We had a nice, quiet, relaxing Thanksgiving. We spent it with family, although Chris and Mari and Courtney and Josh were in Utah. We missed them. I asked everyone what they were thankful for and discovered that the answer largely depends on who is doing the asking.... I asked Steve and he said "You", then I asked Patrick and he said "You and food" which kind of go hand in hand I think. I asked Lindsay and she said, and I quote " I am thankful for you mom, even though you won't make me breakfast and lunch any more because (now in a naggy voice imitating me) 'I am 21 and can make it myself!' you used to be a good mom!" Luke said "You and well, everything!" Do you see a theme here??? Chris and Mari broke the mold by saying they are grateful for their jobs and that in these trying economic time they are able to get by. Mari added she is grateful for her iphone. Courtney is thankful for her 'wonderful husband who loves and respects her' and Josh said he was thankful for family and Turkey bowl football. He also randomly stated that "child labor laws are silly and outdated" I agree! I am thankful for all the people below (and many friends and family not pictured) and the many ways in which they enrich my life. I love them all more than I can say!
I am thankful for Chris and Mari. They are such hard workers and never complain! They are also so sweet to eachother. He is a wonderful son and she is the best daughter in law ever!
I am thankful for Steve's mom, Rita and her husband, Glade. They are supportive, wonderful people. They are excellent grandparents and have always been there for us!
I am grateful for my mom (center) who is a great example to me. She is so healthy and energetic she puts me to shame! I am grateful for my sister, Pam and her husband Steve (left) and my other sister, Leanne and her husband, Dave (not pictured) and wish they were with us! I am grateful for Steve's siblings, Mark and Roxann, Cynthia and Curtis, and Richard and Rhonda too.It is so wonderful to have extended family close by! I am also grateful for my husband! I got a good one!
I am grateful for Josh and Courtney. She is a sweet daughter and he takes care of her so I don't worry so much! They are both so responsible and level headed! It amazes me!
I am grateful for Luke, Patrick and Lindsay for the fun they add to my life! I love taking care of them because I know they will be leaving way too soon! And for cousins, nieces and nephews (pictured above and below and some not pictured.. darn it!) that make life more fun and interesting!