Another Tuesday evening at work and another day of not much to do...Unless of course you count scanning documents and answering the ever ringing phones, which I don't.
I constantly have a bijillion things on my mind and I think that is what keeps me awake at night but that is another post... I usually try to keep my Reality TV life separate from my normal blogging life but I am just bursting at the seams right now about the things that are on TV and totally need to let loose.
To begin the Olympics are amazing to watch and are refreshing to see but the American media is so brutal! We only watch US events most of the time and the few events that have Canadians in them are only shown because there is 4 times as many Americans competing in the same thing. Some of you may say that it is probably the same in Canada but you would be sorely mistaken. On TV at home we view a plethora of events involving Yankees, Canucks, Asians, French, Swedish, you name it. If it is a big event, we get to watch it...for example I love figure skating but all I saw this year was the hot head Russian who got crushed by the sweetheart American boy. The above named Russian took the spotlight too during ice dancing (a gold for Canada) because he has apparently awarded himself a Platinum medal because he can't accept the fact that he lost to a man who didn't do a quad cow sow or whatever. For that I give a high five to the US skater who performed well and has remained graceful throughout this whole craze. However I didn't see any couples or women's skating and I missed the gold medal dance!
You have to understand where I am coming from. I mean it is beside the fact that my poor Canadians have humbly admitted defeat in the "Own the Podium" medal race. We were considered prideful and outspoken with that phrase and have received horrible criticism for standing up for ourselves ONE TIME! What country wouldn't want to win the most medals when the Olmypics are on their turf? Fellow Canadians uncross your fingers cause we have more honor than that! Additionally this was the one chance we had to prove that we can be as good as or better than some power hungry countries like one to the south. We always sit quietly in the great white north and accept the American way because we just wanna be good neighbors. It is my high hope that one day the US will stop making fun of us and calling us useless and weak. I would love if fans would stop booing us just because they are afraid we might have what it takes.
I am also sick of Lindsey Vonn and Apolo Ohno (sorry mom but what is up with his hair?) Props to them for the medals but really I can't take much more. I am sick of some Canadian athletes too but not nearly as much since I only see them for 6.7 seconds on NBC.
On another note the last time I checked none of the Canadian athletes had been kicked out of the games for posing inappropriately with our medals and members of the opposite sex. Neither have we taken advantage of the pathetic Tiger Woods to draw attention away from the fact that we were over confident and biffed it on the hill. Oh well I guess in a perfect world we would all love each other and cheer for the same team instead of bashing our competition as being "too Canadian."
I do not want to offend anyone really. I am greatful that America is letting my hubby go to school here and that I don't have to worry about choosing the right doctor or pharmacy because no one will give me an ounce of insurance...I mean Gray and I do enjoy the warmer weather and the better supply of cereal but with that said please consider giving us a break with all the jokes and comments. It is not my fault I love to cheer for the underdog and just happen to be from a country that finds itself in that position more often than not. I guess I was just born in the right place. And we still have a shot at curling and hockey!
To conclude this rant, I do have good friends here who don't judge me for being loud and Canadian. And for the most part I know they understand that I have a good heart in there somewhere.
Maybe I just watch too much TV.
BUT the real reason I wrote this post was to call out that nasty Rosalyn off of The Bachelor. For those of you who don't religiously watch this show (I do want to become like you one day) Rosalyn was a girl who got kicked off of the show for having "physical relations" with one of the producers... We'll call him Ryan. He got fired too. I totally think Jake is a flake (the bachelor) but this awful girl had bad intentions from the start and was so bold as to lie about it on national TV and swear on her son's life. The host Chris really is a smart and nice guy (even though he does shows like The Bachelor and ET Live at the Oscars.) Rosalyn went as far as to accuse Chris of hitting on the producer's wife. Nice try airhead. You are the one in question because you got caught...with the producer! What drama!! I promise that after next's week finale show I will no longer watch such smuck* on TV. It is such a waste of time.
To end, I'm gonna give a shout out to Team Canada and believe that we can medal a few more times. And another shout out to NBC that perhaps they will have a change of heart and show a Canadian winning a gold medal instead of going to commercial break right before the big moment and then showing the amazing feat in replay.
* I guess I should also confess that I will probably continue to watch a little bit of smuck on TV but I will for sure not post about again!!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
As I sit here at work I find myself with a few extra minutes which is almost unheard of. I have been reading all the blogs and most of you have posted new pics and posts. Sorry to disappoint but I am at work so there will be no pictures and really not much is going on with Gray and I. Like really. We lead a somewhat boring life.
However work is much better now that I have gotten the hang of things and I even discovered some new things about myself. For example, I love working in an office interacting with people and doing busy work. I like doing tax returns (gasp) and the guys I work with are pretty fun. On the downside I learned that I am a neurotic perfectionist. My sister Sara wrote a most hilarious post on her blog about perfectionism and when I finished reading it and giggling I realized that I totally fit the mold. You see we both live in the shadow of some pretty amazing parents and siblings and while Sara has her good looks and sense of humor to rely on, I tend to break down when stressed. And for all you slackers (like myself...see definition below)who didn't read the above mentioned post I will paraphrase what a neurotic perfectionist is. It is someone who never achieves anything because they feel like nothing is ever good enough...someone who suffers from anxiety, procrastination, unrealistic goal setting, AND a fear of making mistakes!
I was totally shocked...I now have a name (and an excuse) for what has ailed me for so long.
All my life I have avoided doing things because I was sure it was too hard and I would screw up. I never studied until the last minute and my lessons plans were never completed until the night before I taught them. I complained and slowly did my chores(my mom is anal about toilets) and I rarely applied for jobs that I was qualified for because I was afraid I wouldn't be any good. Hence the situation I am now in....working part time for almost nothing and window shopping way too much.
Even here at work I questioned and re-questioned what I was doing and double-triple checked everything I did. I was anxious about not screwing up and wanted to be good; like really good! After a while the guys told nicely to chill out cause I was doing fine and more importantly I knew what I was doing. So now I question less and try to believe that what I have done is right or close to. And while I may use this neurotic perfectionism as a crutch for the next little while, I do plan on working on know like not freaking out a lot and worrying about minor details. And I will try and set attainable goals like making my bed and cooking dinner. Hopefully as I get better at that stuff I will be able to relax at work and start applying for jobs I want. Heck I might even finish my wedding scrapbook (which has been a source of discomfort and anxiety because I want it perfect and I am not a perfect scrapbooker yet and I need to print out better pictures and find cuter cardstock....bah)
I guess I will start small and go from there. I am going to do better and be calmer and act cooler. I am really going to start to take care of myself and let loose a bit. I am so ready to get over all my setbacks and move on with my life. In fact I am so ready I am gonna start right tomorrow...or maybe next week... Well I will for sure start by March cause I can do a new month/new goal theme. I will get started for reals....maybe just not right now.
However work is much better now that I have gotten the hang of things and I even discovered some new things about myself. For example, I love working in an office interacting with people and doing busy work. I like doing tax returns (gasp) and the guys I work with are pretty fun. On the downside I learned that I am a neurotic perfectionist. My sister Sara wrote a most hilarious post on her blog about perfectionism and when I finished reading it and giggling I realized that I totally fit the mold. You see we both live in the shadow of some pretty amazing parents and siblings and while Sara has her good looks and sense of humor to rely on, I tend to break down when stressed. And for all you slackers (like myself...see definition below)who didn't read the above mentioned post I will paraphrase what a neurotic perfectionist is. It is someone who never achieves anything because they feel like nothing is ever good enough...someone who suffers from anxiety, procrastination, unrealistic goal setting, AND a fear of making mistakes!
I was totally shocked...I now have a name (and an excuse) for what has ailed me for so long.
All my life I have avoided doing things because I was sure it was too hard and I would screw up. I never studied until the last minute and my lessons plans were never completed until the night before I taught them. I complained and slowly did my chores(my mom is anal about toilets) and I rarely applied for jobs that I was qualified for because I was afraid I wouldn't be any good. Hence the situation I am now in....working part time for almost nothing and window shopping way too much.
Even here at work I questioned and re-questioned what I was doing and double-triple checked everything I did. I was anxious about not screwing up and wanted to be good; like really good! After a while the guys told nicely to chill out cause I was doing fine and more importantly I knew what I was doing. So now I question less and try to believe that what I have done is right or close to. And while I may use this neurotic perfectionism as a crutch for the next little while, I do plan on working on know like not freaking out a lot and worrying about minor details. And I will try and set attainable goals like making my bed and cooking dinner. Hopefully as I get better at that stuff I will be able to relax at work and start applying for jobs I want. Heck I might even finish my wedding scrapbook (which has been a source of discomfort and anxiety because I want it perfect and I am not a perfect scrapbooker yet and I need to print out better pictures and find cuter cardstock....bah)
I guess I will start small and go from there. I am going to do better and be calmer and act cooler. I am really going to start to take care of myself and let loose a bit. I am so ready to get over all my setbacks and move on with my life. In fact I am so ready I am gonna start right tomorrow...or maybe next week... Well I will for sure start by March cause I can do a new month/new goal theme. I will get started for reals....maybe just not right now.
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