Monday, January 25, 2010


As some of you may know I am girl of many flavors. I like to scrap and cook and sleep and eat and even clean occasionally. I enjoy wearing the color pink and while I love love love to shop I hate hate hate trying on clothes and paying for them. I also have a few secrets that hardly anyone knows and I am somewhat bipolar when it comes to my moods and personality. But there is one small thing that is the same about me. It is my dislike of numbers. I guess I should be more specific. I love a number that has a dollar $ign in front followed by a one and lots of zeros. Even better if that number belongs to me. I can add and subtract and multiply fairly well in my head (without using my fingers either) and I can mostly tell what time it is throughout the day. (I had a watch that had no numbers on it and was constantly confused between the 4:00 and 5:00 time period.)That describes my love relationship with numbers. The hate part has a lot to do with the fact that I usually don't have a lot of $money numbers in my life. Or that I get a bill with a one and lots of zeros and a $ sign and a due date. And being unemployed for the last six weeks has done me no good in the number department. I thought all of my negative feelings towards numbers would change today as I started a new job at an accounting office...I am working for the 1st counselor is our ward bishopric during tax season. I was super wrong. All morning I stared at papers and letters and forms and computer screens full of numbers. I got more confused throughout the morning and by the time I looked at the clock (with no numbers!) my head was sore from all my work. I couldn't believe how easy it was to get going in the office answering phones and taking messages and making labels. I was back in the zone and liking it. But then came the tax forms....and the returns...and the payroll binders. I just lost it. Of course I kept my composure and tried to smile. This was going to be hard work! I have not done hard work in a very long time. And at the end of the day when I told some of the accountants that I must have made a mistake in taking this job, all they did was echo the word Steak Steak Steak through the office and had a good laugh. Did they not get that I was being serious? I would never joke about my hate of numbers and especially never in the same sentence as the word steak! So here I sit and contemplate my future at the tax office and wonder if there is a quicker way to get 9 months pregnant that waiting 9 months!! Ahhh wish my luck. I am not sure if I can come out of this one alive!!!!!

Monday, January 11, 2010

For the Love....

Rules for a successful holiday: 1. Get together with the family 2. Relive old times 3. Get out before it blows

I love StoryPeople and this little quote is the best way to describe my family and our holiday routine. I think I did pretty good too. I only had one minor explosion right before Angie and Dylan left...oops
(but honestly who in the world watches Battlestar Gallactica on New Years Eve anyway???)

I also officially quit my job before the holidays (YIPEE!!) so I do have a lot of free time. It has been a very fun and busy holiday ( I am not even going to get into how much I HATE taking the stupid train!) and I totally need to post about it. I had a blast with my had been 6 months since I had seen any of them so I was pumped to go home and visit. It was a full house with all the siblings home and only one spare bedroom so we all cuddled up and tried to stay sane. Anyway here are some of our fun moments...

For the Love of Christmas

Stockings are my favorite!

My mom and dad went to Hawaii a while back and are going again
Katie got snowshoes. Sara wanted to be in the picture
For all you non hockey people this is Gray's fave team
I made my little cousins flowers for their hair (um cute!)

For the Love of Sara
*Sara wins the prize for the most funniest, weirdest, useless presents this year. We all laughed at the gifts!
She gave me the perfect book!
A cowbell belt buckle
The Wheel of Parental Responsibility
A chocolate smelling calculator

For the Love of Family
*We are super lucky to have awesome next door neighbors who also happen to be our little cousins. We love the little girlies and their wonderful parents! (Wendi is my mom's sister and is married to Greg who is my dad's brother...double trouble....I mean FUN!)

I bought Sara a Snuggie...she wore that thing all week
This book was to Kaite...from Katie!
So my lil sister Katie may or may not be dating a young man who is a little younger than her. (She is in her first year of college and he is still in high school) My sister Angie and her hubby Dylan got Katie this cute little animal....a cougar (bahaaa!)Jessica's favortite cute!

For the Love of Canada!
*It was super freezing at home but I miss the snow and how beautiful everything is after a good frost

For the Love of the Game
*What would a trip home be without HOCKEY!?

We went to a Hurricane's game and it was so good to watch hockey again. Our team won and the winning goal was scored by our own little home town hero... He lives just down the street from us! Ok so it isn't that cool but small town folks don't usually end up being real famous or anything so when one makes it, we are extra big fans!

Overall Christmas was super and a much needed vacation. I loved spending time with some friends and family and I can't wait to go home again (hint hint those air miles!)

Friday, December 11, 2009


Now don't get excited. I am not pregnant. But I did just spend the last hour catching up on my blog reading and most every site had pics of new babies or babies getting older or babies being announced. So I am officially announcing my entrance into the BABY BLOGGING. (I am so envious of all you mommies and I just need to feel included!) This may be too much information for some of you but I told Grayson that as of my next birthday (August 18, 2010) I am no longer taking birth control. That's right....I could be baby blogging this time next year! So humor me as I start my birth control countdown.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

My Besties!

This post is just gonna be a ton of pictures. It has been a week since we got back from visiting Jess and Griff and their little girlies and I had a blast! If only I could go on vacation more often. To summerize, Jess and I made a turkey, bought some cricuts, relaxed on Black Friday and went to San Fran on Saturday. There is just a ton I could post about but I feel a little sick (AGAIN!) and I just wanna show you what a great time we had!