(There were so many people my team didn't get a chance to meet up, but I did find some of my fellow Stroller Strides gals.)
This morning we all woke up bright and early, I think I heard a rooster somewhere, to see me run in my first Beach to Bay Relay Marathon! Now that it's all said and done, it wasn't too bad, but while I was doing it....it was pretty hard! But my goal was to complete my part of the relay without walking and I can proudly say that I can check this off my list! My part was 4.67 miles and it took me 52minutes, which averages out as 11 minute miles. I have to admit I loved the energy I felt before, during and after the race. Having those endorphins and feeling that runner's high feels great and having Russ and Grace Ann at the finish line was awesome! My husband was the best today with his encouraging words and just getting up that early on a Saturday when he'd much rather be fishing. Grace Ann was a trooper, too. We took her swimming after I ran so Russ could see her swim underwater (something she learned at swim lessons) and she was so tired by the time we went to Cole Park for the end of the race.
Now that I have this finished,I can look forward to our trip to Germany and France! We are leaving Monday afternoon at 4:25 and arrive in Frankfurt on Tues., at 9:05am. Please say a little traveling prayer for us, since GA will be our special little travel companion!
Oh and can you believe it our little miss is 9 months today!!!!!