. Now the only thing I absolutely CANNOT handle is looking into a mirror in the dark. EEEEK! It's an anxiety that is hanging on from sleep over ghost stories when I was like, 10 years old. Maybe some day I'll grow up, but in the mean time, it's Jason's job to tell Rudy there's no monsters in his room.
4. I lean back on my chairs. Jason's says I'm ruining the chairs, but I just can't help myself. I do it and don't even realize it.
5. I have food obsessions. I'll eat the same thing over and over again (at least daily, sometimes a couple times a day) until I'm totally burnt out on them. Then I move on to a new one. It's been cottage cheese, yogurt and oats, scrambled eggs, tuna pasta, Grape Nuts, etc. Right now it's pancakes, though I'm thinking I'll be done with them soon.
6. I am always barefoot in the summer. If I'm wearing shoes, I slip out of them when ever I can (standing in line, sitting in church, etc.) In the winter, I'm always in socks-my feet get freezing! Which leads me to my next quirk...
7. Jason jokes that I only have one ventricle because we read one day about how turtles or some other cold blooded thing only has one ventricle. I get cold really easily (if I drink ice water in the summer, I get goose bumps), so Jason says I'm cold blooded (but warm hearted) :) Lucky for me, he's always hot, so I've got an eternal space heater at my side. :)
8. Dirty ears are a pet peeve of mine. I clean my ears every day, and I check Rudy's ear for any sign of grime or wax every time I nurse him.
TA DA! Maria's nuttiness in a nutshell. :)
Friday, October 17, 2008
Snowy Smorgasbord
It snowed Saturday night and into Sunday morning. In my desperate stubbornness not to be chased inside by icky weather, I insisted that we still walk to church, as has been our custom through the summer. With Rudy's weather shield plus his fleece bunting on, by the time we got to church he was sweating. I guess I need to find my bundling touch again. :)
Rudy loves to open and close drawers. He especially likes this one on our rescued-from-the dumpster-desk because it often sticks and keeps things interesting with multiple opportunities to problem solve.
Rudy found a great treasure on one of his morning exploration expeditions; an old mirror leaning against the dumpster. It's one of those flimsy cardboard backed ones so that he could jiggle it and distort his image. He thought that was fantastic!
Rudy's finally starting to understand that sand is for playing with, not eating. (Though we often have minor relapses into his younger days of sand ingestion. I guess its a tough habit to kick.)
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Catch me, Daddy!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Video of "Catch me, Daddy!"
Ha! I finally got the video to load. See the "Catch me, Daddy" post for an explanation. Or just enjoy the cutest father/son combo in action.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Welcome to the Fall

Thursday, October 9, 2008
Grape Juice Tradition
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Maybe he's teething...
Ever since Rudy was about 3 months old, teething has been the fall back excuse as to why he's doing something (anything) out of the ordinary. Jason and I have been absolutely convinced he's teething so many different times that it's become a family joke. (If I'm having a frumpy mood day, Jason may venture to say, "maybe you're teething" which usually results in either a laugh or a stink eye. Usually a laugh.) Well, today is the day of all days: at almost ten months old, Rudy has pushed his first tooth past the gum barrier! It's his bottom right front tooth, and it's just BARELY peeking through. When it's easier to see with the naked eye, I'll snap a shot of it and post it up. I guess I gotta start brushing his tooth or something, huh? My little man's growing up so quick! I'm mostly stoked about his progression, but with this milestone, I'm a bit apprehensive about the fate of some particularly sensitive parts of my body. He better not turn cannibal or weaning may become a top priority in this house!
image added 12/22/08. Now he's finally working on a second tooth, but that one is in the microscopic stage now.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Remembering the Splendiferousness of Getting Engaged
Both of my brothers have gotten engaged this year and both will be married before the year is through. Needless to say, there's been a lot of love in the air at the Jarvis home. As Jake and Thomas and their sweethearts have told the stories of their engagements, I found myself regretting that Jason never did that whole 'pop the question' thing. He just sorta said, "Well, I've got my answer. I wanna marry you. Let me know when you've got your answer." After a about a week (I wonder if Jason was sweating it...I'll have to ask him) I gave him the book, I Like You, by Sandol Stoddard Warburg, and told him I loved...him very much and planned on loving him forever. Then we called my dad on the phone and told him we were getting married and to spread the news. Ta da. Not too ceremonious, huh?
So anyway, I'd been feeling a bit jipped on the ceremoniousity of falling in love and getting engaged until I read that book to myself again today. And then I remembered. It was perfect.
Anything else would have sent me into a hyper-ventilating froth of anxiety. I'da been like, "Did he just ask me to dedicate the rest of my life to loving him? Am I s'posed to answer him just like that? Like he'd just asked me if I wanted to see a movie? But if I don't give him an immediate answer, it'll ruin the whole evening he's planned....etc. etc. etc. And if I would've folded and given an affirmative answer to preserve the romance of the moment, I'da be freakin' out the rest of the night about whether I'd done the right thing or not...if I said yes because I meant it or because that's what you're s'posed to say when someone you really really like drops to his knees and gazes into your eyes with unending passion. Whew. And maybe it wouldn't have played out like that. Maybe when I said yes I'da felt the warm conformation of the Spirit that I did as I prayed and pondered and pondered and prayed to get my answer. Afterall, I really knew I wanted to marry him long before my week long search for spiritual confirmation. The spirit had confirmed to me that I should marry Jason every step of the way as our relationship progressed from neighbors to friends to being a couple to being a seriouse couple. Maybe that's how all you girls survive the pressure of such a super charged moment. You just have enough confidance in all the previous confirmations you've felt throughout the dating relationship.
As for me, I'm newly grateful that Jason and I went about things as we did. And I'm grateful God saw fit to humor me and tell me one more time, "YES! MARRY THIS GUY-IT'LL BE SPLENDIFEROUS!" And it has been. :)
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Happy Birthday Melanie!

Red Cabbage is Super Cool.