I haz a sad.
After all these years, he still doesn't get why he has to be crated in the back seat of the car when his people clearly enjoy their uncaged freedom in the front seat. He made his feelings abundantly clear when he broke out into musical whimpers.
Nobuddy knows de trubble I seeeen.
Benny, it's not that bad and really, you have it pretty good.
At least you're comfortable, unlike this guy.
And we're not humiliating you by suspending you in midair.
Wait until you see how we're going to travel with the cats! Thank your lucky stars that's not you.
Remember, Benny - life could be a whole lot worse. It's not like you belong to a certain American politician or anything.
So count your little canine blessings.
One more thing before I move on to the POTW. If you haz a sad or even if you duzen't, I'm sure this short video of this beautiful couple and their impromptu duet will have you smiling and bouncing in your seat.
And now, without further delay, here are the Posts of the Week. The icon below is yours for the taking if if your blog post is named as a POTW.

This Hand - A Soliloquy
by NitWit1
at Coward's Corner With Luckie
Our Friend, Kicoo
by Shrinky
at Shrink Wrapped Scream
Sun-Shiny Day
by Michele
at Michele Made Me
Ghost Traveler
by Barb
at One Good Thing
A Broken Hush
by Brian
at Waystationone
Is There a Problem, Officer?
by Dianne
at Forks Off the Moment
Before the Storm
by Kerri
at A Little Piece of Me
Why I Love Winter in Quebec
by Bonnie
at Original Art Studio
Walking the Wetlands
by Laura
at Pretty Pix
Visions Through the Ice
by Laura
at Shine the Divine
Please drop by their blogs for a visit and leave a kind comment if you have the time. Also, please feel free to add your own choices (for any blog except this one) for a specific blog post in the comments section below, where others can see them.