Thursday, October 17, 2013


     The girls all sleep in one bedroom.  This particular night, Julie was insistent that Tucker come with them to bed.   When I walked in the room, she had him laying on her bed under the sheets.  It made me laugh, and I went to get my camera.

     As soon as I was back, all the girls had jumped on the bed.  Amazingly, I actually got a good picture.  Even Tucker was smiling!

****just so I remember...Julie is an awesome babysitter.  I realize she is not quite 8 yet, but her maturity is far beyond that.  She always helps with the little girls and with Tucker, and is more responsible than any child should probably be at 7.   What a blessing she is in my life. ****

     I really love this picture.  I want to frame and hang it, so I can remember that I DO love these kids when they are screaming...pulling hair...unbuckling seat belts and standing up in their car seats as I am driving...pinching...coloring on my walls...dumping all my brand new cleaner all over the carpet...etc, etc, etc.

Yes, I think I will hang this picture up.


Thursday, October 3, 2013


While my big kids are in school, my little girls LOVE to swim.  They both learned to swim this summer...Yippee!

Annie was usually pretty cautious, so I didn't worry about her too much.  she was quite diligent about always wearing her life jacket.  :)  Norah, on the other hand, was a crazy lady.  She had fallen in the pool a number of times, and she never seemed to be too disturbed about the whole thing.

One time, when she was barely two, she fell in and had to be rescued by Landon (fully clothed).  Scary....but that experience made Landon grow about 6 inches with pride.  He was thrilled about his life-saving actions, and often talked about it.

He is a good kid.

Anyway, once Annie learned how to swim, Norah stopped loving her life jacket and got busy swimming herself.  Their skills have improved rapidly with all the swimming they do.  I love it.  It is about the only thing you can do out here during the summer heat.

And just for good measure...Tucker.

How I love this little boy.  He is the BEST baby ever.  So happy, takes a pacifier, sleeps so well;  I have no complaints.  I love me some babies.