Monday's Muse, 34th edition.

Current Theme Song (aka what's playing on my ipod right now): Life Won't Wait by Ozzy Osbourne.

The idea of Monday's Muse is to introduce you to unknown, forgotten, or overlooked fiction that has been lost from regular radar. I am WriterGirl. I am in the business of saving lives, one book at a time.

What I do is go to amazon, narrow it down to a YA field and type in a random word, any word that comes to mind. I then take a sampling of some I have never heard of before, or only vaguely heard of (and hopefully you as well). No infringement is intended for any description I take for the books. It's purely for promotional reasons. I will try and cover as many genres as possible that are fitting for the random word. Simple but it really uncovers some incredible gems. I will be doing this every other Monday. If there are any words you want to prompt me with, go ahead and fire away.

Today's random word:

Wheels of Change: How Women Rode the Bicycle to Freedom (With a Few Flat Tires Along the Way) by Sue Macy.

Take a lively look at women's history from aboard a bicycle, which granted females the freedom of mobility and helped empower women's liberation. Through vintage photographs, advertisements, cartoons, and songs, Wheels of Change transports young readers to bygone eras to see how women used the bicycle to improve their lives. Witty in tone and scrapbook-like in presentation, the book deftly covers early (and comical) objections, influence on fashion, and impact on social change inspired by the bicycle, which, according to Susan B. Anthony, "has done more to emancipate women than anything else in the world."

Freedom's Children: Young Civil Rights Activists Tell Their Own Stories by Ellen S. Levine.

The names of those whose voices are heard in these pages are not recorded in textbooks, yet their childhoods in Alabama, Mississippi or Arkansas were marked by acts of extraordinary courage that collectively altered the course of American history. They were among the participants, and in some cases the leaders, of numerous civil rights demonstrations in the 1960s, many of which had violent, tragic outcomes. These individuals, whom Levine doggedly tracked down, were some of the first black young people to attend formerly all-white schools; to participate in sit-ins at segregated lunch counters in stores; to become Freedom Riders, protesting illegal segregation on interstate buses; and to wage the arduous, bloody fight to secure voting rights for blacks. Chronicling all of these campaigns--as well as shocking incidents of senseless beatings, unjust jailings and murders--these first-person accounts are articulate and affecting. Representative are the words of Gladis Williams, repeatedly arrested for taking part in protests during her high school years in Montgomery: "So far as having fear, we didn't even know what fear was. We just had our minds set on freedom, and that was it." --Publisher's Weekly.

The Freedom Business: Including a Narrative of the Life & Adventures of Venture, a Native of Africa by Venture Smith, Marilyn Nelson, and Deborah Dancy.

Poems in various forms parallel the reproduced text of A Narrative of the Life & Adventures of Venture, a Native of Africa, published in 1798. Nelson's depictions and interpretations of scenes from Venture's account bring a musical, emotional, and inquisitive context to the true story of an enslaved African who eventually bought freedom for himself and his family. Similar in format to Fortune's Bones (2004) and Carver (2001, both Front St), the volume features poems on the right-hand pages, facing the ongoing narrative on the left (amazingly, the two keep pace). Text floats over abstract earth-toned art that lends qualities of light and texture to match the tone of each selection. The poems have both the sense of natural speech and of oratory, giving rhythmic majesty to intensely detailed physical and emotional landscapes. They are dense but rich, and encourage readers to approach the 18th-century narrative (which may seem oddly narrow-minded or stilted to today's youngsters) in a variety of ways. Respectful of both her audience and her subject, Nelson adds to her unique body of work connecting youngsters to history through a combination of primary-source material and verse. —Nina Lindsay, Oakland Public Library, CA, School Library Journal.

Bamboo People by Mitali Perkins.

With authenticity, insight, and compassion, Perkins delivers another culturally rich coming-of-age novel. Two teens on opposing sides of ethnic conflict in modern-day Burma (Myanmar) tell an intertwined story that poignantly reveals the fear, violence, prejudice, and hardships they both experience. Chiko, a quiet, studious student whose medical doctor father has been arrested as a traitor, is seized by the government and forced into military training. Chiko is groomed for guerrilla warfare against the Karenni, a Burmese minority group living in villages and refugee camps along the Thai-Burma border. After he and his patrol stumble into land mines, Tu Reh, an angry Karenni and rebel fighter, must decide whether or not to save him. Tu Reh's home was destroyed by Burmese soldiers, and he struggles with his conscience and his desire for revenge and independence. Both Chiko and Tu Reh are caught in a conflict that neither fully understands. Family, friendships, and loyalty have shaped their lives. But as young soldiers, they face harrowing situations, profound suffering, and life-and-death decisions. Both boys learn the meaning of courage. Chiko and Tu Reh are dynamic narrators whose adolescent angst and perspectives permeate the trauma of their daily lives. Dialogue and descriptions are vibrant; characters are memorable; cultural characteristics are smoothly incorporated; and the story is well paced. Perkins has infused her narrative with universal themes that will inspire readers to ponder humanitarian issues, reasons for ethnic conflict, and the effects of war. The author's notes provide helpful background information on Burmese history and the ongoing military regime's repression of minorities.–Gerry Larson, Durham School of the Arts, NC, School Library Journal.

Feature Fun Friday - Solstice Book Trailer by PJ Hoover

Current Theme Song (aka what's playing on my ipod right now): Anumati by E.S Posthumus.

This trailer took me by surprise. It is really well done and pulls you in just enough to make you curious and wanting more. It's an ebook only, but I must say, I've been eyeing ereaders with a lot more interest now, and this would have to be one of my first first purchases. And for less than $3, what do you have to lose? That's less than a happy meal. :) Mythology meets Dystopian? I'm in. :) (I'm just hoping there is more than Greek mythology in there. Me = Myth Geek).

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Another New Idea Bouncing Around....

Current Theme Song (aka what's playing on my ipod right now): White Shadows by Coldplay.

I'm thinking of doing something new. Again, I will just warn you straight out of the gate that this is one of those "mulling" ideas that tend to bounce around my head like a bouncey-ball you can't catch, and is thus prone to becoming erratic and random. Like me. ^_^ I am not so good with the strict follow-through in all aspects of my life (which is why I will profusely apologize to any emails sent to me. If you haven't heard back from me yet, send it again. Your email is likely all ready to be sent but is in the draft folder and I've forgotten about it, or I read it and thought I replied. Cupcakes are owed to a great many people, I think).


This new idea popped into my head once I discovered I have an immense propensity for finding fan-creations/mashups of works (especially book related. See here, here, and here for just a few examples. Click on the first one for sure, it leads to a free downloadable song.) :)

Since I love it so much, I'm thinking of making it a semi-erratic feature on here. Again (let's put up the user license agreement thingy beforehand), I don't know how often it will be, or on what. Probably as I find them. And I may move them over to my other, currently completely unused blog right now, who knows? But I think this could be a lot of fun. And I'm realizing more and more that that is exactly what blogging is supposed to be about. Not about the numbers or the secret "advantages" you can gain, but just having a ball. So I am. Because I think this is seriously cool.

Here is the first example. Look! It's Star Wars meets Where the Wild Things Are! How cool is that?! :D

Only thing is, I don't know what to call it...

Feature Fun Friday - Happy 100 Years NYPL!

Current Theme Song (aka what's playing on my ipod right now): We Didn't Start the Fire by Billy Joel.

What can I say that this video does not already say, and far more eloquently? And I think this may be said of all libraries, not just the New York Public Library. But it is their birthday, and it is a time to celebrate. Here is to 100 years, and let's hope it is just the beginning of many more.

New York Public Library Lions Tribute from Tim Miller on Vimeo.

Patience and Fortitude Rock.

Current Theme Song (aka what's playing on my ipod right now): Astrid Goes For a Spin by John Powell [How To Train Your Dragon soundtrack].

Gah! This is driving me nuts! I thought I had found THE PERFECT video for this week's Feature Fun Friday. The. Perfect. I mean, it is the 100th anniversary of the New York Public Library this weekend and lo and behold! There was a video talking about LEGO LIONS of Patience and Fortitude the library commissioned. How cool is that?! But of course - no embedding option. Grrr......


I'm copying a screenshot above, and then you can click said sir linky here to get to the video. So ha. I defeated the system. Somewhat.

Because I'm sorry, but Patience and Fortitude are really cool (those are the names of the two lions, by the way. Trivia you can stump your friends on!). They are icons for heaven's sake! When I went to NY and we could only pick two sites each to see (so we could see all of them), guess which one I picked straight out of the gate? Yeah. They are so cool, it is even my profile pic for this blog.

*waits while you look in upper left-hand corner*

See? :) (I'm next to Fortitude)

Like I said, Patience and Fortitude Rock.