About the beginning of May, Landon had come with me to pick up produce from this weekly co-op thing I participate in. His soccer game was shortly afterward, so he, Annie and Norah came with me. Brian had the other girls.
There was a big line to wait in, but thankfully a playground was nearby. I asked Landon to take the little girls over there and play while I waited. He disappeared with them. Just before it was my turn, Landon comes over to me, holding his mouth and crying. His entire soccer jersey is covered with blood, running down his face and chest. I feel nauseous and light headed.
It took me a minute to gather myself together enough to think what I needed to do. I didn't panic, but I was in a stupor. Just stood there while the women around me asked what they could do.
Someone handed a burpcloth thing to Landon to keep in his mouth, while I went and got the little girls. Someone else gathered my food and helped me to my car. She was actually trying to carry Norah, who was pitching a royal fit the entire time. But I am already carrying Annie, so I just keep going.
I try to open Landon's mouth to see the damage, but he is in so much pain he can hardly cooperate. I thought his teeth had been knocked out, but then I see that the front two teeth have just been shoved right back up through the gums. It is disgusting.
We get in the car and my mind is racing. I call Brian, but can't hear him very well, and he is already at the soccer fields with Julie. I contact a few people about the dentist I know in our ward. I leave him a few messages. After a few minutes, he calls me back and tells me to come over and he'll look at Landon. I am incredibly grateful, as it is Saturday.
I show up at his house and the entire family is outside doing yard work. I feel even worse. He takes one look at Landon and says, "Yep, we need to go to the office." I feel hopeless.
Once there, he starts working on Landon's mouth. He keeps telling me it doesn't look good, but I keep praying for him to keep his teeth. His PERMANENT FRONT TEETH! Please, please, let him keep the teeth.
My little girls are out in the front part of the office, so I go to check on them. When I come back, one front tooth is gone. The dentist said in his effort to pull that tooth down a bit, the whole thing just came out. I am shocked and want to throw up. That was a lovely answer to a prayer. As he keeps working, I have to sit and look away, feeling lightheaded and unsteady again. I hate myself for being such a wuss.
The office part only takes about 15 minutes, and then we are driving home. I am in disbelief about what has happened. I feel incredible guilt. What if I just hadn't taken him with me? Why did I have to ask him to watch the girls? why am I so lazy? What if I had gotten there sooner...or later? What if? Why did I? It could go on forever. Still, I wish I could go back and change it. I have an incredible amount of guilt.
So now Landon looks interesting. He has a flipper, which is a retainer with the missing tooth attached. He has lost it multiple times, dropped it in a wave pool (where it was stepped on), and he constantly flips it up and down in his mouth like gum. He is a 9 year old boy, after all.
So we just keep doing this until he is about 17 and can get an implant. He will also need a bone graft for his gum, since he broke his maxilla right above the tooth that came out. The whole deal stinks, and my heart hurts for Landon. I would much rather have a broken arm, broken leg...those things heal! Dang teeth are irreplaceable.
I'm not beautiful, but I am vain. I know it. If I wasn't, maybe this wouldn't bother me so much. But it does. And patience does not come easily to me. My children's misfortunes are the worst part of parenting. To have to sit on the side and watch bad things happen is torture, but what can be done? It is a part of life. But I will hate that part forever.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Monday, August 27, 2012
I am in the midst of pee at the moment. Pee on my tile, pee on the carpet, pee on rags, toilet paper...you name it, it has been peed on. That's right, I am potty training Norah.
She exhibited all the appropriate signs before I started...staying dry during naps, totally interested in the toilet. She would even sit on the dang thing every night before she got in the bathtub. About 4 days ago, I decided to get more aggressive with it. She seriously kept her diaper dry for two days! Only going in the toilet.
Sweet! I am totally ready for this. It will be a cinch, I know it. I am a seasoned mother now. No more rookie mistakes, no more ridiculous pull-ups! Norah will be potty trained over the weekend! Whoo-hoo!!!
Somehow, this delusional line of thinking kept running through my mind. It is right up there with having more children (pregnancy goes fast! It's only 9 months! Who cares about heartburn? You are tired anyway, whats the big deal?) Yeah, delusional I tell you.
So I jump in and put Norah in underwear. It is going pretty well, but all I have done is potty trained myself. I examine Norah's face and look for any signs of...what? Relief? I don't know. I chase her around forcing her on the toilet every 30 minutes or so and get more crazy by the minute.
In the meantime, I was called to be the primary president of my ward on thursday night. What?! The president of a newly created ward, with no one in any callings whatsoever! If it seems like that burden is light, you are absolutely correct. I barely even think about it. ;)
So off we go to church on Sunday. I put Norah in a pull-up. I realize this is a mistake, but what can I do? Primary has to be run, Brian is at the hospital...I feel stuck.
Basically, it has come to this. Norah thinks pull-ups are awesome and wants to wear them. I rotate between keeping her bottom bare and underwear on. She occasionally tells me she needs to go, but today I just decided she has to learn to tell me. So I gently ask, but no longer force. Hence, the pee.
I put her down for a nap today at 2:30...forgot to get her up until 5, and then made her go back to bed at 8. AAHHH! I just needed a bit of time without stressing about where she is, what she is doing, is she on the carpet?
I hate potty training, but I refuse to give up. We've come this far, baby. I hope tomorrow gets better. I don't know how much more urine I can take.
She exhibited all the appropriate signs before I started...staying dry during naps, totally interested in the toilet. She would even sit on the dang thing every night before she got in the bathtub. About 4 days ago, I decided to get more aggressive with it. She seriously kept her diaper dry for two days! Only going in the toilet.
Sweet! I am totally ready for this. It will be a cinch, I know it. I am a seasoned mother now. No more rookie mistakes, no more ridiculous pull-ups! Norah will be potty trained over the weekend! Whoo-hoo!!!
Somehow, this delusional line of thinking kept running through my mind. It is right up there with having more children (pregnancy goes fast! It's only 9 months! Who cares about heartburn? You are tired anyway, whats the big deal?) Yeah, delusional I tell you.
So I jump in and put Norah in underwear. It is going pretty well, but all I have done is potty trained myself. I examine Norah's face and look for any signs of...what? Relief? I don't know. I chase her around forcing her on the toilet every 30 minutes or so and get more crazy by the minute.
In the meantime, I was called to be the primary president of my ward on thursday night. What?! The president of a newly created ward, with no one in any callings whatsoever! If it seems like that burden is light, you are absolutely correct. I barely even think about it. ;)
So off we go to church on Sunday. I put Norah in a pull-up. I realize this is a mistake, but what can I do? Primary has to be run, Brian is at the hospital...I feel stuck.
Basically, it has come to this. Norah thinks pull-ups are awesome and wants to wear them. I rotate between keeping her bottom bare and underwear on. She occasionally tells me she needs to go, but today I just decided she has to learn to tell me. So I gently ask, but no longer force. Hence, the pee.
I put her down for a nap today at 2:30...forgot to get her up until 5, and then made her go back to bed at 8. AAHHH! I just needed a bit of time without stressing about where she is, what she is doing, is she on the carpet?
I hate potty training, but I refuse to give up. We've come this far, baby. I hope tomorrow gets better. I don't know how much more urine I can take.
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