Tuesday, July 5, 2011

I Love Ewe Finished...

One more finish to share. I Love Ewe was a free chart designed by Sanman Originals. I really love the colors that Sandy chose for this design, they blend so nice together. I stitched this one on 18 ct white aida with DMC threads.

I am still working on A Treasured Time and finally have one of the trees almost done. I am not liking all those blended colors and since the kit was purchased on line, I never noticed that much of the pattern is only half stitches done with 2-4 threads. It kind of makes it go faster but it is not so neat looking up close. Probably just a bit of OCD coming out but I like my stitching to look smooth and even.

Until Next Time,


Thursday, June 30, 2011

Goodwill Find...

I don't go to Goodwill very often and when I do I usually don't have much luck finding anything especially anything stitchy. Earlier this week I happened to stop in and I am sure you will understand my excitement when I found this treasure amongst some other craft supplies. I opened it, everything appears to be there and whoever had it had never started it. The best part was the price...$3.99 I have had this on my list for a while and am doing a major happy dance!

Headed off to finish my class then hope to get back home and get some stitching time in.

Until Next Time,


Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Geranium House Finished...

Just a quick post to share a finish today. I finished up Geranium House by Country Cottage Needle works. I stitched it on 28 ct over one with the threads the pattern called for. The spot on the left side is just a dry spot, when I took the photo I had just rinsed it and ironed it and was still wet, excpet for that one spot. Wasn't thinking when I rinsed it that some of the threads were overdyed Crescent Colours but thankfully they did not run.

Off to do some more studying, have to finish a Serve Safe course tomorrow and take a test after...seems kind of strange to have my son helping me study for a change instead of me helping him.

Until Next Time,

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Another Summer Goal...

Another goal for the summer for me is to lose some weight, eat healthy and to get some exercise every day. Last Saturday, I joined Weight Watchers and although I didn't stick 100% to the plan, I did eat better, exercised a little and I managed to lose 2.6 pounds. The new plan is a little different but it seems pretty easy once you use it for a couple of days. Here's to another week of losing it one pound at a time :)

Until Next Time,


Friday, June 24, 2011

Christmas Ornaments...

Just a couple of Christmas ornament pieces to share today. I didn't get any stitching done today, I had to attend a Serve Safe class. I am feeling pretty stiff tonight, its been a long time since I have sat at one of those chairs with the desk part connected for a whole day and my body isn't quite as the same size it was 25 years ago either...

I completed the stitching on these two pieces during the time I wasn't blogging. I hope to get these and some other ornaments finished off sometime this fall.

Quaker Snowman

Designed by: Midnight Stitching
18 ct aida with DMC threads

Season of Love

Designed by: Country Cottage Needleworks
28 ct evenweave over one with DMC threads

Until Next Time,


Thursday, June 23, 2011

Catching Up...

Summer vacation is finally here...One of my goals for vacation is to get my blog updated and get back to blogging on a regular basis. Not only have I missed not blogging but I have missed visiting other Stitcher's blogs and seeing all the beautiful projects being worked on. Although I have not posted, I have been doing some stitching so I think that's a good sign. Here are some small Valentine pieces I have completed since my last post.


Designed by: The Stitcherhood

18 ct aida with DMC threads


Designed By: Primitive Bettys

18 ct aida with DMC threads

Stitched With Love (Mini Heart)

Designed By Plum Pudding Needleart

18 ct aida with DMC threads

Stitched With Love (Sampler)

Designed by Plum Pudding Needleart

25 ct over 1 with DMC threads

I have pulled out my wip of A Treasured Time to work on and although I love the piece, I feel a bit overwhelmed when I work on it. I have done large projects before with lots of color changes with no problems but this one with the colored chart and all the blended colors is really challanging me. I figure if I can just work an hour or so a day on it and it really starts to look like something it may get a bit easier. I can only hope...right?

Until Next Time,


Thursday, February 3, 2011


Not sure where December and January went but it sure flew by...I couldn't believe how long it has been a long time since I last posted! December was a busy month with holiday activites and the usual shopping and wrapping. Tyler and I enjoyed two weeks of vacation for Christmas this year, although Hubby had to work, he at least had a couple of long weekends. Our family enjoyed a quiet Christmas at home, we went to a Chinese restaurant for lunch and to the movies in the afternoon. We really enjoyed doing that and I think it will be a new family tradition.

I didn't get any cross stitching done for Christmas this year but I did make a couple of dishcloth sets as gifts for friends. Each set had three solid dishcloths and a matching scrubbie. Unfortunately, I only took photos of this one set. I was really pleased with the finish and since I have lots of cotton yarn to use up I think I will make some for me sometime soon.

Here is the completed set

Close up of the design on the cloth, all three were basket weave pattern

Close up of the scrubbie which was crocheted

Life as I know it has really changed..My son got his drivers license on January 21st. He took his road test for the second time in a huge snow storm and passed! I am very happy for him and it sure has freed up alot of my time. I have been cleaning out, taking things to Good Will and last week I actually stitched a couple of hours every afternoon, something I haven't done for a very long time. I completed a few things, I just have to press them and take some photos. I hope to get alot more projects completed this year then last, my list of finishes was pretty pitiful looking.

I guess I just never realized how much time I spent waiting to pick him up everyday after school, taking him to practice, picking him up from practice and taking him to everything else he was involved with. I really like the extra free time but I must admit, somedays I feel a bit bored and a bit less needed...My son is quickly becoming an independent mature young man but in my eyes I will always see that little boy out in the yard picking a bouquet of dandelions and handing them to me with a big smile on his face and a twinkle in his eye :)

Until Next Time,

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Gingerbread Tree Finished....

I finished up this little cutie over Thanksgiving break. It is Gingerbread Tree designed by Little House Needleworks, the pattern was in the JCS Ornament Preview a few months ago. I stitched this over one on 28 ct evenweave with DMC threads. Because it is so small, I did the french knots for the eyes and buttons. I usually don't mind french knots but doing them on the smaller count fabric was not fun, it was hard to get them semi-even and to make them look separate and not like one big black blob!

I am now working on Season of Love by Country Cottage Needleworks, that was in the same issue. I also printed off a bunch of free Christmas charts I have been wanting to stitch, so hopefully I will beable to get a couple more finishes in before the end of the year.

Until Next Time,

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Two Halloween Finishes....

I know Thanksgiving is tomorrow and Halloween is long gone but I recently finished up the stitching on these two small pieces and wanted to share them. Although I didn't get them finished until after Halloween, I will at least have some new pieces to display next year. I am still stitching every day, some days more then others but at least I feel like I am moving in the right direction.

First up is Sanman Originals Halloween Quaker. This chart was a gift chart to members of the Sanman Message Board during their Halloween Stitch A Long. It was a fun stitch and I really enjoyed working on it. This is one of the designs that started me back stitching again. I stitched it on 18ct antique white aida with DMC threads. If I ever stitch it again, I think I would change the letters spelling Halloween to purple, just to add another color and to make the letters pop a bit.

This next finish is one of my all time favorites, it is designed by Ladybug Designs and is from one of the JCS Halloween issues. I just love this piece! I am going to look for some more charts from this designer. This one still needs the buttons but I am not sure if I am going to add them or not, I kind of like it just the way it is. Happy Owl-O-Ween is stitched over 2 on 32 ct Lambswool with DMC threads.

I am currently working on a small Christmas Ornament from one of the JCS preview magazines. i only had to work Monday and Tuesday this week, so I hope to find some extra time to stitch and hopefully, I will have another finish to show soon :)

Intil Next Time,


Saturday, November 20, 2010

A Small Finish And More...

I haven't had much desire to stitch for almost a year now and have been trying to get my stitching mojo back. A few weeks ago, I finally decided to put this Prairie Schooler piece on the back burner and move on to something else for a bit. For some reason I have had to frog alot on this piece and I think it was just getting the best of me. This is my progress when I put it away.

I am stitching it over one on 28 ct lambswool with DMC threads. There isn't alot more to do and I probably should keep working on it but at this point I am tired of looking at it and have no desire to work on it. I am going to put it away for a while and hopefully finish it sometime in 2011.
I finished up stitching Boo Kitty by Brittercup. The design was in one of the JCS Halloween magazines and was fun to do. It is just so cute!

I stitched this one on 28ct lambswool over one with DMC threads. Since I stitched this over one it is quite a bit smaller so I am going to have to find a tiny spider button as the one the pattern called for is too big now.

I have a couple of other small finishes to post later and am currently working on some knitted dishcloth sets for a Christmas. It sure feels good to "want" to stitch again and I hope my mojo continues to grow because I sure have missed it.

Until Next Time,
