Once upon a time a boy named Carter decided he would ask a girl to prom. Though he was recently 16, and a novice at the whole dating scene, he did know you couldn't just go up and ask a girl but had to do it with a little flair. After enlisting the help of his mom (who has a serious problem of always thinking in puns) and a talented Grandma (who is always willing and able to turn his mom's cheesiness into something cool), a plan was hatched. Carter and his mom made sure to pick a night where the girl would be away from home, and arranged to go and plaster packages of Extra sticks of gum all over her room. Then, they put the cool poster (see above) on a post just inside the door to her room.
Several weeks later, after much planning, tux shopping, and anticipation, the big night arrived. Carter's cousin Jeff was in the group, and the 2 handsome, young men were willing to pose for some pictures in their tuxes prior to picking up their dates.
Carter and his date Moriah.
Moriah, Ali, Victoria, Ashlyn, Terin
Jeff, Jared, Zach, Carter, Callen