Tuesday, October 27, 2009


This picture was taken with my phone, but I love the way they all look. Especially Julie.

Julie names the toys she is playing with by any distinguishing marks ...ponies with hearts on their haunches are named Two Hearts, a rainbow on the bum of a horse is named Rainbow, ...you get the idea.

The other day I had just braided a Barbie's hair. I asked Julie what her name was. She looked her over, then said, "Braid Hair." And that is what we called her.

It actually seems a better way of naming people, so you wouldn't forget so easily. "Hey, there comes pointy nose!" or "Hi, Big Butt! How are your kids, Curly Hair and Freckle Face?"

I guess people could get offended. ;) Thank goodness Barbie was ok being Braid Hair.

Saturday, October 17, 2009


This picture was taken at my niece's blessing. I love it.

See the worry on my nephew's face? It's so great...and then there is Annie looking very mischievious. Which is also perfect.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

My kids advocate

I got a form from the school saying that my kids immunizations were incomplete...they both needed more shots.

I don't know what your kids are like, but my children fear shots and being eaten alive by sharks equally. It is ridiculous. However, I feel it is my duty to make sure more needle pokes are REALLY necessary.

So I went to work. I made a dozen or so phone calls...to doctor's offices, to the secretary at the school (i talked to her about 6 times). Then I did some much needed research on the internet. About an hour later and ...

BOOYA! No shots for my kids. They are up to date...of course.

There is a lesson here...always question the forms that come from school, insurance companies, utilities, doctor's and dentist's offices, etc. And be willing to fight to get things right. Be an advocate.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Getting Overwhelmed...

Do you ever read a blog...and then get sucked into another one and another one and still another one until you start feeling completely inadequate?

Yikes. Who are these women?!

I was feeling awesome because I had planned dinners for the whole week. Now I know I'm not really that great til I have designed and made the placemats, made all new decorations for Halloween and thrown a couple of dinner parties for the neighborhood as well.

whew. I'm tired just thinking of all that I have to do. ;)

Monday, October 5, 2009

Stewart Falls

On Labor Day (I know, it is late...whatever) we went hiking to Stewart Falls with my extended family.
Some of us walked...and some of us slept.

Once we arrived, we hiked down to the falls. It was hot and kids were running behind the waterfall. It looked like fun. So I tried it.

You know how you think you can walk behind a waterfall and just get a bit of spray on you?

It wasn't QUITE like that.