Tuesday, December 1, 2009

A September Tradition

I'm itching to blog about October and November, but can't until our September California adventure was documented. (I sure hope all those people that say you can print off your blogs weren't just blowing smoke, this has taken over scrapbooking, so sad:) Millions of pics here we come!

So if for some reason you are tracking our lives and have a book with where and when we go (creepy, but just in case) then you would probably be wondering why EVERY September for the last 6 years we venture off to Disneyland. My husband's work has a conference every Sept in Irvine at their region office, so I just happen to tag along with the three kids, double stroller, pack n' play, 8 suitcases and cooler (yes you read correctly). It is a good thing that they are extremely family oriented. So this has just become our tradition! We always tack on a little Disney/beach after the conference, but this year we decided to tack on alittle more than normal!

Halloween... BEST time of the year to visit Mickey (next to Christmas).
Because Nick's mom works at the same place we had the pleasure of spending a lot of time with Papa Craig and Grandma Kris.

Nothing beats a stroll down Main Street. Do a little window shopping...
A little mouth watering...

Amazing that they start out green just like my apples do, but their end result is a little different than ours! LOVE THEIR CARAMEL APPLES!

I think we have had this picture taken maybe 6 different times in this same spot over the years. Pooh Corner is beloved by many and obsessed by few...us.
I was so proud of my Cooper. While we were down by Pooh I convinced him to go on Splash with me. It is my favorite ride so the tough kid that he is was determined to go with me. Barely tall enough, barely brave enough, barely made it through without crying. Still not sure if his pants were wet from the ride or something else... After the ride, Nick said, "Wow Coops, is there any ride you won't go on?" With a blank stare he replied, "yup....matterhorn...(long pause)...just kidding!" He also rode Space Mtn Ghost Galaxy. Afterwards he held up his thumb and finger saying that he was just a teeny bit scared. Pants still wet. lol
Tom Sawyers Island----
We have never been over to Tom's Island so we decided to take the Ferry across and enjoy not feeling rushed.

My kids were quite the posers over there.

There were rope bridges around the island and Sam and Coop did fine.

Pax was a little wobbly,

and eventually he gave up. Poor kid, he only has 8 months of walking under his belt and we expected him to cross a moving bridge! What a cutie!

This seriously depicts my kids all too well. Oh their faces, how I have seen those faces all too often in my life!

Woody's Round-up----

Over by Thunder Mtn they had a great area to just relax, listen to music, color, and they even had a magician for kids.

The kids wondering if there is really fire back there.

And Pax just enjoying his daddy. For some reason just kept putting Nick's hands over his ears.


And the nights that we didn't fall asleep on the shuttle ride back to the hotel were spent like this. Sam coloring and Pax eating, always eating.
Newport Beach---

We only spent one day at the beach (wish we had spent more) but it was wonderful.
Pax hated the sand and did not get off his towell for at least 20 min. He made this face everytime he touched it. You would think all the hours playing in the dirt in our backyard would have prepared him:)

I really have to say that I really love my kids. They are little stinkers sometimes don't get me wrong, and for some reason my Cooper won't stop calling everyone Susan (Monsters Vs. Aliens) BUT... I love them more than anything and they are amazing kids.
Here is a perfect example of a 'stinker' moment. Nick built a castle with the kids, when finished someone got King Kong going and crashed it down.

So we had phase two of the castle and it turned out great. Sam walked up and down the beach to find shells to decorate.

So normally this would be the end of our trip. But we got this CRAZY idea to drive up to Modesto, CA to see Nick's sister/family. I say crazy idea but it was actually mine, so I guess it was awesome:) Anyways we hadn't seen the Feltons in over two years (they had never met Pax) so we drove the extra 9 hours (supposed to be 5 hrs) to spend a couple more days with them.

We spent time at the girls soccer games on Saturday.
My beautiful Sis-in-law with her beautiful daughter.
Coop and Papa, well I am not sure what they are doing but Cooper makes this face a lot and I am starting to understand where he got it from.

The grandkids tormenting Papa. They decided to disfigure his face with tape. What???

Grandma bought all the girls new Christmas dresses and when they got home we had a fashion show going on.

All three of my kids had a blast and there was always someone to play with. I love cousins. We laughed, moved the Feltons from one house to another, ate a lot of food,

I mean a lot of food, and had a great time.

Feltons thank you so much for letting us crash at your house for a whole week with only a few hours notice. We love you guys and miss you already!!

Too Cute.